Before I die I want to know what's in the afterlife.
Before I die I want to see the sunset for the last time
Before I die I want to find my sole-mate and marry him
Before I die, I want people to build  a 30 feet muscular statue of myself commemorating my life and my deeds :3
hahahaha before I die I want to take a selfie next to Nagelfar statue
Before I die I want to eat a cake that taste like burned wood (apparently such a thing exists :P)
hahaha and that will be the cause of death

  before I die I want to say "I'm not responding call 911 and bring the AED "

Before I die I wanna be zan's medic
before I die I'll make sure Nagelfar get proper training ^^"
Before I die I want to be zan's apprentice :3
before I die I will start acting nice to my possible medic ^^"
Before i die i want to open my own Cafe in Korea ^^"
Before i die I wanna get a medical license just for one particular person :P
Before I die I want to visit Paris.
Before I die I want to live up to my ideals