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Where can I begin with this movie. I loved it! The story was so beautiful and tragic, I was crying into my blanket about half the time! I'm not sure how to review this movie without giving away spoilers so I'll just say that it is a must see!Kazuya Kamenashi as Yuuki is amazing. One of his best acting roles I think I've ever watched him in. He is such and optimistic character, and thinks of others before himself even though he is very ill.
If you don't cry at least one single tear before this movie is over, then you have no soul. It's a really, really great movie!
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The whole story is about a very energetic guy called Yuuki. He finds out that he has a disease only 8 people have ever had. Nobody knows the cause of it and it doesn't even have an official title. But Yuuki stays realy strong even when he hears it. He just asks to make up a title for it so that he would know the name of the demon he's fighting. And he stays a synonym to enegy and courage (jap. yuuki-courage). Even the friends who come to visit him say : "I came to encourage him but he ended up encouraging me".
Oh, yeah, one of many things I noticed and loved is that in the beginning of this movie Junji-san said that "Yuuki is nothing special - just someone to spend time together in a foreign country." and then later on he was like : " I thought we could follow wherever he went. I thought our road together was forever." And he talked about how in their 60's they would still be friends and talk about how bad the pensions are. That was touching. TT^TT
So, if you're down and want encouragement and/or just want to cry this is definitely a MUST WATCH! ^^
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Yuuki in my opinion honestly covers the ordeals of the people around the sick person perfectly.
The acting was just right. It wasn't overly melo or overly bittersweet.
I think this was one of Kazuya-chan's best acted characters.
Everyone was quite relatable. When someone is sick we tend to think that everyone suddenly starts to care for them 24/7 but the reality is everyone has their own life that they have to live even if it hurts to do so. and that was well expressed in Yuuki.
I started crying after the first scene cause all I could think about was my sister. Even though her illness is curable it still hurts us to see her in so much pain and I'm like Hama-chan, trying to pretend everything is fine. It's definitely worth watching, especially if you're feeling down and need a cleanse. Not because it will make you want to treasure life more or anything like that but because you can get a good cry out of it to calm yourself down.
"To comprehend the value of one year,
just ask the student who failed their entrance exam.
To comprehend the value of one month,
just ask a mother who gave birth to a premature baby.
To comprehend the value of one week,
just ask the editor of a weekly newspaper.
To comprehend the value of one hour,
Just ask the lovers who are waiting to meet.
To comprehend the value of one minute,
just ask the people who missed their stop on the train.
To comprehend the value of one second,
just ask the person who managed to avoid an accident just in time.
To comprehend the value of one tenth of a second,
just ask the person who ended up with the silver medal at the olympics.
The hands of the clock will continue ticking.
Therefore treasure every moment you have. And treat everyday as the utmost gift."
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This is one of those tearjerkers that are a must see. It makes you appreciate life and the people around you more.
I recommend this to anyone, Happy Watching! :)
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