The awkward moment when you find something, like a word or phrase, hilarious because it makes you think of something, but nobody else would get it, and for that reason you try to hold the laughter back. (Mine right now is "Are You Sure?" (Don't ask.))
The awkward moment when you say you're going to bed but you don't 
The awkward moment is when you feel alone and you hold your own hand :(
That awkward moment when you curse in public either in Japanese or Korean and people looking at you all weird. >.
the awkward moment when you want to cry but you know crying won't solve anything!
That awkward moment when you pick up a busspass and call the one who walked pass you and you realize you picked up your own card off the ground..
@Oppa-kiss-me LOL if I was there, I would have already replied you in Korean/ Japanese hahaha

The awkward moment when you hear your housemate unlocking the door while you were watching TV and you automatically race to your room and your other housemates follow behind you before that housemate enters the house. 
TAM when you ask someone to watch Asian drama/movie with you and they say that they got better things to do in life.
That awkward moment when you are in a crowded place and you remember a funny scene from a drama and couldn't stop smiling ear-to-ear, and everyone around you is staring at you.
The awkward moment when you talk to yourself in public (it was a accident I swear xD) and some strangers are looking at you like you're crazy
That awkward moment of mine was when I quoted something in front of a friend that didn't know what I was quoting and I just start laughing (actually that's happened to me quite a few times now I think about it lol)
The awkward moment you recognize you grow too fat for your bikini :,(
the awkward moment when you're watching a movie with sex scenes and then your mother (or a relative) asks what you're doing/watching 
the awkward moment when you're watching a movie with sex scenes and then your mother (or a relative) asks what you're doing/watching 
@wooh_wooow LOL 

the awkward moment when you slip/fall on the icy ground during the winter :/