The person above the person above me is sleeping beauty and will awaken only is her alarm clock sings for her The person above me however is just naming all the DC characters and had missed out the main character batman whom I married
the person above me is actually "lady frog" mentioned earlier and she think Henry and Batman are the same person !
The person above me is actually Henry whom was mentioned in another thread
LOl the person above me think Henry is a girl name
The person above me thinks they are a girl but actually they are a boy called Henry
the person above the 2 of me XD think Henry is Batwoman
the person above me think men can get periods !
The person above me thinks men can get pregnant
the person above me think men can get labor only by C section but not a normal delivery ! XD and she think some can do both
The person above me thinks they are in labour everyday but then realises she only needs to go to the toilet for a number 2
LOl the person above me always get the labor-like feeling with both numbers she sometimes get it with N3 as well N3 is the person's above me exclusive product
The person above me is obsessed with my number 1 and 2 that when she looks at me that all she thinks about!! (Okay that does not make any sense!!)
LOL the person above me has a magical scissors to disconnect her brain whenever she wish to ,, she just lend it to me XD
The person above me enjoys playing rock papers scissors with a rock because no one else would play with her.
the person above is the rock , and she can never ever win