It's not too late for me to join this club? :)

Better late than never! :) 


Welcome Welcome!  Never too late!

 Hence, I can't be more happy. Thank you so much! :)


Welcome to the party, shen mi :)

Thank you for your warm welcome @WandereR :)



Welcome! Happy to have you :)

Thanks a lot! Also happy to know you here xx


Better late than never! :) 

That's one of the great principles out there. Many thanks :)



Zen Violet posted:  

its so hard to pick just one historical I like..

You responded: 

 Totally feel you on that. The number of memorable productions over the years could really fill up the hall of fame indeed :D

My suggestion: let's start a hall of fame!  I can make a link to a spread sheet that asks users to pick their top five; I can then sort them and provide the HDC with a voting list.  

Good idea? Lame idea? 

Great Idea!! 

 shen mi:
It's not too late for me to join this club?  :)

Hey twinnie,  Yup all the doors are closed and the house is packed Lol  just kidding !  It's great seeing you here and the official word is Welcome :)) <3

  1. UPDATE: Hall of Fame Voting List.

The list will be released for voting soon.  (see below) First, I need some input from HDCers :) This is going to be a lively discussion, and I hope we can come to an agreement. MDLers are generally fair, reasonable, and smart people, so I'd like your input about  what Historical Drama means. 

Earlier in this thread, there were one or two comments about Historical vs Wuxia vs Xianxia.  Following a loose definition of Historical Drama, I'm suggesting that we limit adding titles and voting to those dramas that have a basis in history.  This would mean that - I think - Word or Honor and The Untamed wouldn't be historical dramas (no offense to fans of either! I've seen both and LOVED then), but Nirvana in Fire might be (?).  Now you can see why I need your help ;)


  1. have a look at the draft  workding of the  following info before I share the link.  
  2. Reply with whether you agree/disagree and why/why not with my provisional definition of "historical drama".  Using your comments, I'll create a definition that we can agree to :)



This is the first list for the HDC Hall of Fame.  You can add  new items, and the voting limit is set at 50.  

After this list, a new list of 25 will be created based on the results we get from Round 1...and that will be the HDC Hall of Fame: Historical Dramas.

You are probably excited, but before you run off to add titles, remember, this is for dramas that have a historical basis. 


  • Six Flying Dragons = historical, based on founding of the Joseon Dynasty.
    • The Wind Blows from Luoyang = historical, based on the Three Tingdoms period in China 
      • Ruoroni Kenshin = historical, based in the Meiji period in Japan

Of course, liberties can be taken with characters and general time line.  

Happy Adding and Voting!

Great job for creating this, Nienna! Truly appreciate your hard work :)

I'm generally agreeable with your idea and will go with the majority decision of the members.

Regarding the historical basis, that would mean historical fiction would be excluded from the voting list? 

Since there are many categories and subsets of historical productions, and the HDC Hall of Fame would/could serve as a reference point for members to discover and appreciate top-voted content, it might be helpful to segregate the lists accordingly. Additionally, each list caters to only 50 entries.

For instance, we have films and dramas. On top of that, there are 7 countries in the database. Most historicals are from China, South Korea, Japan, Thailand and Hong Kong. Just my 2 cents on the discussion.

Otherwise, I'm up for anything ;)

Excellent input, WandereR.    Now you know why I asked :) 

thanks and thanks.

but Nirvana in Fire might be (?). Now you can see why I need your help ;)

I can understand differentiating costume dramas from historical dramas, especially xianxia from historical dramas. I think in some cases there is room for wuxia in historical dramas, because they are sometimes based in a specific time period even if its only aesthetically. 

I think it'd be cool to make categories for the hall of fame. It could be like on a scale of:

I don't know enough about Chinese history to say if Word of Honor fits in Free Historical or not. Does the costume design hint towards a specific era? Or are there enough inconsistencies that nothing can be pinned down to any specific time period? Also please correct me if any of the above titles are in the wrong category.

Anyway, I think it'd be cool to have 4 categories of hall of fames. One for each category, and then a general category that ranks them regardless of tier. 

idk what do yall think? Would these categories do a good job of giving off the correct hisotrical feel of a title? Do you think the distinctions don't really matter?

For instance, we have films and dramas. On top of that, there are 7 countries in the database. Most historicals are from China, South Korea, Japan, Thailand and Hong Kong. Just my 2 cents on the discussion.

hmm good points. some people might want something more specific. i make tons of lists all the time so that'd be normal for me, but it can be a lot of work, especially if you try to link all of them to each other T_T

I swear, I love MDLers :) 

I'm all FOR the categories  because they have criteria I think most of us can agree too.  Also, if what we are looking for is historical "feel" some Wuxias would work.  Speaking of Wuxia...:

The Wuxia & Xiania conundrum (what a word!)...how about:

  • Xianxia is it's own list, outside of Historical Drama
  • Costume Drama would fit under the Free Historical category.

So let me catch up: 

  • High
  • Original 
  • Free   <<this includes Costume drama - yes?  
  •  All three can be epic and / or romance

Now about the differing countries: 

Once we get to a large list the Hall of Fame could include all countries.  After that, if someone wants to create Hall of Fames for each country, then that would be cool.

I should be entering final grades right now, by the way... ;) 

Keep it coming, HDCers!

The Wuxia & Xiania conundrum (what a word!)...how about:

Xianxia is it's own list, outside of Historical Drama
Costume Drama would fit under the Free Historical category.

Honestly I'm not even sure if xianxia needs a list if this is a Hall of Fame for the Historical Drama Club. For example the xianxia Eternal Love mostly takes place in realms that aren't earth, and the costume design really reflects that. None of the costumes can be placed in a specific earthly dynasty, except the story arch that takes place in the human realm. Even then, the emporor is given a name from three different dynasties, purposefully making it impossible to say "this part of the story takes place in this dynasty." idk if there are xianxias that have any historical elements to them. If there are, please correct me! I'm always eager to learn ^_^

Wuxia is a little different because they do take place on earth. The Swordsman 2 might be an example of a wuxia that could fit in the Free category just because it takes place during the Ming dynasty and explores Japanese ronin in China. I think many modern wuxias are less historical, but there should be some room for wuxias that have historical elements to them.

Edit: what I meant when I mentioned Word of Honor is that it might not even have enough historical elements make any of the lists. It's just that my knowledge of dynatsy aesthetics is not strong enough to sure for sure "it does not belong here."