So this happens to me all the time specially with dramas that i really loved and even went obsessed about it. Feelings of blanks and if the actors were really great u keep missing the characters and for some people rewatching isn't helpful when u just finished the drama. In my case, when i'm deeply affected by a drama that just ended i have to find another one as soon as possible or i will keep thinking about the previous drama or sometimes movies. Does "Drama sickness" happens to anyone else? What are the dramas that u felt extremly awkward when they ended? How do u deal with it?
Hm, after I finished SUFBB I didn't really miss the characters, but I missed wating for new Episodes. After every Episode I couldn't await the next one and when it was uploaded I watched the Raw several times and the subbed one several times too. I miss this feeling :( But now there's Gaksital, it gives me the same ..eeeh.. impatient feeling. Whenever I begin to miss this I listen to the OST, it always helps :)
I have felt that way with a lot of dramas I have watched. But mostly, either starting another drama or re-watching some of my favorite scenes of the one I am sad just ended helps me. And I have definitely watched a whole drama again to relive the love I felt for it. Also, another thing that has helped me ~ watching another drama with an actor or actress I liked/connected with. For example, I watched Coffee Prince and was so sad it was over. So I found Biscuit Teacher and Star Candy that starred Gong Yoo as well. I ended up loving it too! Now they both have a special place in my heart.
I am dramasick most of the time when I finish a drama... and it's a difficult time for me... but when I like the drama I usually download it, so I can always go back and rewatch favourite moments... but all the same the last episode is a stress, no matter the ending... I miss the characters, I miss the wait, I miss the feeling I felt while watching the drama...
I remember many dramas that i felt extremly awkward after i finished them like You're beautiful or many of my favorite japanese dramas, it feels like you said; dramasick and many blank moments that you wish to get rid of but i rewatch sometimes so that wouldn't be a big problem. I generally miss the characters and the way they made me fall for them specially if there's one of my fav actors in it .
Yes, me. The first time I had that feeling was after "Maou", so I went back and rewatched the complete drama. :P Well, it didn't help that much.. The second time was with "Ikebukuro West Gate Park". I still can't find the special, which is horrible! But now I'm watching "My Boss My Hero" in which Tomoya plays a pretty similar role (even the names) and every time his character in this answers the phone, I'm waiting for "Hooi, Makoto" and it never comes. T_T Oh how I miss IWGP..
I think you'll never be alone in your sickness, Rourou. :)
On my part, I hate to see things I love end, as much as I hate the final page of a book, or say goodbye to my friends when they leave after a visit. I could say that I hate to say goodbye in general.
Asian drama wise it has happened to me with Liar Game, Long Love Letters, Coffee Prince, Secret Garden, and lately King2Hearts, to mention a few.

Finding another drama soon after one I loved finished, does not work for me at all. On the contrary, I realized I often dislike whatever I watch soon after: I compare, which is never a good idea.
On the other hand, because what I feel for the characters is usually very similar to a romantic crush - and has the same distressing symptoms - I have followed an actor (or actress) in another role of his. It worked only in part, because the one I fell in love with was obviously the character, not the actor.
Furthermore, I'm an avid re-watcher/reader, so I inflict myself the torture of fuelling my obsession.

The only solution for me is let time do its wonders, just like after a heartbreak. In the meanwhile, I can cope with some completely different dramas that don't require a deep emotional investment: action, goofy comedy or episodic show. Or another country/language, which gives me the impression I've gone on a holiday elsewhere for a while. :)
I always feel so when a drama I love a lot has finished and I have no next season drama on my plan to watch list..
I am more like: "Phewwwwww finally I made it.My addiction can finally end......><" It depends on the ending it can be like this too: " NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO W.H.Y. D.I.D I. W.A.T.C.H T.H.I.S ?!!So unfaaaaair"(It´s more like I loved the Drama but the ending was sad) And very rarely I am ending up smiling at the end. But I tend to think about other things the next moment.Exept when it´s a sad moment.After first watching 1 Litre of Tears I ended up thinking about it for weeks. I was really depressed... But mostly of the time I am just plainly relieved.And yes usually I tend to think about the rating to give it on MDL int he last episode already. Then I get distracted from other things after updating it. Either I rant about it or I simply crave about it. In the end it will always stay a moment in my life. For example when I remember some scenes a few months later.... :)
I'm experiencing the "drama sickness" at the moment haha. I just finished watching Queen In Hyun's Man, and I LOVED Ji Hyun Woo and Yoo In Na couple. They were so cute together!!! And now that it's over and I'm done with the drama I really miss seeing them together all lovey dovey and corny hehe~ Usually I'll get over it and kinda forget about it once I start a new drama. But like Mirichan said above, there will always be those scenes that you can never forget!
This year I've had the worst sickness of all with Queen In Hyun's Man, like PrincessNana above. I really loved the drama, anxiously waited for episodes, and burst into tears every time that Boong-Do and HeeJin were separated. I've recently gone on a favorite-episode-watching-spree for my favorite dramas. lol.
Yees, I experienced it too. I even could cry many times =/
Well, for me it mostly depends on what kind of ending it has (and whether or not I liked the drama and how it ended, of course :P). If the drama feels really "concluded" to me (you know, all the characters have reached some sort of ending to their life story - like when they're finally together with the person they love, they've reached that goal they've been working towards the entire drama or if they're dead, of course), then I'm usually fine with the drama having ended. What I really hate are open endings, when there could still be so many things happening and I will never get to see them!! That really does leave me with a feeling of "emptiness" and also a bit sad, especially of course if it's a drama I really enjoyed watching. What I do then is that first I usually listen to some sad music and wallow a bit in my feelings of discontent, then I watch some comical nonsense to take my mind off things (like some random episode of a non-Asian sitcom I have already seen in the past) before I finally return to the world of the living and do the only reasonable thing to do: go hunting for a new Asian drama series to watch to eventually repeat the cycle all over again. :D
I have those moments right now! I miss Gaksital so much that i'm watching every fanmade vedio on YouTube, this is bad.
i had drama sickness after watching all three seasons of Gokusen. >_<