The TV series is tired of spring flowers
Yesterday at 23:00 from Weibo Web Edition

#Dragon Boat Festival# Zongye wraps expectation, and the color rope ties longing. All kinds of salty and sweet [Small windmill]I look forward to seeing you soon#TV series Spring Flowers #
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Weibo appointment stamp πŸ‘‰Spring flowers are disgustedΒ 

The second fat said the drama
53 minutes ago from Redmi Note 11 Pro

Starring Liu Xueyi and Wu Jinyan, #TV series Spring Flowers#Welfare! The number of double-end appointments has exceeded 500,000, it's amazing, Liu Xueyi is so handsome! Murong Jing and this name are so classy!

The TV series is tired of spring flowers
Yesterday at 23:30

[So happy] #TV series Chunhuayan# The surprise benefits of more than 500,000 double-end appointments cannot be stopped[Be careful]Fresh stills are hot! There is suspense between light and shadow. The little boredevils also prepared a lucky draw πŸ‘‰πŸ»Sweepstakes Details More surprises are looking forward to everyone's attention to unlock!
Starring: Murong Jing and @Mr_ Liu Xueyi
Starring: Meilin @Wu Jinyan
Special Starring: Yue Qin @Biiiii Bi Wenjun
Special Starring: Luomei @Zhao Xiaotang
Special Starring: Murong Xuanlie@Chen Chuhe's Chuhe
Friendship Starring: Zi Gu @Wong Yat-ying
Starring: Qingyan @Shao Weitong
Friendship Starring: Yandi @Jiang Kai
Friendship Starring: Shumo @Xu HaoHaoo
Youku appointment πŸ‘‰Web Links
Weibo appointment πŸ‘‰Spring flowers are disgusted

8 hours ago from Weibo Video

Congratulations#TV series Spring Flowers # Youku & Weibo have exceeded 600,000 pre-orders[applaud]Thanks to everyone's love, the πŸ‘– mind must also be arranged, and Murong Jing and @Mr_ Liu Xueyi were specially invited to praise everyone[Teacher praises]More surprises are looking forward to everyone's appointment to unlock Oh~
Youku appointment stamp:Web Links
Weibo appointment stamp:Spring flowers are disgusted
Youku videos of Youku episodes
Here is Wu Ji Yian with his main male protagonist actor in her another drama. (They are so chatty and laid back). I want her and Liu Xue Yi to have this kind of interaction (when Kill me love me) airs.

The TV series is tired of spring flowers
Yesterday at 23:00 from Weibo Web Edition

#summer solstice# is coming, the wind is in its prime, and the little tired child wishes everyone a leisurely time[paper airplane]Beautiful as scheduled#TV series Chunhuayan# Looking forward to seeing you soon......
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Weibo appointment stamp πŸ‘‰

Mr_ Liu Xueyi
5 hours ago from Weibo Video
#National treasure# It's an honor to be the guardian of @Tianjin Museum

"Snow Scene and Cold Forest", it has been a long time since I left the campus to perform in the form of a stage performance, I am both nervous and excited, thank you to the staff in front of and behind the scenes, everyone has worked hard! Mountains can be ethereal, and water can be painted on a rampage. The world is big, the road is long and wide, and I hope everyone can find their own mountain.
Mei Lin and Murong Jing (first on the cliff, she holds his hands. Then she flies over the enemies).

eliteles1Β  VIP 4 minutes ago

Are they talking about materials about "Kill me Love me" ????
@A blue button: On the morning of July 2nd, Youku Theater upgrade materials release rhythm:
@Youku Matrix release poster collection
@Huajianling official microblog Release double poster (exposed)
@TV series Spring Flowers Released a double poster (revealed)
@Youku Matrix released the entire theater flower collection + episode forwarding
@Youku Matrix released multiplayer ID mixed cut
ps: ID plans will
It is subject to change without notice.

  • eliteles1Β  VIP 2 minutes ago

    I think it must be the Youku trade fair (and they will probably release new materials).
    And it must refer to "Kill me love me", because "Spring Flowers tired", is the title of the drama in Chinese.
    This will happen in 7 hours (as it is China time).Β 

This poster is very significant. I think it indicates the general meaning of the drama. They truly love each other, and the plot will show that.