8 people found this review helpful
Aug 11, 2014
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 8.5
Saw how high the ratings for this drama was on here and decided to watch it and I have to say this drama is such a MASTERPIECE
I mostly do not watch noir or super violent dramas but this drama had me on the edge of my seat for every episode with its plot twists and cliff hangers!
At first, the drama is confusing but I recommend people to watch it and stick it through the very first episodes.
This was the first time I saw all of the cast except Nam Gyu Ri in 49 Days and everyone's acting was exceptional especially Jung Kyung Ho. He has got to be the baddest gangster ever. His acting is superb and flawless, conveying different types of emotions which always pulled at my heart. Truly one of SK's finest actors!
Every character was given so much depth and dimensions. My favorite characters besides Doctor's Son was Jin Sook, Soo and Safari.
I was disappointed at the lack of scenes for our leading couple and how the ending was played out. Needless to say, the drama is still wonderful and great despite the ending.
I will definitely miss this drama. It has rose to one of my top dramas of all time!

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Jan 8, 2014
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 8.0
Finally got around to watching Cruel City. I had heard about this but I had no idea I would love it this much. But what’s not to love?








Those are just some of the things I like in a drama. But if you are a fan of those, you might definitely want to start watching this.

Apart from all that, we have a very well written cop/ganster drama. If you don’t like action/thriller dramas, this is not for you. There’s romance in this, yes, and personally I love it but it’s not what drives the show.

I gave the story a 7 because there's this one thing that I think they used a bit too much in this drama for it to be believable. Otherwise, the story is really good.

Anyway, one of the best dramas of the year for sure.

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Sep 5, 2013
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
Where do I start with this drama?

[Side note: I love revenge dramas, one of my favorite categories. I happen to watch this and Incarnation of Money at the same time. In my opinion, Incarnation of Money surpassed this drama in not only plot-wise but also pace-wise. I recommend if you enjoyed this drama, watch Incarnation of Money next.]

To begin with, the soundtrack was amazing. I ended up downloading many of the songs played in the drama up until the end, such as there were some awkward songs that didn't go with some scenes.

The end of the drama also seemed rushed because some scenes were recorded with a very shaky effect, like a documentary and there were way too many scenes with unnecessary closeups.

Overall, I really enjoyed this drama but I didn't love it. This drama did not have me on the edge of my seat until the very end. It was a continuos plot of "I'll kill you...later" up until the end.

I didn't at all like Min Hong Ki, especially toward the end. It was as if he was giving police badges to people like lollipops. It become so annoying how many people at the end were undercover cops and how many were shot through the head.

One aspect that I actually hated about this drama was the damn reporter that had the hots for Ji Hyeong Min. WTF, bitch?! His girlfriend of many years, who he was about to propose was murdered, and then this woman pops up and tries at every given moment to flirt with him and make dates. HE JUST LOST HIS BELOVED! IT TAKES TIME TO MOVE ON!!!!

Moving on, I love the concept of knives and swords because it makes fighting fair than rather with a gun but in this drama, seriously, why didn't any of the characters carry guns?! Would have solved so many issues, but then the drama would have been short.

The actors, great overall performance by them. My favorite was the actor that played Safari; he was such a wild card, I loved his character to the end.

Because this was a drama noir, the romance given was ok. This drama didn't need romance to make it watchable. I liked how it was well-balanced with the drama, action, and romance.

Why I rated this drama a 9 was because the last 2 episodes felt rushed. Overall, as stated, I enjoyed this drama and the acting but it also ended with an ambiguous ending, so that was annoying.

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5 people found this review helpful
Sep 27, 2020
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.5
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 7.5
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 6.5
This review may contain spoilers
Oh how I so wanted to give you a higher score because of so many things you did right.

This is one of my favorite types of crime dramas where it dives deeper into the belly of the underworld politics. Not portrayed as just a world of rotten villains, but realistically as those who have a different way of life, either by choice or just by rotten fate. And whether you're wearing a uniform or managing politics of the illegal, the concept of human bonds, greed, and selfishness are the same.

Let's start with the positives:

Clapping my hands to the many awesome characters and actors who've played their roles. Particularly our main lead, Jung Kyung Ho. Who knew I would develop yet another in-the-moment crush on you since I saw Prison Playbook?

You know the plot works when you find yourself falling in line with the lead's shoes, watching as he painfully peels away at layers and layers of betrayal, never knowing can be trusted and who can't.

Now the negatives:

I wish they had written out Yoon Soo Min completely. Her character was implanted into the plot poorly from the beginning all the way to the end. She was a bratty, confused, mental case who thought the world revolved around her and was seriously undeserving of the feelings she received. She wouldn't have been so detrimental to the series if she hadn't dragged down many of the strong players around her. I was slowly losing approval of my favorite characters because of how they were "impacted" by her. Ending up skipping the majority of her screen time unless it actually added to the story.

While the overall plot was well-done as mentioned above, it does start to get a bit messy towards the last few episodes and the ending was a bit of a disappointment. It was as if they lost their energy due to the earlier intensity and wrapped it up quickly so they can take a nap. Also, why do so many series make it so obvious that someone is about to die with misplaced build-ups of dramatics?

I would still recommend giving this a watch because the positives it does have, is done better than many. And if you aren't as bothered by Yoon Soo Min as I was, you'll enjoy it that much more.

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Oct 30, 2017
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 7.5
I avoided this drama for such a long time. The poster didn't look appealing, the cast not interesting enough.  But now I've finally finished this gem within 2 to 3 days. There were so many things I loved about this drama, and it certainly made me put everything else aside. I rushed through the story like I haven't done for a very long time because I fell down a very deep rabbit hole. And despite my sudden addiction to this, I had a hard time rating it.

The drama has a very good, fast pace throughout the whole  story. There was a well woven net of deception and order of events that led to a well carried (but also kinda calm) finale, even though I still  felt like being in the middle of the story at the beginning of the final episode. I could have watched so much more. Seriously.

Characters (played by a high level cast) were so well written, so multifaceted, so likable - some more, some less. There  were bad guys who were bad and clever, good guys were good and clever,  the police was actually police and seemed to get its job done properly while the power-division/struggle was evenly shared and well balanced. There was always the right amount of give and take and there was no one who would always have the upper hand.

Action scenes were also very well choreographed without looking excessive, but still emanating some coolness. The best thing about that part: Even though there were many fights with one guy versus many gangsters... They never made them look like superhumans with endless physical strength and stamina. Regarding the environment they grew up, they were of course well trained. But that never meant that they were able to take on a bunch of ruthless thugs and get away unscathed. They either got beaten pretty badly or were able to run away in the end. And that is way more realistic than everything else you so often see in other dramas.

Romance was... intense and hot but sometimes also on  the short side. I mean I'm a fan of dramas where romantic scenes appear  rather rarely. Because when they do happen they feel so much deeper.  And I just wished that those rare scenes in this story would have been  extended a little bit. Though I can't blame the writers either because  there was so much to tell in this story since there were so many great  characters, that it must have been difficult to pack everything in 20  episodes.

Jung Kyung Ho was fantastic in almost every aspect...  Yes, you heard right. "Almost." :P And this is probably only a personal  matter of taste. I'm not really a fan of those high pitched sounds when someone is crying. I mean... don't get me wrong, it totally fitted the  moment and showed an increased level of emotion necessary for that  scene, and it was definitely done splendidly by him. And maybe I'm only complaining about this tiny little thing, because I was looking for perfection after all that praise, but it still got me a little distracted. Though I wouldn't let this small matter affect my rating.

It was a great and very entertaining, moving  and captivating drama nonetheless, and it by all means deserves all the  praise it's getting.

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6 people found this review helpful
May 30, 2014
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 6.0
Rewatch Value 10
If you see no other action drama in your life YOU HAVE TO SEE THIS ONE!
I started watching this drama as it was airing last year and I can honestly say despite not knowing anyone in the cast it had my interest as soon as I saw the trailer. The cast is FANTASTIC! Every actor played their part amazingly. There wasn't a single episode (except maybe the first one) where I wasn't on the edge of my seat to find out what happens next. Jung Kyung Ho is solidified as one of my favorite drama actors of all time! I can't say too much because even a little gives a lot away. I will say however that there is an alternate ending to the show (which I personally liked better than the aired one!!) so be sure to check that out.

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14 people found this review helpful
Aug 16, 2013
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 10
Rewatch Value 7.0
To sum up Heartless City, it is a combination of Infernal Affairs, Shawshank Redemption and maybe CSI.

The story is well crafted and tightly written to keep you on your toes. There are so many twists in the story that keep you hooked, and I mean HOOKED, to the show. Facades are slowly peeled back to reveal the relationships and connections between the characters through secret conversations and flashbacks that tease the real story, layer by layer. Utterly fascinating and addictive. It’s no wonder that the writer spent 6 years perfecting the script.

As a general theme, it is difficult to pinpoint any one character being the hero. There are no heroes, no one emerges blameless. Everyone perpetrates a wrongdoing in some way. This is what I really like about the story.

What stops me from calling this a perfect show is the middle part of it - about episodes 11-15 - during which the story did not develop much. There’s probably at least 2 episodes’ worth of wasted story. The good point about this show also becomes a flaw later on. Loyalties and alliances that keep shifting and changing are only interesting up to a point. After a while they become tiring to follow (that’s what I felt). Perhaps that's just me being lazy.

I like that the love affair is not the central relationship in the show, which gives good time to the other relationships in the story - the sisterly relationship between Jin Sook and Soo Min, the brotherly relationship between Soo and Shi Hyun, the father-son relationship between Hyung Min and Commissioner Ji, etc.

I also like the ending.

Jung Kyung Ho is, no doubt, the star of the show. I noticed him from the show Smile, You in which he played such a cheery character that it was hard to imagine him playing such a fiery, smouldering bada**.

I’ve never liked Nam Gyuri - I always found her look too plastic and thus restricting her ability to emote. However, the transformation she makes as a character is interesting to watch. Even though I didn’t like her face (literally), I think she does a decent job, though I would have preferred a more established actress to portray the character.

I have never seen any of Lee Jae Yoon’s shows before. I think he did a pretty decent job.

The soundtrack is pretty exciting and sexy.

All in all, a good, serious and heavy watch.

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17 people found this review helpful
Jul 11, 2013
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
Love the atmosphere of this drama, much more exciting than Shark, and one of the best dramas of the year! For a critic of aesthetics, I love the fashion and room designs, very classy and gorgeous. And can I say, Jung Kyung Ho is so handsome and is definitely on my list of up and coming actors. After coming this far into the drama, all I can wish for is a perfect ending!
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9 people found this review helpful
Aug 1, 2013
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
Definitely a good show to watch. It's not the typical show, and it won't be common to come by something this good. It started out really good and captivating. The only thing I didn't like is the rushed ending, but overall it was amazing.

The actors are definitely phenomenal especially JKH's portrayal of Doctor's Son. He makes up for a lot of the others' flaws. His chemistry with NGR's Soo Min is breathtaking. Although love isn't the main focus of this show, their relationship is significant and something new, especially with all the Korean dramas out there.

The plot is captivating. You'll be sucked in, and it'll be a little confusing at first but you'll get used to it and understand later on. It just flows with the theme... I'm actually rewatching it with someone else now, which actually made me understand more and realize some significant points.

Don't pass this by, you'll regret it!

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4 people found this review helpful
Jan 14, 2021
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 5.0
This review may contain spoilers

Cruel, Bleak...and Totally Worth It.

Honestly, I hate when reviews rave about a show like it's a life-changing experience. When someone starts throwing around terms like "masters of the craft," "tour de force," and "magnum opus," I usually just roll my eyes and scroll away. So now watch me become a hypocrite and get positively gushy about this drama (almost as gushy as all the stab wounds in this show):

If you are a fan of neo-noir film, this is absolutely a must-watch. Or, if you are simply looking for something different than the typical Kdrama tropes, give this a try. Problems do not get tied neatly with a bow, romance is intense but not the central theme, and characters are painted in shades of grey (rather than obviously good or evil). Yes, you'll have to decide for yourself if you like someone, rather than letting the plot tell you if you should.

Expect atmospheric camera shots and seductive music to frame each scene. It's easy to get drawn into this sordid but glamorous world, where heroes and villains alike will do anything at all to move their own interests forward and protect those closest to them. The characters you despise in the beginning may tug at your heartstrings later on.

Central to all this is Doctor's Son, played with hypnotic finesse by Jung Kyung Ho. I really have not seen an actor play a role quite like this one with such elegance and sex appeal. His character is defined by calculating ruthlessness, but there are glimpses into his emotions that are just as powerful. In different hands, one might wonder how such a cut-throat person is able to consistently gain loyalty and affection from the people around him, but in this performance, it's completely believable. I have seen Jung Kyung Ho in other dramas, so I already knew he's a good actor, but this one was truly captivating. I'd love to see him return to this style in the future.

The other characters are intriguing and well-cast. In my opinion, the standouts were Kim Yoo Mi as Lee Jin Suk and Choi Moo Sung as Safari, but everyone was truly wonderful to watch. The actors brought that special "something" that makes a drama feel alive. I didn't feel like I was watching actors, but rather, real people. One could easily go into a character study for almost of all of them, taking quite some time to break down their motivations and personalities. Don't worry, I won't do that here. I do encourage you, though, to do so yourself as you watch!

I'm sure you've heard other people go on about the music and how great it is. It really is that good. The ending theme gives that strangely pleasant feeling of melancholy. Yet, it's actually the instrumental pieces that give the most sizzle. I would pay good money to have that sexy guitar be the soundtrack to my life. I'm sure everything I did would look about 100x cooler.

So after all that long-winded praise, why did I only give it an 8.5? Let me briefly explain the beefs I had. You read this far, might as well see it through to the end.

Yes, there were some plot holes. I can get past them, but I recognize that the scripting isn't perfect. But seriously, where will you find a show with perfect scripting? Seriously, if you know of one, let me know, because I haven't seen it.

The character of Lee Jin Suk was the character about whom I was the most uncertain as to how I felt. She is portrayed as a loyal and intelligent woman who will fiercely protect those she loves. By the end of the show, I really did care about her and empathized with her pain. was never addressed whatsoever that she was literally an attempted child groomer. In the flashbacks to Doc's childhood, she speaks to him flirtatiously, and at one point even overtly sexually. Once he is an adult, she tells people that he's her boyfriend behind his back. I might have been able to get past this if she had ever apologized to him, but that never happened. Instead, it all seemed to be written in as part of her deep love for him. What? Does no one else find that icky? The other issue I took with her character was that, after fighting tooth and nail to drag herself out of prostitution, she chose to enrich herself by becoming a madam. She even tries multiple times to dissuade Soo Min from working there, as she is fully aware of its horrors. Yet, she has no problem employing other women in that capacity. Why?

I also couldn't understand why they introduced that alcoholic reporter girl as a half-baked attempt to give Ji Hyeong Min a (living) love interest. This woman is fully aware that he is still grieving the loss of his murdered girlfriend, yet she weasels her way into his life by offering tips in his case, some of which turn out to be worthless. They don't even give closure to that relationship in the end. So, why was she included at all?

My other very important and not-at-all nitpicky gripes:
Why are the women always wearing stilettos to scenarios in which they know they'll need to fend off attackers or run for their lives? Why does everyone slam on the brakes so aggressively? And why is Doctor's Son's hair so perfect all the time? Doesn't matter if he's in a knife fight, getting beat up, or having sex, his hair stays gorgeous. Major plot hole, I tell you!

Okay, got all that out of my system. Overall, this was a truly excellent drama. I highly recommend it. Sexy, thrilling, and sometimes brutal, it's definitely for adults. If you're interested in something darker than most Kdramas that still feels human, put this at the top of your list.

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5 people found this review helpful
May 11, 2017
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 2
Overall 9.0
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 7.0
This review may contain spoilers
“The world is like a mirror. If you curse and spit at it, the world will curse and spit back at you. If you smile, I am sure the world will follow and smile back at you too.” Jung Si-Hyun

Before I start I would like to clarify one thing, I have watched 10 eps of this drama when it first started airing back in 2013 and then stopped (but that was no fault of the drama! I got busy with real life so I had to pause it and now I had to start all over again *which I didn't mind at all*). So you see the problem here after so many years have passed, there is a big chance that I may not feel the same as I would have had I finished it on time, but impressively enough this drama is one of those exceptional ones that keeps its great ‘quality’ preserved against time aka TIMELESS.

Writing a spoiler-free review for this drama is nearly impossible, but here goes.

'Moo Jeong Dosi' aka ‘Heartless City’ is extraordinary, unique, and lethal (yes lethal but I mean that in a good way). If I had to define Moo Jeong Dosi in simple sentences >>

- The story of charismatic men, and memorable characters with unique nicknames.
- Midnight summer dream in the heart of winter; fragile, but not frail, yet raw and omnivore.
- A world where nobody’s clear-cut good or bad. Everybody’s a shade of gray.
- Murky, intoxicating and twisted.
- Beautifully cruel, ruthless and dark but in slow cold motion.

As the cinematography is glimmering in the darkness, the story deals with a breathtaking confrontation between big drug organization and the police. Each of the characters' backstories is a whole different drama on its own! Human 'desire' and 'anguish' were the center theme of this drama in a world where 'white and black' does not exist.

Despite the slight drawbacks in the story and the few potholes, the storyline was intriguing and captivating enough to say that Heartless City rightfully deserves all the praise it has been scoring. I cannot stress enough on how much I enjoyed the coolness and slow motion feels that I’ve got from this drama as I was watching; it helped me savor every minute even though no ep actually dragged but there was that chill sensational feeling to it.

Characters (according to the ones that left the most impression on me):

Baksa Adil aka Professor’s son (Jung Kyung Ho): Before I start I have something that I’d like to say to Kyung Ho-ssi “WTH have you been doing since this drama?! Seriously, what… why…? I demand that we take you back 4 years ago for you to re-think your drama choices again!” :(
Jung Kyung Ho as Baksa Adil is in one word >> PERFECTION. He was simply astonishing, pouring heart and soul into Jung Si-Hyun’s multifaceted and multilayered character. Delivering pain in an aristocratic way. Jung Kyung Ho is truly the LORD of this drama. Who wouldn’t love Baksa Adil? He’s one of those few drama characters that will rightfully remain in your memory. The quietly dangerous air about Baksa Adil is mesmerizing and irresistible! What’s more, is the hidden tenderness in all that cold ruthlessness especially towards his loved ones. Even when he is fighting he managed to remain elegant, charismatic and mesmerizing. JKH’s presence dominated the scenes! No words could ever do his performance any justice. I'll just end it saying>> This is by far the best performance and character I've seen for JKH-ssi (please bring back that glory!).

Safari Samchun (Uncle) aka Moon Deok Bae (Choi Moo Sung): Safari is my heartbreaker (second to Baksa). Everything about Safari, from the nickname to the hair style to the Busan accent to his unconditional love for Jin Sook… it will all reside in your memory. Every bits and pieces of this man is wonderful, you can’t help but love him despite how strongly you disagree with his actions. CMS is an underrated actor. An actor who manages to embody each character he plays as if he’s an entirely different actor each time. His style of acting is rather peculiar in such a deep breathtaking way. His facial expressions, the moment Safari entered the scene I knew immediately that I’m going to fall in love with him. I plead to the K industry to please bless us with more of CMS in the future.

Last but not least, Jin Sook Noona (Kim Yoo Mi): The most intriguing aspect of her character is her relationship with the guys, Si-Hyun, Safari and Hong Ki but most of all her relationship with Si-Hyun. A relation that I still can't define, a relation that’s quite vague yet captivating and touching. I have never seen such complex undefined relation in a drama before and yet it still managed to move my heart. Jin Sook is gorgeous, strong, independent, prideful, sexy, cold and tender at the same time. Kim Yoo Mi has managed to stand her grounds among charismatic beasts of male actors.

Slow, raw, cool and very fitting.

This drama has its own beauty that sets it apart from anything else I’ve seen. The atmosphere, the vibes, the cinematography, the poetic elegance in the fighting scenes, the memorable characters and their unique nicknames… everything just screams “memorable”, so despite my personal complains regarding the plot itself and some of the other actors in the cast, I still loved and enjoyed every second of this intoxicating dark beauty.

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12 people found this review helpful
Aug 2, 2013
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 7.0
The beauty of Cruel City is in my opinion the plot twists.

The music was really good. It was making the mood more exciting and fitted very well. There was even a little part that reminded me of the Godfather.

So, should you watch this? Absolutely! This is a series I would recommend to a lot of people. It has a nice balance and interesting plot, that makes it great material for a broad public. It is something both sexes will enjoy.

Read more: Reviewers need love too in this cruel city/world! Please like my review.
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