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Most Good-looking Asian Actors

Would love to see a representative of each country (SK/HK/JP/TW/CN/TH/PH) in preferably top 10/20 on this list. Keep voting! Please note the word country is used only for ease of term. Supplementary list is provided here, Hottest Male Actors Who Age Like a Fine Wine (born 1985 and above, Korean age accepted). Please click/point your cursor on the word 'here'.

907 people 2825 voters 149 loves 53
VOTE: Best Family K-Dramas

Vote for your favorite. Family's love, family's pressure, and family values in dramas. 

65 titles 248 voters 36 loves 4
Top Prettiest Actress 2024

Vote For The Prettiest Actresses!

151 people 93 voters 2 loves
Best OSTs
126 titles 291 voters 16 loves 1
48 titles

wuxia, fantasy, xianxia, supernatural, sci-fi

140 titles

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