Red Wine in the Dark Night (2015) poster
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Ratings: 5.9/10 from 5,503 users
# of Watchers: 11,439
Reviews: 42 users
Ranked #11233
Popularity #1640
Watchers 5,503

Wine, a young man with an angelic physique, meets by chance a boy of his age who turns out to be totally amnesiac. A special bond is formed between them when Wine realizes the nature of the unknown: the latter is a creature of the night , thirsty for blood and put to the torture by lack. Wine ends up letting him quench his thirst on him, crossing the point of no return at the same time. Around them gravitate to Tee, Wine's ex-boyfriend who is struggling to accept his homosexuality, and Boy, a long-time Wine-loving businessman who still hopes to conquer him. Between the three men, Wine is soon the target of many desires, the most disturbing of which do not necessarily come from the vampire (source: Wikipedia) Edit Translation

  • English
  • Tiếng Việt
  • magyar / magyar nyelv
  • dansk
  • Country: Thailand
  • Type: Movie
  • Release Date: Jul 23, 2015
  • Duration: 1 hr. 44 min.
  • Score: 5.9 (scored by 5,503 users)
  • Ranked: #11233
  • Popularity: #1640
  • Content Rating: 18+ Restricted (violence & profanity)

Cast & Credits


Red Wine in the Dark Night (2015) photo
Red Wine in the Dark Night (2015) photo
Red Wine in the Dark Night (2015) photo
Red Wine in the Dark Night (2015) photo
Red Wine in the Dark Night (2015) photo
Red Wine in the Dark Night (2015) photo


54 people found this review helpful
Feb 22, 2016
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 8.5
I wasnt expecting much because it was tagged as a thriller (which I dont watch many) and it wasn't labeled as supernatural or vampire (which I LOVE). But after the first 20 minutes, I was SO happy! The story is original and I didn't see that plot twist coming in the end. The story isn't really confusing but it is weird and at times makes you feel awkward because of the light sex scenes and strange behaviors.

The acting... OMG!! The cast was amazing but the acting was more than I expected of a movie like this. Night is like my new bias. I also love the subtle hints of vampirism that they used with Night like the Dracula haircut and the red eyes which signifies eye dryness (they are not human) or exposure to too much sunlight. Wine was so creepy and psycho it was scary how good he was.

The music was amazing. I really want the soundtrack. One minute there was beautiful, opera-like music and then 5 minutes later, it was eerie, dark and creepy music that made the atmosphere which is what music in movies is supposed to do.

I recommend this SO MUCH if you like vampires, revenge, psychotic behavior, and amnesia in the story (it has it all!). I certainly will watch it in the future when I remember it as being an mind-blowing movie.

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19 people found this review helpful
Jan 30, 2016
Completed 0
Overall 7.5
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 3.5
The movie was really weird, but is worth watching. I didn't enjoy the movie that much, but it's not quite bad and the acting is pretty great actually.

I did not expect Fluke Pongsatorn to act the way he did in the movie because of the shyness and innocence he exerted in My Bromance. My Bromance really painted the mental image of an innocent Pongsatorn and that was what I imagined his attitude to be the whole time watching this movie, but sadly it wasn't.

Overall, I don't find myself watching this movie again. It had some sad parts, but for 5 minutes of the whole movie. In comparison to My Bromance; I rather re-watch My Bromance over Red Wine in the Dark Knight.

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  • Movie: Red Wine in the Dark Night
  • Country: Thailand
  • Release Date: Jul 23, 2015
  • Duration: 1 hr. 44 min.
  • Content Rating: 18+ Restricted (violence & profanity)


  • Score: 5.9 (scored by 5,503 users)
  • Ranked: #11233
  • Popularity: #1640
  • Watchers: 11,439

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