Nothing at all.... Sometimes I hate smartphones & cars.
I HATE the way pregnancy is portrayed in dramas. I'd say 99.9% of the time it is portrayed grossly incorrectly. From unlikely miscarriages to women being 4+ months pregnant and not even showing, it's ridiculous. One example is Majo no Jouken. The woman get's pregnant but then decides to take up a teaching job? Given the sexist work in environment in Japan, her getting hired is extremely unlikely and why get a job while pregnant anyway, when you'll have to go on maternity leave soon after? Then the same woman decides to jump into the ocean, while pregnant, to save someone. And little do these drama writers know that chances of a miscarriage reduced significantly after the first trimester. Something would have to be seriously wrong for a miscarriage to happen after that. Oh, and don't let me get started on the whole miscarriage equals "Ow, my stomach hurts!" followed by the typical blood trickling down the leg. Ugh sorry it just is so dumb to me. I also can't stand when the main male lead treats the female lead like garbage and she's still crawling after him. Abuse does not equal love. On that same note, I hate it when while the main male lead is a jerk, the second lead is almost always the nice guy who treats the girl right, but he never gets chosen. I also can't stand how men tend to literally push and pull women around. It really boils my blood to see women dragged by the wrist in dramas. :/ I second amnesia and the scheming second female leads. Ever notice how it has to be the female who schemes, but when it's two guys after a girl there is no scheming involved? Hm.
tampopo100 wrote: I second amnesia and the scheming second female leads. Ever notice how it has to be the female who schemes, but when it's two guys after a girl there is no scheming involved? Hm.

I never really realized that before, but you are so right. How come the guys never scheme? Not that I want them to, neither one should scheme.
- Kisses that look like something a sibling would give instead of a lover. - Not "in"a drama per se, but I don't like when drama watchers dislike an actor based on their portrayal/character in a drama. - Weak, passive, overly submissive women being portrayed as the ideal wife/girlfriend. - Women who just let themselves be slapped without retaliating back. Seriously?!?! Round kick that sucker and follow it up with an upper cut or backfist please. - Men/women who hit their partners in anger and their partner still stays.
The one thing that really makes me mad in a drama is the break-up scene. Why do the women always say they are going to break-up and then the male has to fight for the relationship. I hate it. A drama that has the male actually accept the break-up and leave the relationship would be so much better than having to waste one and a half episodes on him trying to win her over again.
TheTranquilKnight wrote: Nothing at all....
Sometimes I hate smartphones & cars.

I think it's interesting how so many people get hit by cars in dramas. And then it usually either results in amnesia or a coma.
Also, a lot of phones in dramas seem somewhat pointless, as they usually get turned off, lost, or broken somehow.
The main couple finally getting together only for one of them to go study abroad. It makes me mad every time.
The poor characters having smartphones bigger than their hands. Seriously girl, if you have 8 or whatever part-time jobs you should better sell your phone to get money for your family -_- I guess Samsung phones are less worth than instant noodles in dramas...
~ Gray hair. I get gray hair by watching dramas, which is sad. My life is too damn short.
i hate too much talking in a drama.. and making the lead cast kiss coz they just find they like one another [can they just hold hands and stare @ each other]... and i hated too that no matter how the lead actor or any charac get beaten up they still standing and ok and able to fight back lol... ya i hate the car accident and amnesia...

and curly hair really!.. why they need to be in curly hair for them to look so different....
CherryBunny wrote: Evil, jealous, scheming second lead females. They irritate me to no end.

some lady in real world can be very villain, and villain male is not scheming person in drama, is more brutal impulsive (testosterone fault)

the majority of drama series are not real is like a dream,another world with some extravagant love, hatred, happiness and sadness, and most of it is make no sens and unreasonable but enjoyable

the genre of drama that irritate me is revenge drama, exception for some more realistic like giants with some happy funny situations, but drama like east of eden with protagonist tortured from the first to the last ep, how the mentally ill person that will enjoy watching this genre, frustration after frustration not a single happy moment, in my dropped list I have 3 drama and are the some revenge irritating series, some revenge drama was bearable and enjoyable like giants and The Incarnation of Money .. in resume I can't recommend this genre
CherryBunny wrote: Evil, jealous, scheming second lead females. They irritate me to no end.

I second this! I absolutely hate this. It's my most hated thing in dramaland!!
I actually KNOW women like that, which is why watching it in a drama ticks me off so much. >_<
I don't hate anything, but I've things I tend to like less and try to avoid in dramas.

1) Twins. I don't know why, but I find almost all stories about twins boring. Especially those about two look-alikes who lead different lives and switch places.

2) Hesitating. I can't stand when the love story is rushed and the rest of the drama is about them hesitating whether to be togheter or not.

3) Amnesia. Memory loss = boring. The drama must be really good to make amnesia work for me.