i think him doing it during the wedding is very likely but it's also possible that he couldnt do the spell bcs they made another spell that link both of their primordial spirit together then (look at 1:45 in the mv below), it seems like the red thread contains both of their primordial spirit, so maybe that's why once both of them were together the red thread got knotted (bcs before this, immortal li and xiangyun were also having trouble with the red thread but the red thread didnt get knotted then, and the red thread seems to to resonate to xiangyun in that scene.


and at 1:23 in the same mv, it looks like he did managed to do the love protection spell (it looks like it anyways) so maybe this is instead their first lifetime together instead of their last incarnation, and then they met again in the heavenly realm. (and maybe that's how the fate loop started) at this point i'm reaching for any crumb lol.

maybe they first met as both of them went to the mortal realm to experience tribulations (or they just went to the lower realm like xiao lanhua and dongfang cingfang did in love between fairy and devil), she became his master, they fell in love and when they got back to the heavenly realm, continued their relationship, got married...

also saw this on twitter


and if you look at the other mv, at 0:13, when they met 30k yrs ago, he seems like he know her when they first met. 


and this theory seems plausible to me bcs immortal li's action. he ripped up blank pages of the linglong hearts tribulation but continued to write the next tribulation. even if he knew that he's gonna 'die' by god haoxuan, it's still pretty weird for him to rip up his unfinished work but write the next tribulation in advance.

another thing is that Red Thread Master seems to have different version of why he decided to enlightened Xiangyun into a fairy, and at first it seems like a drunken talk but if we consider it's a fate loop then it's make sense

Oh I actually didn't watch those MVs before. They spoiled quite a bit. It definitely looks like they did a double ritual with the soul protection and red thread binding. Interesting pick up on him saying  lifetime(3x) 

"and if you look at the other mv, at 0:13, when they met 30k yrs ago, he seems like he know her when they first met. "

"and at 1:23 in the same mv, it looks like he did managed to do the love protection spell (it looks like it anyways) so maybe this is instead their first lifetime together instead of their last incarnation, and then they met again in the heavenly realm. (and maybe that's how the fate loop started) at this point i'm reaching for any crumb lol."

That makes sense. The only thing is since she didn't seem like she knew him but he might know her, then that means something must have happened in the first lifetime and that's when the loop started and him meeting her as CH is their first incarnation? I just assumed CH would be the first lifetime and the rest follows after. 

I was thinking that the Red Thread Master just wanted to hide her real identity (CH) and talked in circles to distract her, but that could be a possibility.

I was wondering when Immortal Li had the time to write the third tribulation because I thought that Haoxuan killed him shortly after he left his place. What's his reason for ripping out the endings? I thought it might have been Haoxuan who did it since it seemed like he was messing around with the writing in the 2nd tribulation. 

I was trying to see if the clock turning had any significance. The first two times it turned counter-clockwise, the third time clockwise, but they didn't show it turning in the 4th life so maybe it has no meaning and just there for aesthetics ?

"I just assumed CH would be the first lifetime and the rest follows after."

i rewatched the first few episodes and i'd say the mortal lifetime happened 30 k years ago too, probably the first lifetime they experience together, bcs remember how CK said he saw these visions when he met XY after their first tribulation? one of the vision was of the sword dance that you mentioned before. 

i'm still unsure why they decided that the lifetime would be last (from the countdown poster) tho, unless it is a fate loop and their beginning would be their ending

"I was trying to see if the clock turning had any significance. The first two times it turned counter-clockwise, the third time clockwise, but they didn't show it turning in the 4th life so maybe it has no meaning and just there for aesthetics ?"

i just read a translation of the director's(?) i think, weibo, and he said there's a lot of foreshadowing still untold so this might be it too but the significance of it still unknown to us now.  also, i think in the second and third lifetimes, the clock changed after their trial.


"I was wondering when Immortal Li had the time to write the third tribulation because I thought that Haoxuan killed him shortly after he left his place. What's his reason for ripping out the endings? I thought it might have been Haoxuan who did it since it seemed like he was messing around with the writing in the 2nd tribulation."

the thing i'm confused about is if it's God Haoxuan, why would he ripped up blank pages? Sushang (Goddess of Fate) told them that the book were unfinished, and the pages that were ripped up were blank. honestly, at this point i'm not sure if he wants to kill chu kong or want him to recover. bcs i assume if he recover, then the memory from the massacre would also came back, and he would know the truth of it. and he would never kill CH if he has the memory

From the past several episodes it seems that CK really doesn't remember exactly what went on 30.000 years ago – unless he feigns ignorance and just fishes for information, but then he wouldn't be so obvious about it. It seems that he might already suspect that XY is Cang Hai, but doesn't want to see it. 

I wonder: did the Soul Protection Spell fail because he already used it on her before? .... Or maybe she was the one who cast it on CK? (same primordial spirit source, so maybe same clan, so same clan spells...?) 30.000 years ago, maybe Cang Hai took 90% damage for CK and eventually became a cloud and he only suffered a memory loss.....?

"the thing i'm confused about is if it's God Haoxuan, why would he ripped up blank pages? Sushang (Goddess of Fate) told them that the book were unfinished, and the pages that were ripped up were blank. honestly, at this point i'm not sure if he wants to kill chu kong or want him to recover. bcs i assume if he recover, then the memory from the massacre would also came back, and he would know the truth of it. and he would never kill CH if he has the memory"

If the ending pages of the tribulations were always blank then none of the endings we saw where XY died protecting CK and then CK died protecting XY were expected to happen. Immortal Li said he can write key points, but the details are dependent on how they play it out. I would imagine a tragic death would be a key point. If the last pages are taken out then an ending can't be pre-written. Then God Haoxuan can change the course of what happens before the ending? I think the whole experiencing mortal love trial was just an excuse. He didn't expect that it would be XY who ended up being his tribulation partner due to their fate. That's why he asked to see her after he saw that the 2nd trial went through successfully. It looks like God Haoxuan was taking chances with the recovering memory so that he could try to kill CK while he's in his mortal form (the shadow lord parts), but he keeps failing every time. I'm guessing if he can kill CK as a mortal before he finishes the tribulation then technically CK wouldn't regain his primordial spirit or memory? 


From the past several episodes it seems that CK really doesn't remember exactly what went on 30.000 years ago – unless he feigns ignorance and just fishes for information, but then he wouldn't be so obvious about it. It seems that he might already suspect that XY is Cang Hai, but doesn't want to see it. 

I wonder: did the Soul Protection Spell fail because he already used it on her before? .... Or maybe she was the one who cast it on CK? (same primordial spirit source, so maybe same clan, so same clan spells...?) 30.000 years ago, maybe Cang Hai took 90% damage for CK and eventually became a cloud and he only suffered a memory loss.....?

Judging from today's episodes, I guess he didn't really remember. I need them explain later what that scene in ep one was all about then. I have questions! ? 

damn what you said Lan_Lan made sense. it seems like god haoxuan doesnt really like his brother as much as we thought or he doesnt like cang hai, and in extension xiang yun

 Bored Kitty:

damn what you said Lan_Lan made sense. it seems like god haoxuan doesnt really like his brother as much as we thought or he doesnt like cang hai, and in extension xiang yun

Idk if it's because of the way the actor chose to play it that way, but from his facial expression sometimes I get a feeling that he does care about CK, but is trying to keep him from CH for some reason.


Idk if it's because of the way the actor chose to play it that way, but from his facial expression sometimes I get a feeling that he does care about CK, but is trying to keep him from CH for some reason.

welp we got our answers tonight, he's just afraid chu kong will upstage him. and i guess the 'elixirs' he gave to the protector will play a role on how chu kong willingly sacrifice herself

Ugh I was like nooo don’t feed them that poison. This whole side story of the Moluo twins is turning out to be a lot deeper than it appeared at the beginning. 

i also feels like there's more to the story that what we know so far (i guess the protector told the kids to be loyal and value cang hai above everything else bcs he felt guilty). i'm also very curious who's the other princess is and her role in this story. another thing i's curious about is these 'premonitions' that chu kong and cang hai had about each other, it could be destiny or it could be something that someone planned for them, like they said once they met, it felt like they've known each other for a very long time already.

God Haoxuan said they only shared the same mother, so it means he wouldn’t be legitimately an heir anyway. Waste of time for him going around causing chaos for a throne that’s not his. The twin sister was a twist I didn’t see coming. There’s not many episodes left. I hope the plot doesn’t get convoluted with so many things thrown in last minute. I’m curious about them connecting before actually meeting as well. At first, when CH said she’s been dreaming of him since young, I thought it was because XY has reincarnated as her so subconsciously she already met CK. It must be relating to the fate loop somehow.


God Haoxuan said they only shared the same mother, so it means he wouldn’t be legitimately an heir anyway. Waste of time for him going around causing chaos for a throne that’s not his. The twin sister was a twist I didn’t see coming. There’s not many episodes left. I hope the plot doesn’t get convoluted with so many things thrown in last minute. I’m curious about them connecting before actually meeting as well. At first, when CH said she’s been dreaming of him since young, I thought it was because XY has reincarnated as her so subconsciously she already met CK. It must be relating to the fate loop somehow.

it's making me a bit anxious tbh bcs we only have about 10 episodes left, and there's a lot of things we still dont know, and there's about three lifetimes (including this one, and the demon ones and the final one) and 10 episodes seems too little to cover all of it, not to mention the plot and stuff in heavenly realm too... 

omggggggg this theory is indeed true

now i'm thinking since chu kong remembers everything, that must've meant he know how he's going to end up, and i cant imagine how desperate and helpless he must've felt going through with it still knowing their endings, exhausting every options and possibilities for a slimmer of hope that it'll turn differently