I find it in Youtube...And I find it funny:)

that's hilarious
darkangel662008 wrote: I find it in Youtube...And I find it funny:)

LOLOL!!!! omg thats funny
I don't know if this one was already told...It's the....meet-at-a-coffee-shop-but-not-drink-the-coffee law. This absolutely drives me crazy in dramas. Two people will always meet at a coffee place or a juice place...order coffee/juice and not take a single sip of it. That's so wasteful!!
Oh i have another, at some point no matter how much ridiculous shinanigans has gone on some one will do/ say something completely reasonable and to which they will get some form of the following "What, do you think you're in a drama?"
Law #44 - I’m King of the Road! That is so true, I love it when they just park it up in the middle of the road and just go home!
Lol...just reading through this thread. I agree back hugs are really common in drama!! I wonder why? Is it seen as more romantic than a front hug??
haha these are all really funny!! :D what about when the guy/girl uses the other male/female leads shoulder as a pillow?? it cant be too comfortable....or is it just me?? ex: city hunter,dream high, panda and the hedgehog,faith
I laughed so hard with this thread ^^ I don't know if they fall under the already existant categories, but I'll add -(Females) You're a martial artist, specialized agent, or a ninja? You can easily (and did) outpower and punch/hit/send to hospital the male lead? Are you the jjang of your school and everyone fears you? You're a strong independent female, that doesn't tolerate ignorant rich kids, and teaches them a lesson? Well at some time you'll magically lose your powers(and free will), resulting to the male lead doing whatever he wants. (Like: You would hit him,or leave, or curse him for even talking. But after magically losing your 'powers' he is allowed to curse you, drag you around, and make you feel like **** and you won't say anything. Also, if there's a fight scene,he'll of course outpower you) -No matter what your profession is, or how wealthy you are, you'll always show up with the latest gadgets and dressed refined. It doesn't matter if you're an athlete. Or if you're a beggar. You'll always wear stylish clothes, which are of course are spotless. -No matter what the other lead character makes you go through, you'll always chose them. Even if there's a kind, warmhearted person next to you. Even if they were always there for you, and they are far superior than any other in the drama. No. You'll reject them. -'My mother is in hospital because she bruised her leg, we have to break up.' The lead characters are able to find a reason to break up, even if everything is perfect. -THE NOTORIUS PLOTHOLE Can't find a way to explain how the leads fell in love? No worries ^^ Just don't. It's completely normal for two people who hate each other to go for coffee and end up completely and inseperatedly in love after 2 hours(maximum)together. -The more you like someone, the more time you can stay staring at them meaningfully doing nothing. Bonus points: If there's rain, snow, a typhoon, a fire, etc -THE HUG! (OR KISS, in extreme situations ^^) He hugged you??????? O.O *Emotional music, rotating camera, and different view points of the actors being 'frozen' with their hands around each other* (The same for kiss. Which is (in most cases) a continuous touch-of-the-lips-without-moving-for-5-minutes)
i dont know if this has been stated but when ever any one falls in Asia a very good looking guy will magically be underneath you and your lips will be touching his. i dont know about you guys but i love the laws of gravity over there!!

To the beautiful you. It was like a dream/fantasy? How can she be like that when she is sleeping. Is anyone normal in k dramas? Shes like sleep acrobatics :O Don't you just like fall to the floor if you rolled off but that was like wtf?
Really interesting post ^^

I didn't know there are that many dramas that follow the piggy-ride rule. I saw it first in Coffee Prince, and I was like... really? After seeing it in some more dramas (Hana Kimi, Playful Kiss and Nodame Cantabille) I guessed it was a normal thing to do in dramaland.

Elisabetta wrote: I have one, it's not always applicable but it did occur in at least several dramas( Hana Yori dango, Hi! My Sweetheart, Fondant Garden -from top of my head) and it always happen in the same cliche format, so we may make it a law:

Law #58: Who are you? - We have run out of plot so let's just.... forget everything!

You know when in the last episodes, when everything is so lovey-dovey, and there is not much to mess up with, so they bump the lead's head with something, so he forgets his most important person, so he can hate her and due to her effort falls in love with her again, and we get to see all those flashbacks from the drama once again. It's just so pointless... Don't you think?

Exactly! While reading the thread I was wondering why nobody had added this rule. It really annoys me, this sudden amnesia thing. It made drop "Innocent Man". When I was losing interest in the story, bam, memory loss.

I once came across a gif in tumblr that was about that. There is a scene of a k-movie/drama set in a hospital, I guess after an accident:
Friend/Brother - If this was a drama, now you would ask "Who are you?".
Patient - Who are you?
Friend/Brother - O_O
Patient - Just joking :D

Does anybody know from which drama/movie is this from?
drama have a lot of cliche that make me upset and hating the author, I can list some (without order) : 1) amnesia thats the most utilized cliché in drama history 2) when a protagonist lover marry the antagonist, almost every time she fall in love with him, Although they divorce they have feeling for each other, I think hatred can't be an option in the end of a drama lol (in real world the detestation after breaking is more commune) 3) when a drama is prolonged, I hate extradited character to separate the protagonists 4) drama x action, an explosive combination that lead to a disaster lol, a drama have some unique characteristics that not match with an added action scenes. 5) when the script become dummy, for example the separation in Tokyo Wankei, the script writer have not heard of a paternity DNA test, we already know thats a fiction, but some consideration for the viewers, we are not a bunch of retards I can add some with yours suggestions, you are welcomed to put more ps : sorry for my poor english, my natal language is ARAB and the 2nd is french
Evil, jealous, scheming second lead females. They irritate me to no end.
I have to agree that the amnesia plot is my biggest drama pet peeve of all. After that I would agree with the scheming second female leads. And I'm getting tired of the evil mother that always wants to separate the couples. Don't they ever have any nice parents?