amrita828 wrote:
P.S. I like Matsujun! I'm not a fangirl by far, but I like his child-like acting. Nothing is more subjective than taste in men. :D

Yes! Taste if very subjective. (in men and dramas!) I think these last couple of days with these two "dropping dramas" related threads really proves the point. We do have some similarities in what we feel constitutes a good drama but there has also been a fair bit of contradiction as well. Which makes these discussions more interesting for sure!
I get bored easily so I start dramas and "forget" to finish them. I can't say I give up the series completely because there were times when I randomly picked a series I couldn't stand before and finished it even if I didn't like it. It's all about the mood..I can't stand a series today, then I'll give it another chance another day. That's why there are no dropped or on hold series on my list just "watching".
hmmm... I started to write a dropping criteria but then I realized I don't even follow it, but I think my dropping decisions have been pretty good so far. Basically if I feel like it's uninteresting or a waste of time. Like others have said, at first I felt guilty when dropping a drama, but eventually you learn what you like and don't like.
amrita828 wrote: Lately I realized that while in the beginning of my drama addiction I was persistent and would go through a drama even though I wasn't enthusiastic, with time I have become more and more fastidious and unless I like a drama almost from the first 30 minutes, I simply drop it.

delta777 wrote: Ditto...I'm 5 yrs into my Asian drama addiction, but realized after the 1st yr, I had to be more discriminating. My many reasons 4 dropping have been covered by the previous 3 pages of comments. BTW, your certainly not alone in even dropping dramas u liked but became stale 4 some reason or another.

amrita828 wrote: Do you think it's the drama's fault or is it us who simply can't be bothered with them now and then?

(smiles) Probably both. If I appreciate/respect the actors talent/presence or simply adore an actor(minuscule fangirling), I tend to give the writers a little more time to hook me or right the ship if the voyage had previously been enjoyable/or addicting (which isn't to say it's actually much as I just can't stop watching it 4 whatever reason - lol).

But lately...just add me in the slightly jaded group.
claudya87 wrote: I get bored easily so I start dramas and "forget" to finish them. I can't say I give up the series completely because there were times when I randomly picked a series I couldn't stand before and finished it even if I didn't like it. It's all about the mood..I can't stand a series today, then I'll give it another chance another day. That's why there are no dropped or on hold series on my list just "watching".

The same goes for me for reading Mangas...I have over 100 entrys in my current reading list and nothing in my on-hold and drop list...weirdly it is different with my Dramas because I absolutely can´t stand too much Dramas on my current watching list...:D Well the same goes for my on-hold-list but ...xD
BiyaS wrote: Now am curious as to which dramas u dropped... "scratches her chin ;) ...
After reading ur reply i want to add another one ..

Crappy remake of a drama.. for me it is such a turn off when i read a manga or watched an anime that gave me a totally different feeling but when i watched a drama it sucked to the point of dropping ..

Bi, she has probably dropped some but none to do with Binnie hahaha... and I also agree with the crappy remake. For me, remakes are kinda scary because they could either be really good, or really bad. Knowing how the story will go, some people will be critical of any new twists given to the story, because it can really mess up their expectations.
I tried to watch Boys Over Flowers because at the time I had not discovered the wonderful world of jdramas, so the Korean version was my first pick and I really didn't like it, I didn't make it to the even the middle of the story, thats how quickly I dropped it haha. I didnt venture to watch any of the other versions because I was afraid I might be let down again. I like the anime Hana Yori Dango, and I didnt want to keep messing up my memories of it.
Like you said, it sucks when you get a total different feeling from the drama -_-
Fof the record, I think that there a good remakes, one of them is Skip Beat. I'm currently watching this drama, and it has become the one drama I can't wait for to be subbed during this season. :D
Wow, I'm liking this thread more and more - not because I started it, but because I had thought I was the guilty one who drops too many dramas before even giving them a chance, and it consoles me to read your feedbacks on the issue and see I'm not completely alone.
I think Hava's right, and there's a combination of factors here: our palate growing more refined with time and views and the dramas being too many to always be good watching material.

I hope not to come back as soon as I start something new. LOL
NinaJade82 wrote: Bi, she has probably dropped some but none to do with Binnie hahaha... and I also agree with the crappy remake. For me, remakes are kinda scary because they could either be really good, or really bad. Knowing how the story will go, some people will be critical of any new twists given to the story, because it can really mess up their expectations.
I tried to watch Boys Over Flowers because at the time I had not discovered the wonderful world of jdramas, so the Korean version was my first pick and I really didn't like it, I didn't make it to the even the middle of the story, thats how quickly I dropped it haha. I didnt venture to watch any of the other versions because I was afraid I might be let down again. I like the anime Hana Yori Dango, and I didnt want to keep messing up my memories of it.
Like you said, it sucks when you get a total different feeling from the drama -_-
Fof the record, I think that there a good remakes, one of them is Skip Beat. I'm currently watching this drama, and it has become the one drama I can't wait for to be subbed during this season. :D

hahaha that is very hard to imagine ... I agree ;) ..
I have never watched HYD Anime .. mostly because i couldnt find a best version of it... u r right.. its hard to re watch a drama or anime or manga you have already watched.. I went through the same feeling quiet a lot.. i liked Nodame where i had a girl crush on the main lead girl.. she did a splendid job with her character..
Skip beat is on my list.. i am desperately waiting for it to end so i can watch it one go :) but Thanks Nina .. :D