Missing You, Cunning Single Lady (probably if I ever get myself to but it's so difficult) and more recently Fated to Love you (i know I'll probably love it, but it's just... I suffer second lead syndrome every single time - and here it's Choi Min Hyuk... AGAIN... I don't know whether I can see my heart get broken again because he loses... probably... again) There's more but these come to mind at the moment
You who came from the stars ----- alien??? duh
Big Fashion King Boys over Flowers 1 Litre of Tears Miss Ripley Secret Love Affair Reply 1994 Marry Him If You Dare Oohlala Couple Bad Guy Shark Prime Minister & I Pretty Boy (Bel Ami) and probably a few more I can't think of at the moment.
Prime minister and i Marry him if you dare Wonderful days Dream high 1&2 Endless love Cunning single lady Bel ami and maaany moooore.........
I had to post here again because I'll never watch those multiple personality disorder dramas aka 90% of what's airing at the moment. 
1 Litre of Tears and Koizora~ I refuse to watch them!!!! STRONGLY!!!! I hate to cry! 
I refuse I Need Romance 3, Marry Him If You Dare, Modern Farmer etc
I think I'll give anything a try at first, however, there are some I can't bring myself to continue. 49 Days, I managed to get two episodes in, but I can't bring myself to continue it. Everyone seems to love it, but I find no appeal in it. And Love Rain, which I tortured myself for five episodes but realized I would never finish it. 
Probably the classic melodramas like "Tree Of Heaven" , "A Love To Kill" and "Stairway To Heaven" , watching "1 Litre Of Tears" , "Autumn Tale" and "The Snow Queen" was enough lol
Scent of a Woman or anything similar where the main character dies from a terminal illness. I really want to watch Punch but because I know the main dies at the end, I can't bring myself to watch it.


I watched Scent of a Woman and i don't remember the main character dying , you must be confusing it with some other drama.
Any version of Hana Kimi. Anything related to sports (apart from boxing for some reason, hehe) bores me to tears -- the only two sports dramas I watched were One Pound Gospel (that was ok because it was boxing) and Buzzer Beat, which I just couldn't get into even if I watched it until the end.
I will not watch the upcoming live action of the ERASED. I did not watch the anime nor read the manga.
I refuse to watch Investigative/Detective, musicals drama and too comedy ones. Also drama from the (few) manga and anime I know.
Cunning single lady, let's eat