The person above me is actually a cat who drinks milk all day
the person above me invented lead pipe zinch
The person above me caused the theory of gravity by throwing an apple on Isaac Newton's head
the person above me was that apple
The person above me then ate that apple who was me...But having eaten that apple it gave him a terribly upset stomach causing him to go to sit on the toilet all morning!
the person above me peeped in on me
The person above me left the toilet door wide open so innocent passers by had no choice but to become seriously mentally scarred for life!!
the person above me can casually excuse "accidently" took photos also
The person above me became too excited and happily stole those 'accidental' pictures and uploaded them himself on social networking sites!
the person above me is only saying that for legal purposes and actually tried to frame me for a bank robbery using those photos to get me to take the rap
The person above me thinks that saying all this will save him as the world knows that I am a young innocent sweet girl who will never deceive anybody
the person above me is my granny who so sick and asking me to come over to give her some sugar...
the person above me is the best elephant wrangler this side off the pacos
the person above me is a hell of a nightmare that creeping out of story book..
The above person me is deaf