I'm not so artistic as everyone here, I'm very jealous. So I need to practice more and I have loads of free time, so that's gonna be my goal!
I can mess with those programs pretty well though ^^ Last thing I made < actually my first PS thingy, so I'm proud. Very proud :D
I don't know what it really is, but some friends say it's called a "sloppy/messy collage" so I guess it's that :|

XZeldaX wrote: @NinaJade82 i'm sure if you continue practicing you will master it quick. i mean your drawing are already great with more practice they will look awesome! ^-^
i can only draw with pencil and pastels. i tried painting but i suck using a brush lol

lol Ninajade was selling herself short. I've seen her other pieces and they are amazing. /me is contemplating grabbing them from her blog and displaying them here for her. "helping" yeah that's what I'll call it. :p

WINDSONG wrote: I'm not so artistic as everyone here, I'm very jealous. So I need to practice more and I have loads of free time, so that's gonna be my goal!
I can mess with those programs pretty well though ^^ Last thing I made < actually my first PS thingy, so I'm proud. Very proud :D
I don't know what it really is, but some friends say it's called a "sloppy/messy collage" so I guess it's that :|


Jonghyun! ♥♥♥
XZeldaX wrote: @NinaJade82 i'm sure if you continue practicing you will master it quick. i mean your drawing are already great with more practice they will look awesome! ^-^
i can only draw with pencil and pastels. i tried painting but i suck using a brush lol

I suck at oil painting, and I absolutely have no clue of how to use the canvas... No really, I tried with acrylics and thanked God the professor liked me (we have the same name lol) so he still gave me an A, but my acrylics on canvas never got to the 2nd stage... it was horrible hahaha... me will stick to paper and ink or watercolor, pen, pencil. I have even used charcoal, and it all seems to work except for oil and anything on canvas :p

Sleepninja wrote: lol Ninajade was selling herself short. I've seen her other pieces and they are amazing. /me is contemplating grabbing them from her blog and displaying them here for her. "helping" yeah that's what I'll call it. :p

Hey!!! whats up with that!! hahahaha... :p~~~~~~~~~~~ actually your korean friend Kris (I think thats his name) is better than me, way better. But I think he uses computer... darn it, I need to learn one of those programs if I want to succeed in the modern world *sigh*
WINDSONG wrote: I'm not so artistic as everyone here, I'm very jealous. So I need to practice more and I have loads of free time, so that's gonna be my goal!
I can mess with those programs pretty well though ^^ Last thing I made < actually my first PS thingy, so I'm proud. Very proud :D
I don't know what it really is, but some friends say it's called a "sloppy/messy collage" so I guess it's that :|


what are you talking about you are not artistic enough!!! This is pretty cool. I like the choice of color :)
NinaJade82 wrote:

Hey!!! whats up with that!! hahahaha... :p~~~~~~~~~~~ actually your korean friend Kris (I think thats his name) is better than me, way better. But I think he uses computer... darn it, I need to learn one of those programs if I want to succeed in the modern world *sigh*

He's one of those geniuses that excels at EVERY art medium thrown at him. =___= His paintings are amazing, so is his work with clay, and digital, and drawing....the list goes on and on. BRB I'm turning green with envy. :p
Sleepninja wrote: He's one of those geniuses that excels at EVERY art medium thrown at him. =___= His paintings are amazing, so is his work with clay, and digital, and drawing....the list goes on and on. BRB I'm turning green with envy. :p

Yep... there was this guy in my class who is like your friend Kris. *sigh* I am content with my little ink drawings hahahaha... I actually don't wish to work with computers, I feel like its not the same. But it seems like I might have to in the future.
PinkDiamond wrote: This thread makes me want to draw more. I don't draw nearly as much since my last art class. I would like to post pics, but most of our classes were of nude models. -_-; Aside from the project that I participated in with Nina, the JGS drawing is the last thing I drew. I mostly deal with digital art and photography.

I love dealing with tech pens, but I've never really dabbled with calligraphy ink. And painting, I'm absolutely terrible. Matter of fact, I don't do well with color...unless it's a coloring book. Don't judge, I like to color with my son. LOL Also if you hand me an exacto blade and some cardboard, I'm pretty good at making furniture...yes furniture. Hand me some wood and I'll build you a house. But that's about all I'm good at artistically wise.

I would also like to say, as Nina pointed out earlier, for those who are posting, never apologize for your art. It's art and it's subjective. There is no right and wrong to it, I don't care what anyone says. With that said two thumbs up to all the art work in here! :)


and pinky, Im also good at building stuff... I did a fisherman house back when I took 2d class. Im gonna look for the pic and post it here later.
NinaJade82 wrote: Like I said, Im not good at depicting a dark theme. After watching the anime Monster, which has a German Children's Tale at the end as the credits, with a really sad song. I got inspired to do my own children's tale LOL... but it has no text so, its just pictures.

Its titled The Kite Dreamer.

And this is always a favorite drawing of mine. I did it a long time ago, and it has lots of imperfections, but I like the way it came out overall. Spike Spiegel from Cowboy Bebop ^^

Very eye-catching - what kind of colours did you use (for the first one) and for how long have you been drawing? :)

bakakokoro wrote:
Jia as she is now 10 years old~ (pen)

My other dog Jin - also 10 ~ (pen)

I really like this one - very plain yet expressive (plus the big puppy eyes).
@PinkDiamond - How long did you work at the house? And your last picture reminds me of The Moon That Embraces The Sun.
PinkDiamond wrote: Here are some of the drawings that I did from the project that NinaJ and I participated in. These there were my favs.

I love the legs. Something about the pose is very pleasing. :)

So did you and Nina finish the project in time? I remember Nina was MIA a lot last month to try and get it done. lol
Szasha wrote: Very eye-catching - what kind of colours did you use (for the first one) and for how long have you been drawing? :)

Thank you Szasha :)
Technically I started drawing in high school in the US, because in my country I was not taking art classes. But I have been drawing all my life, I still keep the watercolor paintings I did in middle school. I would also design paper dolls (like the ones you actually play with) I remember my friends all wanted me to do theirs as well, and then we just started designing clothing for the dolls and such things, it was fun. But it was always because drawing was something that I liked doing, never thought of becoming an artist, although my dad would joke about that... parents LOL. Now I plan on just doing that hahaha... I guess he was right. ;)
For the first piece I didnt use color, I used balck drawing ink and did some washes to give volume. Do you also draw? Have you posted anything here? ^^

@Pinky... when I said I was good at building stuff, I meant putting together furniture, and building houses as in sculptures. Never architectural design... WOW. You are great at that. I love the house, and that professor should be ashamed.. a C???? Darn it. And the chair is awesome, can I sit own it? :p