the person above me is puny banner
The person above me is so in love with himself that he has to propose each time he looks into the mirror
the person above me is jealous
The person above me thinks everybody feels jealousy over the love he feels for himself
the person above me is the true narcissist. So deep is her love for herself any one who doesn't love her more than themselves seems stuck up to her
The person above me is so egocentric that he doesn't see anyone else in the world but himself. He is the true meaning of a diva-zilla and throws fits if nobody gives him attention. All attention must be on him, if not then he will make sure you don't last another second on this earth!
the person above me can't sleep for fear of my might
The person above me needs to seriously think about getting counselling and perhaps some anger management classes
the person above me is 1/3 my size
The person above me is a giant
the person above me only sees me as i giant because she wears prescription glasses that are to strong
The person above me has no eyes so I don't know how he could have known that
the person above me those not know i see with my mind and am not affected by lack of eyes, distance or time. By the way your milk is past your expiration date
LOL The person above me despite knowing that my milk is past its expiration date still drank it!! Looks like the lack of sight is affecting the poor guy after all!!
shambles wins again the person above me tried to poison me with milk