The person above the person above me is now my new apprentice and the person above me is still flirting and especially firting with the new girl which is making me feel jealous
The person above me should stop feeling still have to stop me from playing with sock puppets lol
The person above me Looks too cute playing with their sock puppets so I don't want to stop them from playing with their puppets. However the person above started to cry so I took their puppets away and am forcing them to give up cold turkey.
The person above me is also trying to give up sock puppets
The person above me has gone insane that they believe everyone loves sock puppets. But because they are so insane they decided to make puppets out of their shoes?
The person above me is also insane and won't admit I had to pretend to be a insane person to help them.
The person above me wants to turn everyone insane and so often talks about pretending to be insane. This person is so insane that they have to pretend to be normal
the person above me thinks there is a person above her which is insane !
LOL the person above me and person above her abd above her will be put in there separate room coz they were harmful to each other and they need a very strong straight jacket and will be gag w my very infamous stinky socks to stop them from talking to themselves ...:p
The person above me has stinky socks as she forgets to wash them
The person above me owns only 2 pairs of socks and both pairs stink.
LOL those 3 bobbing heads above me cant figure out where did i hid all my stinky socks and now they are planning to raid my room..
The person above me doesn't store her stinky socks in her room but stores them in her fridge
The person above me is storing a dead body in there fridge!! lol
The person above me killed the people that I store in my fridge