You get to see beautiful landscapes 

Insert snow

You get to feel the "romance in the air" kind of feelings

Insert quiet......real quiet

You get to hear nature sounds 

Insert sun

U get to see superman getting recharged 

Insert McDreamy 

You get the feeling of an ideal marriage life

Insert wedding

Chance of u getting cold feet wud always be there at last moment ( as they show in many k dramas)

Insert writing

you get a blank piece of paper and start writing down all of your thoughts and ideas

Insert speaking

You get chance to put forth your ideas

Insert , once upon a time there was this prince at far far far veryyyyyyy far away land

You get a frog

Insert the frog

You get the kiss (?)

Insert, longing……..n…..longing………n….longing

You get a feeling of wanting something or someone very much

Insert long hair

You get either to have a beautiful hairstyle or spending of too much of time managing / maintaining it.

Insert elated .

You get your best friend back

Insert MDL

You get crests and troughs

Insert  music

you get to reduce sympathetic nervous system activity, decrease anxiety, blood pressure, heart and respiratory rate and may have positive effects on sleep via muscle relaxation and distraction from thoughts

Insert hollow