I can add another resolution: drastically move from Korean to Japanese dramas.
1- Drag friends to the dramaland 2- Find the perfect drama 3- Survive without watching dramas as much as I do now 4- Watch more movies
I never make resolutions (because I never manage to keep them), but I want to watch more Jdramas and TWdramas this year! And, watch an entire 60+ sageuk... scary thought.
Try to complete Mary Stayed out all Night- It's dragging m('u')m...
to finish all the dramas on list & add more ....@@@
Drama Resolution ummm maybe bring my PTW list down by half :D So I'll have to watch many dramas.
Hmm. Resolution?
Tone done my drama/movie cravings! I've been watching a lot recently. My dramalist isnt even completely updated because there were so many dramas I've watched -_- Maybe a maximum of 2 dramas/movies a week? Or maybe I should shift a bit to variety shows and balance out my preferences ;)
1. Watch 50 dramas 2. Watch Shut Up Flower Boy Band. I feel like i'm the only one that hasn't seen it. I'm normally not a fan of dramas (I couldn't even finish Heartstrings or Beautiful You) that involve musicians but Flower Boy Band has gotten loads of good reviews so I figure I should give it a shot
Keep watching long dramas with 20+ episodes.
Drama resolution: Complete the dramas on my on hold list (this will be hard). Watch more movies. Lessen my PTW list (it's getting quite large..)
Watch more dramas not just korean dramas, but japanese dramas...