autumn iris:
About Uncle Unknown, I really wish the editor did a better job connecting the story. And not just jumping scene to scene, I'm a bit confused at times.

exactly editing issue and i barely remember what happened lol

Day 23 ~ October Challenge

What are your least favourite foods?

im  picky, i dont eat  half of the fruits i like about 4 fruits... and vegetables sometimes tend to be a bit of a struggle ,i dont like overcooked dry good, and food thats no spicy at all it feels like it lack flavor, i dont like eating butter directly it make me  feel sick  so unless its in a cake its fine ,i dont like a huge amount of cheese in food i will not be able to eat it and it happens to me sometimes when i order pizza i like it when it has a bit of cheese instead of huge amounts

 not sure if i already started going into details but let me not go there because ....

P.S What kind of title is this I found in the depths of my PTW list I'm Horny Now! screaming lol

LOL im  going to watch it

you remind me, there is this The Masterbation in my PTWL but im sot sure if its available yet to watch lmaoooo



I love Thai BLs and KBLs (and JBLs) in different ways. One of things I especially like about KBLs is that most of them have a total runtime of 2-3 hours, meaning also that the stories are usually very focused.

I so understand that !
In this case, a total of 1hr 20 min (8 episodes of 10 minutes each) was definitely too short for my taste. It was such a good drama. I personally wish they developed the main characters more -those talented deserved more scenes- and made the last episode feel less rushed. 

I was right the first time. Stick to your instincts lol

I ate a lot of pizza a long time ago and that made me sick of it. Now I don't eat it (if ever, rarely) so I don't have to pretend to like it or something. I know it's a food item loved by many, but for some reason it's not for me.


My curiosity got the better of me. I watched it, despite my better instincts.

Somehow I held out the hope that it would be a pleasant surprise, as the same director has more recently done some really nice BLs like "Sing My Crush", "Love Mate" and "You Make Me Dance". Also, if one neglects the idiotic title and just reads the blurb, hopeless infatuation with a younger cutie can (theoretically) be a powerful trope (e.g. "Death in Venice").

But no, it was truly awful.  20 minutes of my life that I'll never get back. Gagaoolala has a massive amount of BL content, including some really great exclusives, but it also has some real cr*p.

Haha what did u rate it?

 Ariane aka RiriLaRoro:
a total of 1hr 20 min (8 episodes of 10 minutes each)

I forgot that "Where Your Eye Linger" is so short, even by KBL standards. But at least one doesn't get bored, right?

 Arc en ciel:
you remind me, there is this The Masterbation in my PTWL

It's a Wayufilm "members only" thing. I've not seen it, but it's probably a money grab. Although Wayufilm occasionally produces ultra-low-budget but nice BLs (e.g. the one about the handicapped boy), they tend to do a lot of money grabs and money begging, often with lurid appeal (as in this case). Not that I'm immune to lurid appeal (*cough cough*), but this one is probably lurid in a not good way.


JJ Radchapon, who replaced James Su following his break-up with Net and BLs.

JJ is not only cute but also (as I've discovered in "It Takes Two") quite talented, and he seems to already have a good chemistry with Net.

But no, he's not one of the two that I was referring to with a connection to last winter's show. You need to watch to find out!

This one is still stuck in my PTW list - but I will definitely watch it. I adore all ten of the GMMTV artists in it.

Currently watching S1.

Thomas look like a model student, handsome, neat, polite, quiet, and sincere.

Firstone (edited) is a bit rowdy. Kong is funny. Namping is probably the most talented actor since he's so expressive with his 'real' feeling. Gems gives me a 'baby losing his mom' vibe. Latte is a bit awkward in expression. Teetee is quite cute but his expression is confusing like he doesn't even think without saying things. 'Real'ity show.

Keng looks so fake hahaha, perhaps the show setting.

Oh, JJ. Okay, after I finished S1, I'll check him on S2. I remember JJ is Net friend's cousin or similar. So they're like family friend.


I forgot that "Where Your Eye Linger" is so short, even by KBL standards. But at least one doesn't get bored, right?

To say the least ! ;-)

but this one is probably lurid in a not good way.

ohh, thanks for letting me know

Haha what did u rate it?

5.0, but my rating scale is inflated (see my profile), so don't read too much into that. Anything I more or less enjoy gets at least 8, so anything below 7 is pretty awful. 5 is basically the minimum rating for anything I was able to watch to the end. (My definition of a 5:  "I really did not like it. I struggle to find anything good to say.") 

Likewise, I give a lot of 10s, so 206 (64%) of the 322 MDL titles I've watched get 9 or higher, and 142 (44%) get full marks (i.e. 10.0). I like to see the positive in things and am willing to overlook flaws and weaknesses that are outweighed by the good, or by things I especially like (including, of course, cuties of exceptional quality).


Day 23 ~ October Challenge

What are your least favourite foods?

Bloodied meat. The smell of blood does not get my appetite going whatsoever LOL I tend to stick to chicken and fish for meat but even they have their day's off.

For vegetables, that's Cauliflower and Aubergine/Eggplant. I have yet to find a way that I enjoy them. I'm a 'texture eater'. I hate anything mushy or gooey textured, or anything bitter like radicchio.

I used to call myself a foodie because I love cooking but I am surprisingly picky lol

Durian, it smells bad and the texture is so disgusting.

All kind of bitter vegetables.

Animals organs. Eel. Some fishes and its eggs. Rabbit (why people eat rabbit, that's cruel) and all kind of pet.


Anything with chili seeds on it 'cause it takes time to separate them from the foods.

And beer, bitter.

 autumn iris:
Keng looks so fake

I think it's more that he's very reserved, but I think he has a really nice personality.

I hope you enjoy S1 as much as I did!

 Ariane aka RiriLaRoro:

I just watched Where Your Eyes Linger. What a beautiful Kdrama ! And such great actors ! Too bad it was so short.

One of my favorites. I don't re-watch often, but I have re-watched this one.

Day 23 - What are your least favorite foods if you have any? Durian, Red meat, Bitter melon


I think it's more that he's very reserved, but I think he has a really nice personality.

I hope you enjoy S1 as much as I did!

Yes. It looks fun, like a dating show.

I was once watching Single Inferno. There's this guy, a youtuber, named Dex. He joined halfway but the show popularity and high recognition mostly because his rotten role (a manly handsome man who left breaking hearts everywhere who's befriend men and women-even after the shows). Looks like Keng's role, stimulating viewers.