Sleepninja wrote: I know the marriage contract thing has been addressed. I just wanted to say the biggest lesson I have learned form dramas is that Koreans are experts at making contracts (be it for marriages, organs, fake dating, etc.) I shall keep this in mind so I don't get bamboozled. :p

You made my evening :D (and I'm saying this after suffering the 18th episode of K2H, so it's big deal, trust me)
VioletSakura wrote: You made my evening :D (and I'm saying this after suffering the 18th episode of K2H, so it's big deal, trust me)

Now you have made the exactly opposite of good evening because I am afraid of what will await me in KING2HEARTS!!!....:p*again just joking around(partly)*
Ok so rule 58:How can the famale lead/male lead not knowing when she/he is sick!!!.It realy surprised me because I always figure it when I have a freakin 38 grades temperature.He/she only goes to work where somebody touches thei foreheads by mistake and realise the fact that she/he is freaking hot "OMO!You have a fever" , I mean seriously?GOD it never happened to me Rule 59:I mean guys, you really have to broke your heel when trying to get your boyfriend back...and reaming in he middle of the street with him going away...don't you think?:))
Aya97 wrote: Ok so rule 58:How can the famale lead/male lead not knowing when she/he is sick!!!.It realy surprised me because I always figure it when I have a freakin 38 grades temperature.He/she only goes to work where somebody touches thei foreheads by mistake and realise the fact that she/he is freaking hot "OMO!You have a fever" , I mean seriously?GOD it never happened to me

Rule 59:I mean guys, you really have to broke your heel when trying to get your boyfriend back...and reaming in he middle of the street with him going away...don't you think?:))

aha agreed with both. the amount of dramas ive seen with broken heels and the guy just walks away and shes like limping there way home LOL and the sickness thing which bugs me its like HOW CAN U NOT KNOW
Rule 60: Dramaland is a vile, dangerous country full of thugs carrying pipes or other random weapons, attacking innocent people, so you should only wander around with your hot-looking hero, he's the only one who can fight them off single-handedly (otherwise they are indestructible).
Am I the only one who keeps posting on this awesome tread?! Nevermind... Anyway... a new (old as the world itself actually) rule just occurred to me, and how it didn't get posted before I don't know....

Rule 61: The only way for the love to bloom is to live under the same roof... or at least a neighboring one.

My Girl, Nodame, ISWAK, Shut up! Flower By band.... Probably most dramas I have watched.... It seems you can only fall in love with your neighbors.
i love city hunter's back hug :)
MAROUZINA wrote: i love city hunter's back hug :)

back hug??? when did i do a back hug ? :P
Juniko wrote: Law 23 = Tumors and Amnesia win over Leprosy : Only pretty diseases are allowed !

Nice one! Added!
VioletSakura wrote: Law 24 A perfectly normal even beautiful girl will somehow be seen as an ugly one... and then magically (without, of course, changing anything, or maybe having an operation on everybody's eyes in the drama) will be loved by 2 or more mail characters of the drama... Abracadabra!

Good one!! Added and combined with Szasha

Law 24 - It?s like seeing you with my eyes open!
?"Ugly" girls/boys/other are never ugly. In fact nobody is ever ugly. In dramaland only beauty exists. (Szasha) ?A perfectly normal even beautiful girl will somehow be seen as an ugly one... and then magically (without, of course, changing anything, or maybe having an operation on everybody's eyes in the drama) will be loved by 2 or more male characters of the drama!?(Violetsakura)
Szasha wrote: Haha. Law 25:"Ugly" girls/boys/other are never ugly. In fact nobody is ever ugly. In dramaland only beauty exists.

Good one!! Added, amended, and combined with Violetsakura

Law 24 - It?s like seeing you with my eyes open!
?"Ugly" girls/boys/other are never ugly. In fact nobody is ever ugly. In dramaland only beauty exists. (Szasha) ?A perfectly normal even beautiful girl will somehow be seen as an ugly one... and then magically (without, of course, changing anything, or maybe having an operation on everybody's eyes in the drama) will be loved by 2 or more male characters of the drama!?(Violetsakura)
Sleepninja wrote: Law 26: The male lead will always have strange sleeping habits/positions.

^I've seen this in so many dramas. How can people sleep like that? :eek:

Added and amended!
Law 25 - Sleep yoga!
?The lead will always have strange sleeping habits/positions? (Sleepninja)
Juniko wrote: LAW 27 : Hospital bed? Car? Boatless Island? countryside hotel ? We will find a way to sleep together...without actually sleeping together !

Added and amended !
Law 26 - We are completely alone - let?s play cards!
?Hospital bed? Car? Boatless Island? countryside hotel ? We will find a way to sleep together...without actually sleeping together !? (Juniko) Please note that this only applies to people is some form of a relationship. If two complete strangers end up in a similar situation then a one night stand will occur, most likely leading to Laws 6, 11, 12, 15 at a minimum.
Sleepninja wrote: haha There's a bunch of new laws. XD Baka will return and have lots to add. :)

yes this is taking on a life of its own lol AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
VioletSakura wrote: LAW 28: Everybody... did you NOT hear me?.. EVERYBODY will become sick after being in the rain for about 3 minutes...
LAW 29: Following LAW 28, the sick person WILL go to work/office/night shift...etc and will FAINT!!!

Absorbed into law 4, amended to include reason for sickness.

Law #4 - 24 hour Drama bug! - Get sick, faint, get better! All before the world spins
Someone will get sick, and/or faint, have to be nursed back to health or hospitalized and will be completely better the next day. The cause of this will be ?being in the rain for about 3 minutes? (Violetsakura)