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Too many pages to read through .... so how do we add a Tag suggestion?

I want to add "Multi-Generations" or "Multi-generational"

This is a good idea! Very informational tag.

In order to improve the tags I think it would be helpful to have a list with all tags, so we can check what is there... would help with adding tags to dramas as well.

I think the idea of an all ready generated database for the tags is truly the best way to go. It is easier for the user and for the staff as well. Less time fixing triggers that may have gotten put on something that shouldn't have. Also as stated yes ..some become spoilers and not in a good way. Having tragedy as a trigger is a good thing as it lets you know something bad happens but not what. Then the user can decide if it is something they want at the moment. 

I don't think we need a rape tag though...what I do think is we need a violent abuse tag. This way anything with violent abuse can go under it as not everyone wishes to watch a show with extreme abuse in it, even more so for our younger members.

As for the other stuff like technical etc...I personally don't find that stuff to be really necessary to me as I really don't need that information to choose a show I wish to watch, so I really can't give you an opinion on adding those.   :o)

Hessa Volunteer Staff

There should be a spoiler box for spoiler tags. You can add the tags and choose which one is a spoiler.

Rape, incest, suicide, and child abuse should be used even if for now we don't have the spoiler box. Some people are sensitive to those themes and would rather avoid them.

We will be revamping the  tagging system soon. 

I'm trying to add a new tag for: Novoland: The Castle in the Sky

It's listed as a "Tragedy" under genre, but this drama actually has an alternate happy ending, which I think is important for people to be aware of (they might skip it if they think it's sad/tragic).

So I've been trying to add a new tag (alternate ending), but every time I try to submit it, I get an error message telling me that tag names must be longer than 3 characters... ??

EDIT: On a related note, how do we add genres?  I tried to add "Fantasy" to a drama and got a message that it was submitted successfully, but it's not showing up on the page.  Ooops, nevermind.  I've been away for quite some time, and completely forgot that genres need approval from a Mod.

Interesting, I'll check it out.

I'm trying to add a new tag for: Novoland: The Castle in the Sky


Thanks. :)  Any idea what went wrong, or was it maybe just a random glitch?  Should I try adding more, or hold off for now until it's fixed (if it's a known issue)?

EDIT: The "Alternate Ending" tag isn't showing up for me, on the drama's page or in the tag editing window.

Thanks. :)  Any idea what went wrong, or was it maybe just a random glitch?  Should I try adding more, or hold off for now until it's fixed (if it's a known issue)?

It was because due to Spanish translation form was empty. It should be fine now.


EDIT: The "Alternate Ending" tag isn't showing up for me, on the drama's page or in the tag editing window.

I didn't add it yet, but you could if you want. 

Ah, when you said "updated" I thought you meant you'd added it.  I was starting to worry that something was wrong with my account.

Thanks very much for looking into it.  I just added the tag and everything is working/displaying fine now. :)

I start voting on tag and add tag where missing using the spoiler if needed. But I have a few questions 

Is there a list of tag approved by MDL? There are so many and sometime you create new one for mistake, for  example I created unfaithful partner but then I find infidelity 

Some show have so many tag that  you can basically get the whole plot, the single tag is not a spoiler but together with other tag they reveal everything about the drama, I think we should create some kind of rule like limit the number of tag or if there are more than 5 tag everything need to be under spoiler. Or put every tag under spoiler by default, users use tag to find a drama not as a genre Identification, once they are on the page of the drama they can choos if to read the tag or not. 

 Does users know they can vote on tags? The option to vote is very hidden, actually a lot of people doesn’t know they can edit stuff they think there are moderator for the job. Could we promote the task forum? Maybe in our feed activity ?

This is only a temporary solution at the moment and the limit is 10. The plan is to list the tags on the left side for more visibility.

"Is there a list of tag approved by MDL? There are so many and sometime you create new one for mistake, for  example I created unfaithful partner but then I find infidelity"
This is something we will work on in the futuer as well.