Shima no sensei, because who wouldn't want to live on such a lovely island? Also, the people living there are really welcoming to outsiders, so I'd have no problem fitting in. :) And as someone studying to become a teacher, I think it would be nice to work at a scholl with so few students. ;) Last but not least, there are beautiful people... Chihiro and Akiyoshi!
Gokusen because... well, because there's never a dull moment! (Even if that's the total oposite to what I just said about having few students...) I'm not as awesome as Yankumi *lol* so I might not want to teach class 3D (is that blasphemy? *lol* well, they are nice boys deep down of course, but they might eat me for breakfast before I get to see their good side) but it be cool to work with her and be her friend! <3