Re: At 25:00, in Akasaka

I have completed 3 episodes and so far I see a budding story that I am interested in. It would seem to me that Shirasaki is one of those characters who appear to be complex and frustrating due to his mannerisms and personality; however I feel that his feelings are not so complex and are just intensely underscored by his demeanour and his impulsive and awkward approach in how he expresses his feelings (seeking out a stranger to sleep with in order to gain love experience). I have a feeling that as the series progresses he will fall into the JBL penchant for the lead being quite hesitant in openly expressing his feelings. Which I am assuming is what @p43425 was hinting at when he said he found Shirasaki "tiresome at times".

As stated by @axdxex on page 846, fifth post down, Hayama came off as cold and detached but for me this aloofness starts to melt a bit by the end of episode 3; not by much but his demeanour is starting to seem less cold.

Anyways those are my initial thoughts after completing 3 episodes. I will continue tomorrow and hopefully finish it. 

One of my favorite series is The Novelist, specifically the sequel movie The Novelist: Playback. I don't hear anybody talking about it.  The series was definitely not to everyone's taste.

This one has been on PTW list for some time now. I honestly forgot about it until now upon seeing you mention it. I don't know when I will watch it but I will be sure to leave my review of it here when I do watch it; in a very filtered manner (if it is as erotic as it seems). Well, I may just use warnings and spoilers if my intrusive thoughts win, we will see.

 American Fan:
I can feel them, like when Mut talked about his father's behavior it was sad to hear. 

Yeah hearing that made me sad too.

 American Fan:
Some kind of unspoken rule in dramas maybe.

I hate that rule so much. Like today people we ain't got enough episodes for this. Then there are the ones that drag it out only for the couple to not even end up together, *cough* you know what hell no I am not going to cover it with a cough, I am calling you out Chains of Heart,  used the spoiler just in case there are persons who have the privilege of not watching it yet. I am still pissed. Lucky I was generous with the rating I gave.

 American Fan:
If that makes sense.

That makes perfect sense. I don't want to give away too much because you mentioned that you still need to finish watching the first or second episode. I want to avoid spoiling it for you. I'm sorry if I didn't explain it before. What I meant was that the sexual tension between the main couple is a crucial element for me when considering a series as erotic, even if it doesn't necessarily have heavy NC scenes. The build-up and chemistry between the characters are also essential factors for me.

 American Fan:
. I like it here cuz everyone is respected. :-) 

I completely agree with that sentiment. I have visited other online platforms where people seem to be more interested in arguing than having constructive discussions. I genuinely enjoy engaging in conversations where different viewpoints are shared, especially when it comes to discussing TV shows. It's fascinating to see things from a different perspective and learn from others' viewpoints. In fact, I find it quite refreshing when someone is able to present a compelling argument that challenges my initial opinions and potentially changes my mind.

Q&A: I'm curious; Is there a general consensus regarding sharing GIFs from shows that just aired? It seems  only texts can be hidden with the spoiler option. Do you have any insights on this?

Lastly I encountered some notification issues earlier. Did you receive an alert that I replied to your inbox? Just checking because my notifications were all over the place today.

Well, I may just use warnings and spoilers if my intrusive thoughts win, we will see.

I would appreciate hearing your perspective on this particular show since, in my opinion, it delves much deeper than it's given credit for. It's the type of show that evokes discomfort yet simultaneously captivates you due to the complexity of the characters and the underlying reasons driving their actions.

There is a prequel to the main series that provides insight into the main character and his editor. On MDL, there is some debate about whether it's better to watch the main series first or the prequel. In my opinion, the series is best appreciated in the initial release order: The Novelist (2018), Mood Indigo (2019), then The Novelist: Playback (2021). Also, it's worth noting that The Novelist ~ Spring Life (2021) is a 13-minute NC treat. It seems like it was cut from the film, but I enjoyed it.

Just a fair warning, though: It is very explicit. I had to watch both the drama and the movie with headphones on at night.. It is definitely for a mature audience only, but it is one of my all-time favorites.

Just a fair warning, though: It is very explicit. I had to watch both the drama and the movie with headphones on at night.. It is definitely for a mature audience only, but it is one of my all-time favorites.

LOL you are giving the wrong person that warning because to me that is an invitation

On a serious note, I understand what you mean by these type of shows being viewed as too explicit, disgusting or causing discomfort to some. I had the same in depth understanding of Dangerous Drugs of Sex while many persons could not stomach it. Oh, I am definitely checking this out sooner than later.

There is a prequel to the main series that provides insight into the main character and his editor. On MDL, there is some debate about whether it's better to watch the main series first or the prequel. In my opinion, the series is best appreciated in the initial release order: The Novelist (2018), Mood Indigo (2019), then The Novelist: Playback (2021). Also, it's worth noting that The Novelist ~ Spring Life (2021) is a 13-minute NC treat. It seems like it was cut from the film, but I enjoyed it.

I will definitely watch it in the order it was released in. I am a perfectionist and the idea of watching it out of the release order irritates my mind. This is also the reason why I cannot drop a series because I am leaving something incomplete. 

that is an invitation

I found it quite humorous because I intended to demonstrate common courtesy towards those in your vicinity.    And that was most definitely an invitation.

Dangerous Drugs of Sex while many persons could not stomach it.

Is this the one you're referring to? I'm always open to exploring new series. This season, I've noticed a surplus of lighthearted content in the romance genre. While I do appreciate and enjoy this kind of content, I need something different to cleanse my palate. If this is the drama you're speaking of, I am interested in why the ratings are so low. I've never seen ratings this low, but that doesn't scare me away; it piques my interest.

. I am a perfectionist

Welcome to the perfectionist Club !  I am your Club member!

I cannot drop a series

Over the years, I've only ever dropped 16 shows out of all the dramas I've watched. There's something inside me that compels me to see the journey through to completion, no matter how challenging it may be. It's almost like I see it as a personal defeat if I don't finish what I've started, even though some of these shows have been quite torturous to sit through. However, I am always driven by a deep-seated need to understand the reasons behind the events in the storyline. It's as if I crave closure and answers, even if it means enduring some discomfort. I find myself genuinely distraught when a show concludes without offering the resolution I was hoping for. It's as if all the hardship I endured while watching was in vain. Nonetheless, I still hold onto hope that things might take a positive turn, even after a rocky start.

You guys are goign to be sick of me by the time this show airs

Maybe, but I'll never be sick of seeing my beloved Dunk in a crop top (see photo a few pages back *slobber lick slurp*).

 American Fan:
The sum of the two together is greater than one alone.

I agree with this - that's what being a CP fan means to me. And even with the ones where I deeply love both and would be hard pressed to choose which one to take as mine (e.g. Tutor and Yim), I love 'em in different ways (e.g. cuddly love vs. raw carnal lust).

 American Fan:
I'm not mentally mature enough to watch an erotic themed series.  I can barely handle Rique's postings.

Here, however, we differ. *cough cough* Bring it on, preferably kinky!


Putting these two together ("raw carnal lust" + "kinky"), each new episode of "Love Sea" is giving me increasingly vivid fantasies about Fort molesting me in the shower.

the JBL penchant for the lead being quite hesitant in openly expressing his feelings. Which I am assuming is what @p43425 was hinting at when he said he found Shirasaki "tiresome at times".

You're on the right track here, but there's more to it - he's almost a bit of a Japanese Hamlet (spoken as a soliloquy: "Oh gosh, I'm so confused and insecure, I can't decide what to do ...")

If this is the drama you're speaking of, I am interested in why the ratings are so low. I've never seen ratings this low, but that doesn't scare me away; it piques my interest.

I think "Dangerous Drugs of Sex" might have such low MDL ratings because people watched the first bit (possibly because they were titillated by the words "sex" and "drugs"), quickly got triggered, and then gave it a bad rating without watching enough to understand it.  It's definitely not for the faint-hearted (trigger warnings: bondage/captivity, rape, torture, suicide), but there's actually quite a lot of depth to it.

Okay while I had a bit of time today I went ahead and make a JoongDunk so far. <3  

Hmm no notifications but yes emojis

June BL Challenge

 ✨Day 22 Someone once said... favorite quote from a BL

I'm terrible at remembering quotes so I'll go with something from the last BL I watched. "I received a gift and had it stolen from me." - Mitsuru from Eien no Kinou

 ✨Day 23 See you at the met... showcase an iconic wardrobe

 I mean who else but Tankhun from KinnPorsche

✨Day 24 The best're favourite BL character with a bike

It's a toss up between Payu from Love in the Air and Win from Between Us


I would love to join! 

Welcome to the club :)