Hello fellow MDLers 

My name is Abzzski and I am a member of Ask MDL. 

Every month the Article is a different theme. What are you ideas? What theme would you like to see ? 

Previous Articles 

June 2018 - Debut of Ask MDL 

Ask MDL: Award Winning Shows

Ask MDL: School 

Ask MDL: Food

Ask MDL: Historical 

Ask MDL: Halloween 

Ask MDL: Friends and Family 

Ask MDL: Winter Holidays 

Ask MDL: Romance 

Ask MDL: Myths, Legends and Imaginary Worlds 

Ask MDL :  Throwback   just some one of the most loved dramas)

I am using the Watch challenge topics for my articles in the new format

Since there are a lot of dramas' and movies' couples with huge age gaps I wonder what the society's reaction is to that in the respective countries. What are the age gaps between the married couples in the countries? Is it more common to have older male or older female in a real couple? And in a drama? Maybe I'll do a research myself one day, but now I barely find time to watch dramas >__< 

Strong couple against all odds romance maybe True Love?