Guilty or Innocent

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Usually guilty.  

TNP got into dramas through anime/manga, in some way.  

Guilty (manga introduced me to Japan, it's culture and everything that followed) 

TNP considered learning a language just for dramas

innocent, i consider learning japanese just for uverworld (literally no one translates their interviews) 

tnp started a new drama within the last 48 hours

Innocent (But I'm going to!)

TNP loves to read fanfiction about their fave drama/manga/anime couple


The next person is tall.


tnp reads at least one book each month

Innocent (too occupied with dramas recently, but I used to read a lot XD)

TNP at first got confused with the characters names when he/she started watching dramas

Usually I don't even know the characters names throughout the whole drama so Idk if I'm guilty or innocent...

TNP has an exam this week


TNP has never watched a Thai drama


TNP went to a wedding recently.


TNP has a tattoo on their body


tnp prefers salty foods (chips) over sweets (chocolate)

Guilty so bad.

TNP washes dishes in the morning.


TNP wishes they had better self restraint

Innocent, most of the time.  

TNP has multiple piercings (other than basic ear piercings).