
(Day 3) October Challenge : What are your plans for this fall?

Most of the year has been pretty boring for me. Unlike last year, I really haven't done anything fun or exciting (I did go camping in July which was a blast)--This fall I've purchased tickets to two concerts and a fan meet, so that's something I'm excited for. If things pan out I might get to go on a short vacation in December, but that plan is still up in the air and prone to cancelation lol

Apparently fall starts in September and ends in December-- you learn something new everyday. 

Oh nice who are you going to see? :)


Just finished season 3 of heartstopper and I loved it. I binged watched it straight through lmao XD!!! ♡♡

Wow already lol

I’m soo excited for the holidays so I can binge it with my friend XD


(re "180 Degree Longitude Passes Through Us") It's very good, but more of a serious gay-themed drama than a BL in the usual sense. There's a lot of dialogue, almost like a stage play. 

added to my list


Wow already lol

I’m soo excited for the holidays so I can binge it with my friend XD

You will love it ♡ :)

ok. I didnt even make it to the end of episode one of that Ghost Host,

I barely made it to the end of EP 1, Ghost Host Ghost House. 

I tried guys, I really did, but I don't think ghost-themed storylines or plots are for me. I was able to watch without feeling scared, but buying into the story was a whole different thing. I couldn't go all in, not even halfway sold on it's believability. Can't win 'em all!   


October Challenge -  Fall Plans

Nothing but ART & DRAMAS!!!

I've been on the go and away from home a lot for the last two years (not to mention a relocation to another city several months ago), so I'm intentionally planning to go nowhere and do very little for the rest of 2024.

Spending my days enjoying all sorts of art activities and getting to know my almost new-to-me city. Maybe try new recipes. Watch a ton of dramas, especially when the weather is cold or snowy. I've got my soft cuddle blanket on standby. 


Just finished the SK BL Happy Ending Romance I was pleasantly surprised by how locked in this series kept me. I crushed 7 out of the  8 episodes in one night; while not unusual I chose to watch as much as I could over going to sleep and I love my sleep XD. 

I thought it was okay, but I didn't like it enough to rec to others. but it is nice to find a drama that keeps you interested!

So, is anyone still watching First Note of Love?

It's feeling pretty ho hum for me, so I didn't know if it's me or the show? I mean, it's not terrible, but I'm not jumping for joy waiting for the next ep. each week either.

Just finished the SK BL Happy Ending Romance I was pleasantly surprised by how locked in this series kept me.

I have mixed feelings about it. It definitely got better in the second half, but as a love (triangle) story, it didn't really work for me: Jung Woo is cute but also so brooding and difficult to understand, and Jung Hyun is so deeply flawed, especially in how he uses Jung Woo, that I definitely wasn't able to invest in him. What redeemed the series for me was the third character, Tae Young , with his endless optimism, his fantastic smile and charm, and his total devotion to the object of his affection. This is the character that I invested in, and he was my reason for watching this series to the end. 

Also, I wasn't sure at times if it was trying to be a BL drama, or an exposé of the cynical, evil Korean publishing industry.

 American Fan:
I barely made it to the end of EP 1, Ghost Host Ghost House. 

Darn, my credibility is now destroyed. Oh well, "to each his own" - or as I like to say, "that's why they make chocolate and vanilla."

 American Fan:
I was able to watch without feeling scared, but buying into the story was a whole different thing.

Yeah, I don't think the ghost story was meant to be taken seriously - more like a spoof.

Word on the #streets (by streets I mean twitter) is that Podd & Papang might have a series in 2025 (only rumors tbh) becuase they’ve been seen together a lot in the last few days and apparently they now share a manager— Reference A (lol)

This is probably nothing ;; but I would tune in for them if it did happen lol

 American Fan:

I barely made it to the end of EP 1, Ghost Host Ghost House. 

I tried guys, I really did, but I don't think ghost-themed storylines or plots are for me. I was able to watch without feeling scared, but buying into the story was a whole different thing. I couldn't go all in, not even halfway sold on it's believability. Can't win 'em all!   


At least you tried /o/


Word on the #streets (by streets I mean twitter) is that Podd & Papang might have a series in 2025 (only rumors tbh) becuase they’ve been seen together a lot in the last few days and apparently they now share a manager— Reference A (lol)

This is probably nothing ;; but I would tune in for them if it did happen lol

Yes, I have been reading these rumours *sips soda* I am all for it.

Day 4. What is your happiest fall memory, and with whom and what happened?

I am trying to remember anything that was important during fall but other than start of uni year and meeting my best friend at the time (back in 2012-2013), I can't remember anything else specific to fall season.


Lol I do too! Mine can be all kinds of different ones depending on my mood. XD



Darn, my credibility is now destroyed. Oh well, "to each his own" - or as I like to say, "that's why they make chocolate and vanilla."

Yeah, I don't think the ghost story was meant to be taken seriously - more like a spoof.

Can I be the chocolate?

Oh, it's not always easy to tell a spoof from a serious theme.