Would you rather?

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Let someone fight for me. Would you rather have one of your toys cut off or one of your fingers?
(Did you mean toes?) one of my fingers...I have a things about ugly feet!! Would you rather laugh out loud or smile
Smile Would you rather spend the christmas holidays with illmannered friends or petty relatives?
illmannered friends for sure Would you rather write a long essay about your favorite drama or a short one about your least liked drama?
Long essay. My writing skills are much better when I write about stuff I actually like. ^^ Would you rather have coffee or a cup of tea?
yes, Would you rather watch horrible drama
gaj10 wrote: yes,

Would you rather watch horrible drama

... or what?
Would you rather watch a horrible drama or watch one Extremely good and never watch any again?
Horrible drama. If I'm never watching it again, at least I have an excuse to why. lol Would you rather borrow money from a friend than a bank?
"than" is supposed to be "or".
hmm.. from a friend :) Would you rather die of heat or cold?
Cold. Would you rather to never brush your teeth or wash your face
Wash my face...I cant stand not brushing my teeth!! Would you rather have a shower or a bath
shower (keeps falling asleep whenever I take a bath) Would you rather be a a living infamous painter or a dead famous painter?
living infamous painter... would you rather be a singer or musician?