31 people found this review helpful
Dec 24, 2017
24 of 24 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 7.5
This drama made me started to ask myself will I be the same person in the future ? or will the years change me ? .

I really loved this drama , it was so realistic & it is not just a youthful romance but also a slice of life drama without the heaviness that we usually find in this kind of genre . And is not like the normal romance stories where they love each other > break up cause of a 3rd party > end up together .. the end !!
Like the couple as it was stated in the summary they were separated for years , so they experienced different things & they became older , there is so much to think of & not just LOVE so that’s why I loved the story line .. the couple even if they are still in love with each other they have doubts in their relationship .

The concept of the drama is for mature audience ... you can see the lovey dovey type of romance in the past scenes but I wont consider it as the genre of drama .

Fan Kris is so cute ,  I am in love with his eyes they 're so beautiful , I liked his acting he portrayed the character well ..
As for the Leads as a couple they were cute but actually for me I loved the ( Zhu Xuan x Yuan Lang ) couple more they were more interesting and fun to watch .

The cinematography is so amazing ! I liked how they made the transition from the present to the past vise versa , it was so smooth that sometime got me confused  .

The OST was perfect it suited the drama mood .

The ending also got me confused at first but I loved it , I find the whole production is well executed ..

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Nabel Lucía
28 people found this review helpful
Jan 4, 2018
24 of 24 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 9.5
Rewatch Value 9.5

I mean, it was perfect. I love everything, HE is the ideal boyfriend: romantic, sweet, lovely, gentleman, and handsome. SHE, was perfect too: beautiful, brave, a REAL WOMAN.  I'm just too sad because it's over..... I feel like a bittersweet right now, but i'll be okay.
It is the typical love story that many would like to have but that is not part of the real reality that we live today.
I loved everything, the music, the direction, the acting, the characters, the relationships, the environment where it developed.
FOR THE FIRST TIME IN MY LIFE I SEE DRAMAS, I did not feel that the second protagonist deserved the main character (in a good way, he is a sweet man), but I feel that his place will never be her, and when they see, they will understand .
I watched this series at dawn on January 2, 2018 and finished it on the night of January 3, 2018.

A perfect start to the year. JUST WATCH IT!

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7 people found this review helpful
May 4, 2018
24 of 24 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 9.5
Rewatch Value 7.5
At first while watching this drama, i keep focusing on whether Ye Zi and Ze Yi will end up together or not. I really like the way they make us anticipate as they didn’t really tell us why did Ze Yi left her. This drama sometimes jumps a lot from one scene to another but its not hard at all for us to understand it. Overall this drama is really beautiful, the soundtrack makes you feel something inside your heart hahaha, like the pain they are going thru, and it suits the cinematography really well.

After around episode 15, I realised that this drama is trying to make us feel the beauty of youth and how we can change in the future as we grow up, especially how we feel on something. You can see in this drama that during college they could do anything for love but as we are growing up, there’s a lot of things that we need to think and work on, and love seems to be not as important as it is. That what makes us missed our youth moments. We dont have a lot of things to think of.

There’s a lot of nice quotes in this drama that makes me reflect on myself. This drama is beautiful, i can see that they didn’t intend to focus on the main character only. They put up some scenes about family too, where our parents are growing old and they might leave us. They put a scene abt what will we do when we know that we might leave a person that we love behind because of our disease. There’s a lot of things that this drama tried to show to us, and i really love it.

In every episode i can feel the pain of it. I cant really describe it well but I truly think that this drama deserves much love!

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7 people found this review helpful
Dec 21, 2018
24 of 24 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
This review may contain spoilers
Loved every single second of this drama! I found this on YouTube, MangoTV with English subtitles, so props for availability and not giving me the runaround. I put this on hold because the plot didn't sound interesting enough, but I boy was I wrong!

I really liked the opening song, an instrumental of the theme song "When I See Your Eyes," when I first clicked on the video and the other OSTs. At first, I really hated the spotty acting from the characters, the MCs, and the people surrounding them, but I later realized that it was done purposefully.

The two MCs, first meet in college and that's where the drama kinda (not really) starts off at. The characters (when they are portrayed as college students) are meant to come off as immature, naive, and cringy (as one would feel if they looked back to the past). Think all the times you stayed up thinking about cringy things you did when you were 13. However, when the characters are shown a couple years later, the acting is smooth and depicted as mature (an obvious sign of growth). The story flits back and forth from the past the present, using flashbacks to tell the story rather than just plain words.

The plot is simple, with few cliches, which is rare these days but has an amazing theme with tons of meaning behind each scene, which is, of course, subjective. Each character grows and you can really see the character development as each episode pasts. It's not draggy, the shots are beautiful (for what I assume is a lower budget drama), and the acting is pretty good.

You'll feel the angst as you try to figure out the plot, but it's well worth watching. You'll find yourself falling in love with this story and when you reach the end, you'll yearn for more. This drama is aimed more towards people who like watching romance, young love, and happy endings.

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PapayaSammy on twitch
4 people found this review helpful
Mar 10, 2019
24 of 24 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 8.0
I honestly went into this show knowing what to expect. I read the reviews, researched it and went back and fourth between other dramas just to start the first episode because I didn’t know truly what I was walking into. The reason I didn’t vote this a 10 star drama is because it still had flaws and at times I found myself skipping forward, I also had a love/hate relationship with the OST because at times it was wonderful and other times it was not. I’ve never seen these actors and actresses personally in any other show but watching this show was just fitting, they were just fitted for these characters. The whole show gives you a nostalgia feel from your first love and you may or may not have experienced that but just a huge nostalgia feel of heartbreak; the ache you feel is a familiar one, the tears, anxiety and stomach pain. It’s all too familiar and this show was fantastic at hitting all the spots, to everyone it may have been predictable but for myself, not really. I only could sense the fact that heartbreak was coming but the story was just all around nice thought out and put together but unfortunately the end to me was rushed. It was a sense of real life to me though, the unknown, not knowing whether something was going to be a happy end or not or if things would fall into place. So if you’re hesitating on watching this show, by all means, I understand. But if you’re debating whether you should watch it, don’t, just watch it. All around it’ll put you into the feels with tears and flash back to those same times you experienced and if you’ve never experienced it you’ll still feel the connection between the characters where your heart will ache because it’s all too familiar.

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3 people found this review helpful
Jul 6, 2023
24 of 24 episodes seen
Completed 2
Overall 8.5
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 8.5

Mature and Realistic portrayal of Second-Chance Romance

I took a lot of notes for my review while watching “Where The Lost Ones Go”. That could only mean either I really like the drama or really hate it, and this is going to be a long review. Luckily, I quite enjoy this drama, despite watching this in 2023, six years after the drama was aired. The drama does not feel dated at all.

Do not mistake this for a romantic comedy or slice-of-life drama about cute and fluffy college life. Yes, the college life scenes are full of rainbows and sunshine, and lots of cute scenes. But the real deal is the mature and realistic portrayal of the main romance after the leads reunited many years later. “Where The Lost Ones Go” somehow reminds me of a more mature and melo version of “Lighter and Princess” without the ‘toxic’ relationship.

What I Like:

1. Fan Shi Qi (as Xiang Ze Yi) - I have a big crush on him. He is not the traditional idol-handsome type. But his portrayal of Xiang Ze Yi impresses me so much. He is adorable as the fun-loving, extroverted, charming daredevil in college. He was charismatic and all eyes were on him. Years later, Fan Shi Qi is able to portray a very different XZY. He lives in darkness, wallows in self-pity a little, heartbroken and lost all his former charm and confidence. I would never have guessed he has such range as an actor. I also found out he started his career as a singer and winning singing competitions. His voice is lovely and he sings a few songs from the OST.

2. Main Character - Xiang Ze Yi is the perfect boyfriend in college. He’s smart, caring, fun, sweet and considerate. Ye Zi, on the other hand, is a very strong and independent female lead. She doesn’t shy away from challenges and confronts them head on. She is not afraid to speak up. They are fun to watch.

3. Main Leads Chemistry/Romance - During the college portion of the drama, you can see the obvious chemistry between the leads. I was smiling ear-to-ear during their lovey-dovey scenes. Xiang Ze Yi and Ye Zi are so cute together, from every day banter to the romantic gestures. When they are older, I appreciate that the drama doesn’t automatically have the leads get back together and live happily ever after. They have matured and become more cautious about their feelings and actions. We know in real life, things don’t always happen like in fairy tales. ML has changed after what he went through. He’s not the same person that FL fell in love with back in college. The drama doesn’t assume FL will throw herself at him after waiting for so many years. It takes time for them to fall in love with who they are in the present and not trying to become who they were.

4. No Dubbing - I am quite surprised that a 2017 drama wasn’t dubbed! The actors all used their own voices and there’s even live recording. There are some emotional scenes where you could tell the actors were letting all their emotions fly high, and the live recording really adds to my viewing pleasure. There’s a scene in the last few episodes when ML was having a breakdown and Fan Shi Qi obviously slipped on a piece of paper and fell on his butt. He continued acting as if nothing happened.

5. Color/Tone - I don’t usually pay attention to the color/tone of the drama. But I recognized it here and couldn’t keep thinking about it. During the college scenes, the lighting and coloring are obviously bright and sunny. It exudes youthfulness and happiness. Once the scenes switch to the present timeline, the colors are obviously a little more muted. Scenes of ML in his apartment are always very dark and give off a sadder vibe. He doesn’t turn on lights and always wears dark clothes. Not just ML’s scenes, but others as well. They are just not as bright and colorful as the college scenes. I quite like this contrast.

6. OST - This drama features a pretty big catalog of songs. They are all lovely and as I said, I fell in love with Fan Shi Qi’s voice. His song “Leaves”, which is also the name of FL, is played often. When he sang it the first time without music (though not live) it was lovely and romantic. Subsequent times always convey a very sad undertone. Unfortunately, I could not find the songs or OST on Spotify. I guess it’s because this is an older and not very popular drama.

7. Fashion - Great fashion for all characters. FL has the nicest wardrobe and has the LARGEST AND BEST COLLECTION OF EARRINGS!! I’ve never seen a female lead change her earrings in every single scene/episode. Song Yan Fei looks beautiful in all her outfits in the present day timeline. Fan Shi Qi looks great in casual wear and in his sports jacket. He got the build to wear any clothes. Xiao Shun Yao might have had the worst hairstyle during his college days, but when he’s in a suit and has his bangs all gelled up, he looks dashing as the second male lead.

What I have Mixed Feelings or Don’t Like:

1. Romance of Supporting Cast - I wasn’t too invested in the other women’s romance storylines. For a 24-episode drama with 4 female characters, there isn’t enough time to give each of the women their deserved time to give us a well-written story. I don’t know if we really need to pair them all up with a guy. The stories are not bad, just not great either.

2. Timeline Changes - The college and present day timeline switches back and forth quite often in the first 10 or so episodes. Sometimes, it’s quite abrupt and it took me a second to re-adjust. Oftentimes, the drama might give you a black screen to indicate the change, but not all the time. They also don’t tell you which year the timeline is switching to.

3. Loud BGM - As much as I love all the songs in this drama, the music is played way too loud. Oftentimes, the songs are played when the actors are speaking or during a monologue and then the music will cut off all of a sudden. I wish they could tone down the volume a little.

4. Medical side plot- I understand the Alzheimher’s plot is needed to help FL re-evaluate what she wants. But the brain tumor is so unnecessary. It’s taking away precious time from the main couple. They already have fewer scenes together in the last few episodes and I wish the drama would have spent the time on them instead.

I am glad I stumbled upon this drama and recommend it to those who are looking for a more mature and realistic take of second-chance romance. But if you are only wanting something light and fluffy, this is not the drama for you. I am glad I re-discovered Fan Shi Qi after seeing him in “Qing Qing Zi Jin”.

Other Random Observations:
1. College means dorky bangs for all guys. Grown-ups all have their bangs gelled up.
2. It’s still a 2017 drama, so there are a few slow-mo romantic scenes with bright backlight. But only for a few episodes.
3. All the men in this drama are capable of making unique romantic speeches, even the ones that claim they are not romantic. I really enjoy all of them.
4. Poor 2ML - I feel for him. Such a great guy and has done so much for FL, but it’s not meant to be.
5. No evil parents. Hooray! We even have a lovely heart-to-heart talk between ML and FL’s father.
6. I will never understand how a 2ML in a C-drama always proposes to the FL when they have never dated and the FL never expresses interest in him.

Completed: 7/5/2023 - Review #327

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Ongoing 21/24
3 people found this review helpful
Oct 20, 2020
21 of 24 episodes seen
Ongoing 0
Overall 10
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.5
Rewatch Value 9.5
This review may contain spoilers
Chanced upon this treasure, #wherethelostonesgo drama of Fan Shiqi, a story about first love, second chances, and it will make you reminisce your first love. how in our younger years we dont have a care in the world but our love, how we are willing to face the world as long as you have love.. but later on, when we get older, have responsibilities you realize that there are other factors that will come and love is not easy as it was and not as important it seems..

Its a beautiful drama. Fan Shiqi did a wonderful job here. His young confident self and insecure damaged older self was so convincing it broke my heart watching him. His eyes are so expressive that he acts with it.. You can feel his emotions just by looking into his eyes. props to him for having this talent.

OST is beautiful as well.

still in episode 21, and i have been anticipating the ending as much as i didnt want it to end. though the earlier episodes are a bit childish there was a reason for it and you will know as the story progresses. im still in their restart phase im hopeful it overflow with love moving forward. ❤
highly recommended. ❤

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2 people found this review helpful
Jan 23, 2018
24 of 24 episodes seen
Completed 1
Overall 9.0
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 7.5
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 9.0
I agreed with other as why not enough viewers for this drama??!!!  I do think some of the songs they choose was not fitting, maybe just me??!!!  There are really great romantic sense, especially during their college years. I do wish I would have that kind of romance.    So happy I found it.    I hope more people would give this a chance.  This story is more realistic to real life.  It show how we changes from different stages of our lives.  But really like the happy ending.  Now I am searching for the next drama.  :)
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2 people found this review helpful
Aug 7, 2023
24 of 24 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 6.5
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 6.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 1.0

Where the artist get emotional

This is the story about the meeh girl who fell in to some water with a hot guy and kept falling in to the dark depths of youthful love and loss... And the guy who started off as mr charming but quickly turned in to mr jealousy in need of anger management... As we get to hop back and forth between these twos youth and their inevitable parting with only the lighting and colors and hint of facial hair to tell us what year it is.

The story itself has potential and is not that bad, the side characters range between boring and annoying with a friendship built on booz and not much more.

So this was not really for me however the fl was not stupid most of the time, had some good lines and not to bad personality, just misses some kind of spark. The male lead actually gets to cry showing us that boys can cry! I also appreciate how they show that life is not always easy and some frustration.

That said there are just a few to many things that made me either bored of feel like saying oh come on, or just shut the **** to actually enjoy this.

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2 people found this review helpful
Jun 8, 2019
24 of 24 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 10
Rewatch Value 9.5
For me, it is one of those hidden gems in the industry. As I stumbled upon it, I never expected anything but it definitely blew me away.

It may not be everyone's cup of tea and everyone would not even agree but the directing style, cinematography and the soundtrack made me keep on going on the story. I love how they use flashback-forward at the beginning. It may get confusing to some and some may don't like it but it is really something to take note for.

As for the story, there's this sense of realism that anyone could find something to relate to. I love the words and phrases that they used in this drama. It makes you think about your life. I love how it can convey wisdom.

The acting is good. Really good. For this drama, the male lead really caught my attention. He was really good with expressions especially conveying emotions through his eyes. I know he will go far. His good voice is also a plus.

Overall, I am impressed. I did not sign up for anything starting this one but I really gained a lot. It made me realize a lot and made me think more about life. For me, this drama will be remembered. It may seem underrated but for me it is a class on its own. I will always recommend this and I will definitely rewatch this again.

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2 people found this review helpful
May 8, 2018
24 of 24 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 9.0
This drama exceeds expectations. I have to admit, I struggled through the start of the first episode, turning my back on it a few times before I got hooked onto the show. At first glance, this drama looked like the typical school romance film with many cliches. But WOW. If you got stuck like me, PLEASE PLEASE JUST GIVE IT A CHANCE.

Firstly, the storyline was great. I cant say that it was REALLY TRULY very original, but the entire story was great. Everything flowed logically, and smoothly, no hiccups along the way. The drama will keep you hooked the entire time, as it switches from the past to the present. It kept me so intrigued that I just continued watching and completed the show in one seating HAHAH. The whole drama was done SO well. I know that the switch between past and present might be a little confusing for some, but I feel that it made the entire show even better.

Of course, the one that seals the deal to a perfect drama is the acting. I have watched many dramas and I did not recognise any actors in this show. Obviously, standards were then set low. But woah, the actors are perfect (ESPECIALLY THE MAIN LEADS). Personally, I felt that this show was an emotional rollercoaster and thankfully, the leads delivered their emotions well. Especially for the male lead Kris, his change was drastic, and he portrayed the difference so well. And props to him that he can act without any lines, just a look and it can get me into tears. :(

The female lead was so beautiful!! I must say the guy stole the show for me. But she did well to. She brought her character to life and she complemented Kris so well!! And their chemistry was amazing. I could literally feel their emotions and their love for each other throughout the show. The other characters also came to life! The supporting roles brought fun and smiles to the show :)

As for the music, you know that its good when you start humming along to the music when it comes on. HAHHA

To sum it up, PLEASE WATCH THE SHOW. I must say this is one of the most underrated shows I have ever watched. Before this, I was struggling to start watching any drama cause I felt that I couldnt be emotionally committed. But this drama made a good start to my drama craze again! Story is great, actors are better. It is so good that I cant get out of it to watch my next show properly HAHAHAH.

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2 people found this review helpful
Apr 2, 2021
24 of 24 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 5.5
Story 5.0
Acting/Cast 6.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 4.0

Cliche but cute

I felt like the weakest part of this was the overarching story and the side characters; on the other hand, the main leads had a great dynamic together and I especially loved their college days.

The main leads were pretty much the only characters I cared about and I utterly loved their dynamic and them individually. The FL was shy in public but wasn't the typical stupid, ditzy FL — she was open and warm around people she trusted, she was smart, and she knew what she wanted in life and never let her relationships define her. The ML was outgoing and fun, his character development tragic but understandable.

Unfortunately, this drama suffers from the same issue that a lot of short college dramas suffer from — wanting to give side characters a romance arc and yet not dedicating time to their backstories and personalities. FL's best friend was annoyingly peppy; the other roommates and all of ML's friends were the same and I couldn't tell them apart.

The dual timelines were a little hard to tell apart — I'm not sure if this is more of an editing issue where the ambiance of the scenes and the look of the characters weren't different enough.

The overall plot with why the ML had to leave is ultimately really cliche; it's definitely a trope that I've seen before and expected. I felt like the development of the relationship post-time jump could have been done better, but ultimately I still liked how you could see hints of the characters' old personalities as well as their growth during that time.

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