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Writing poems used to be a boom among my friends in our college days we used to write,both in english n in our mother language which is nepali ,... but its ages since then ...i miss them... Here is one non-titled poem which i wrote on july 2010 long after my college days n have not written since... "Not only speaking, but keepin quite is also telling a lie" they say but did they ever gave me a gasp full of breath to have my say ?? "You r such a fool!.. such a trash !..." reapeatingly they say but have they forgotten... Dirty ponds bloosom beautifull lotuses... and taller the trees greater they sway ... the trees they sway... amidst fierce winds... amidst dreadful hurricanes... yet still... they are alive n tight, twinkling in the rising sunlight in early morning the next day .
atslipinbag wrote: Dirty ponds bloosom beautifull lotuses...
and taller the trees greater they sway

... the trees they sway...
amidst fierce winds...
amidst dreadful hurricanes...

yet still...
they are alive n tight, twinkling in the rising sunlight
in early morning the next day .

I really like these stanzas... when I read about the lotuses, I thought of the Riddle from Rooftop Prince: even when they live they die and when they die they live. Although you write about struggles and fierceness of nature (even the world), it's still beautiful and lives on with hope for the next day :)

Ohhh, I wrote this one after watching the anime, True Tears... I really hated the characters Shinchiro and Hiromi... I really felt pain for Noe, and this was when I thought of her love lost.


She grips a handful of sunscented linen
Resists staining its pureness with her unshed tears
And though the words remain unspoken
In the ache of her heart they dwell and linger

Doko ni mo ikanaide

The heat of her fingers singe to the skin
Her hold slackens then tightens, clings
And the plea curls around her tongue
The scars of loneliness parting her lips

Mou koreijyou ikanaide

Yet her voice refuses to let out the sounds
Shimmering eyes cannot reveal her fears
Her hand trembles, clenches, then she falls
Face buried against comforting whiteness
Wet heat dampening, seeping into its pores
And the flesh beneath soothes the muffled silence of

“Please, don’t go.”
I wrote this piece a while back...can't remember when exactly though...

Mercury and Venus

A constant constellation
Rotating to a steady flow
Always neighbours
Always spying on each
Always facing each other
Always a distance from each other

Her cloak is ever-glowing
A seductive celestial robe
She smiles at me
She winks at me
She dances with me
But, I can never reach out to her
She'll forever seduce me
Forever smile at me
Forever winks at me
Forever dances with me
But it'll always be at arm’s length

I can never touch her
I can't avert my stare
The stars continue to come between us
The sun continues to give me hope
Our moons, something we share together
But the system forbids us from coming close

I'll keep watching her
Waiting for a chance....
A chance when we can align.
I actually write fanfiction on a creative writing website, but I do dabble in poetry. Here's a poem I wrote for a story of mine, which was inspired by the movie, Rise of the Guardians. It's about Jack Frost neways.

A Nip of Frost
This is a tale of a winter sprite,
Whose clear blue eyes shine bright.
A mischievous little trickster, he may be,
But being nice to children, so is he.

He strays from one place to another,
Spreading winter cheer and cold weather.
You will know he's arrived at your place,
From the first snowflake that falls on your face.

They say his heart is cold as ice,
His touch freezes you and it's not nice.
A misunderstood creature, so lonely and old,
What he yearns is for someone's hold.

He used to be invisible to us folks,
As his existence is passed off as a mere hoax.
But by means of a miraculous event,
Now believed by children, to his content.

So who is this being that we spoke of?
Forever youthful and much loved?
It's none other than the charming Jack Frost,
Whose mischief and magic forever's not lost.
This is a random poem I wrote a few years ago: Brought unknowingly here, Where the rush-- Slam, crash, slam, crash Of rolling Round, round, round Crash Split the air Crash Rent the sky Crash Kill the sun Crash Slashing dust And here I sit Blindfold off On cumulus.
yankumicho wrote: This is a random poem I wrote a few years ago:

Brought unknowingly here,
Where the rush--
Slam, crash, slam, crash
Of rolling
Round, round, round
Split the air
Rent the sky
Kill the sun
Slashing dust
And here I sit
Blindfold off
On cumulus.

This sound like you were adjusting to a new transition in your life. Some complicated thoughts going on there. I wrote something similar 5 years back. Here's a look.

Strange Grounds

The difference with this place is its pace, which by all means pulls me:
tow and thro;
here and there; back and forth.
To the beating of an eurhythmic drum.
Yet stand I do to all its heights in a bolded way; as none can’t compare.

‘Why have thou placed me here? In a land so strange in its ways I scarcely
breathe; still I dance so high, the cloud seem limited in their suspense.

‘Why is my new extent?’

THE MOON EMBRACING THE SUN...( it's not based on the drama, but the drama title gave me an idea for the poem and that's why I decided to title it after the drama in reference to that....not trying to plagiarize the name...) The sun was born into this world, To provide light, to guide and to warm us, It became an automatic schedule for our lifeline, It shone bright to provide sight, and beauty and colors But as time went by the sun realized it lacked something, Moderation, an off and on switch, a break, It shone all the time and eventually started to hurt us, It burned the ones it was supposed to protect, Scared them into hiding from it, Forced them to create contraptions to survive it, The sun was getting more agitated at this, The more anxious it got, the hotter it blazed, The more hotter it blazed, the more people complained, The more people complained, the more it became sad, The more sadder it got, it began to cry, As it cried, it cooled people down for a while, But the sun realized that the minute he was done with the tears, It got really hot again, sometimes hotter than before, Therefore he realized that the tears in form of rain cannot be the answer, The sun was distraught trying to find the answer He was in a conundrum about what to do then, But in came the moon with her answer, She decided to absorb the heat to save us all, She decided to embrace the sun and take it all, She decided to love both the sun and us, But the sun was very large and all encompassing, Making impossible to hug it all at once, So she decided to take it one part at a time, Giving light in some places and dark in the other, But this love came with a very huge price, For as the moon hugged the sun she gently began to wither To burn away from full, to three quarter to half till it's gone, Then it's born anew to go through the same cycle again, Sometime the moon was so tired that even with it there the sun still came for a few minutes(eclipse) Or felt so bad for us that she even encompassed the sun when she wasn't supposed to be there Sometimes the sun felt so sad at what he was doing to the moon That he cried out in pain even with the moon there, But through all these the moon loved the sun, So the sun may be strong and all encompassing, And the sun may seem more important and exotic But when reading this please realize and never understimate the great power of the moon embracing the sun...
When we split apart, I wish to get the ability to go back in time just for the chance to see you from afar, even if it'll be just for a second.
I need a place to hide And I'll tell no one Where I am And I'll just disappear Into obscurity Like it was supposed To be since my birth Mediocre, obscure What I should Have seen myself as Alone, always alone.
I wrote this poem in 2011 I think, I hope there's no grammar mistake >.< (and btw it's my first time publishing on this thread!!) When I think of the sun, I think of you When I think of the rain, I think of you. Whatever happens, you're on my mind Whatever happens, I'll always be thinking of you. Even during sad days, even during nice days You will always be in my mind, In my thoughts, and in my heart. Whatever you might do, I'll always forgive you. Whatever you might think, I will be on your side. So stay with me for a while, Just stand on my side a bit, I'll forget everything, I will do anything. Just for you. Don't forget, I will always love you. And why is it so hard to say those easy words?
yankumicho wrote: This is a random poem I wrote a few years ago:

Brought unknowingly here,
Where the rush--
Slam, crash, slam, crash
Of rolling
Round, round, round
Split the air
Rent the sky
Kill the sun
Slashing dust
And here I sit
Blindfold off
On cumulus.

I like this poem very much! I meen, we can really feel what you mean, what you want to say... It's a good way of expression :)
Clemi-chan wrote: I like this poem very much! I meen, we can really feel what you mean, what you want to say... It's a good way of expression :)

Aww..thank you. I like to tell stories with my poetry, even if those stories are soul stories and are sometimes painful for my heart to revive.
Clemi-chan wrote: I wrote this poem in 2011 I think, I hope there's no grammar mistake >.<
(and btw it's my first time publishing on this thread!!)

When I think of the sun, I think of you
When I think of the rain, I think of you.
Whatever happens, you're on my mind
Whatever happens, I'll always be thinking of you.
Even during sad days, even during nice days
You will always be in my mind,
In my thoughts, and in my heart.
Whatever you might do, I'll always forgive you.
Whatever you might think, I will be on your side.
So stay with me for a while,
Just stand on my side a bit,
I'll forget everything, I will do anything.
Just for you. Don't forget, I will always love you.
And why is it so hard to say those easy words?

I really like this a lot. Sometimes we can't always say those things at the time, but then later we reflect on that.
yankumicho wrote: I really like this a lot. Sometimes we can't always say those things at the time, but then later we reflect on that.

Thanks :) I'm glad I got someone's opinion ^^