
Girlfriend, Boyfriend (also stylized as Gf*Bf) is a 2012 Taiwanese film directed by Gillies Ya-che Yang. The film released on August 8, 2012.

In the 1980s, high school students Aaron, Mabel and Liam are best friends and also caught in a love triangle. As the three friends go through the turbulent times, when social revolution takes hold over martial law, their relationships go through many ups and downs.

umm what is this thread about......lol
Girlfriend Boyfriend. It was really well designed. I've never seen something like it.
Is that a movie or a drama?
Is this supposed to be a discussion thread for this movie? lol

I'm only asking because I'm updating the "directory".
I think Bannie loves to confuse people hehe
infiniti512 wrote: I think Bannie loves to confuse people hehe

put up a random google img i found for now. didnt think it will be confusing since i posted this movie of the year in the taiwanese movie section. -.-
bannie wrote: put up a random google img i found for now. didnt think it will be confusing since i posted this movie of the year in the taiwanese movie section. -.-

Why? What is the point? If you are going to make a thread put some thought & effort into it otherwise kindly refrain.
_Rosie wrote: Why? What is the point? If you are going to make a thread put some thought & effort into it otherwise kindly refrain.

Please refrain from posting sarcastic comments that serve no purpose to discuss the topic.
Trolling comments will be severely punished.
Please be more considerate before you make any future posts.
I decided to put up a random google img i found for now

I'm all excited about the up coming "severe punishment". I quote Willie Wonka "The suspense is killing me"
bannie wrote: Please refrain from posting sarcastic comments that serve no purpose to discuss the topic.
Trolling comments will be severely punished.
Please be more considerate before you make any future posts.

Making a new thread with just THREE words is really helpful & considerate & really opens up the discussion topic doesn't it ...?

I stand corrected.
bannie dont get annoyed but rosie does kinda have a point lol opening this thread i have no idea wat its about! or was that the point? for us to guess...?
dcrazy wrote: bannie dont get annoyed but rosie does kinda have a point lol
opening this thread i have no idea wat its about!

or was that the point? for us to guess...?

If I opened Hana Yori Dango without a picture in the Japanese Drama section would you have no idea what it is about? Would you be unable to engage in a discussion in a competent and adult-like manner?
If I said IRL, hey dcrazy, what did you think about Dream High. I thought it was excellent
Would you say, hey bannie, I really need a photo and a plagirized entry from Wikipedia before I can really communicate my thoughts
Does putting it that simply finally make sense now?

She showcased the classic western-societal ignorance towards dramas/movies, and dismissed the thread because she was incompetent and unable to comprehend the thread.

Girlfriend Boyfriend won a STACK of awards, and was one of the most well received movie in 2012. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2319760/awards

Rather than making a cursory sneer at it, maybe some effort to read up prior to posting would be helpful.
I am not here to baby anyone with information.

If one needs to be spoonfed, I suggest reading a review or a article on it rather than demanding nonsense on MDL forums. I am not your mom or dad or your drama dictionary.

Regardless, she has been blocked and ignored and this issue has been addessed thoroughly.
If you cannot see the obvious hypocrisy, self-righteousness, and ignorance, then I unfortunately cannot help elucidate it further for you.

Anyway, because Skye is a nice lad, I added (plagarized) some information for his sake. (and was then shocked that the MDL summary was a plagiarism of Wikipedia itself... had a good laugh)
After reading a review from IMDb, I added this movie to my PTW list. :)