That awkward moment when you realize that you recognize just as many (if not more) asian actors and singers than those of your own country, when you've only been watching asian dramas for a year.
That akward moment when my crush says something to me but I wasn't paying attention because I was too busy staring at him and he realizes it
that awkward moment when you're watching a kiss scene holding a pillow...and then your dad comes in your room...
The awkward moment when your having a debate with yourself on who's hotter MatsuJun or Kim Bum (my two ultimate favorite asian actors) till this day their is no winner... -.-
The awkward moment when I hear no sound in the house and say to myself "Where my bro' is gone, it's so quiet", but in fact he is somewhere in the house preparing his next shit bullshit -_-
ii-cheryleborg-ii wrote: That awkward moment when you're laughing loudly by yourself in the middle of the night because you saw something funny in a drama.

Happened to me now about tree times now in this night :p
Pandora wrote: The awkward moment when I hear no sound in the house and say to myself "Where my bro' is gone, it's so quiet", but in fact he is somewhere in the house preparing his next shit bullshit -_-

Don´t know but somehow that sounds an little scary >_<
The awkward moment when u say a joke and you are the only one who is laughing ( happens to me ALOT hahahaha!!)
Awkward moment when your listening to a song and you answer to it as if the singer were talking to you! do it all the time when i hear "Shinee- Replay" => "oh stop it" "Teen Top- No more perfume"=>" yes nuna won't wear perfume" (even if i'm not their nuna) "jason derulo- It girl" => "am i that perfect?" ETC :D
That awkward moment when I'm laughing at everything my crush says ._.
That awkward moment when you have to go the restroom after you wake up and go around the corner in the bathroom to have someone speak to you...
The awkward moment when you realize that not every asian look alike...
The awkward moment when you discuss "creepers" with your English professor...
the awkward moment when i realized that the first thing i do when i enter a room full of strangers is "look for the asian guys" :$