Day 16 August Challenge: Describe a typical day or weekend. Now describe what your perfect day would look like!

My typical day would be waking up between 4 and 5 in the morning for my 7AM class. This depends on my class schedule, but it's always 3 hours before the class because I take a long time getting ready. After class, I like to go to coffee shops to take a break before going home, and when I get home, I hang out with my family.

A perfect day for me is simple. Waking up late and going to sleep late. Not needing to wake up until the afternoon and having the break I needed. A perfect day includes me casually watching series and movies, listening to music while reading a book or webtoon, exploring cafes and other hangout places, and hanging out with my family.

 Day 17 August Challenge: Do you have pets? How many? What kind? Share photos and stories about them if you like

Yes. We had a lot of them back in the past, such as dogs, chickens, lovebirds, dove, and ducks. 

Currently, we have two dogs: a 4-year-old and a 1-year-old. I also have some neighborhood cats that I feed sometimes, and they're just right outside my house. I would love to share some pictures, but I couldn't right now since I'm using a different device. (I'll try to edit this later)

yk this forum is one of the only thing that still brings me hope that maybe one day someone will match my freak. 

Find someone who has an inner Aou freak. 


im gonna be honest I googled woody the woodpecker and I have never heard of him. The only woody I know is Toy Story Woody lmao. I would say my name is loosely inspired by the Kanye song (unfortunately) the one that's like poopdity scoop scoopdity woop. My username on like every other platform is "poopdywoopdy" but MDL thinks it's too inappropriate LOL. I guess I needed a new username when that song was trending like 6 years ago. 

Lol I’ve never heard that song until now but it’s so funny for no reason XD

 American Fan:
Monster Next Door EP 4 

I think things are heading toward an "unfortunate event" that will upset the rosy path G-d & Diew have just begun together. Oh, and Diew has a great smile. Lots of teeth.

G-d is so romantic & sexy. But ewwwww, that sounds so weird using that name in the same sentence when talking about things like that. Who thought that was a good idea for a name?  (*disgusted face*)

I think you're right about bumps in the road ahead. There are still eight episodes to go, and things have been going just a bit too smoothly! (Not that I'm complaining - so far, I love it.)

I don't think there's any intent to take the Lord's name in vain here. Buddhists are very respectful of such stuff. Firstly, the Thai nickname is sometimes transliterated as "Got", if that makes you feel better. Secondly, I believe it's meant to connect to the original novel title "Godzilla Next Door", i.e. not a deity.

Anyways, I'm eagerly looking forward to Ep. 5 on Thursday.

Day 16. Describe a typical day or weekend. Now describe what your perfect day would look like!

Wake up at 9-10 am, eat breakfast, work on things, eat lunch, work on things, eat dinner, go to sleep.
During the weekend it's the same except I don't really work on anything / take the days off.

I would like a day where I could sleep in, up until 12 pm and then eat a slow lunch, work a bit on something I like and then read a book, watch a movie/drama, take a long walk, and simply live life. During weekends I'd go to live concerts. Eat sushi and spend time in nature.

Day 17. Do you have pets? How many? What kind? Share photos and stories about them, if you like.

I have cats, dogs, chickens, etc. Two cats and one dog, many chickens + other animals. No photos or stories because I'm too lazy to share.

Day 17: Do you have pets? How many? What kind?
I do have two odd dogs. One is a black lab/whippit mix the other is a boarder collie/black lab mix. They both are rescues and our babies.

Day 17 August Challenge: Do you have pets? How many? What kind? Share photos and stories about them if you like

I am the odd one out today as I am not a pet person. The furthest I will go is a fish or a bird and I have neither. I like my personal space animal free lol. 

Dark Blue Kiss ep 6

Omg Sun and Mork r so cute, I’m really enjoying their scenes <3 

Non is cheeky (not in a good way) and I don’t like it

I’m so scared for when Pete finds out that Kao lied about teaching Non

Altho despite all the jealousy and stuff, Pete and Kao r adorable, I love how they support each other (Pete supporting Kao with coming out and Kao supporting Pete with talking in front of crowds and stuff) 

Also, I love Pete’s dad lol - that scene where he gives him the condom he got for free from his office was so sweet XD


Find someone who has an inner Aou freak. 

maybe one day :,)


Lol I’ve never heard that song until now but it’s so funny for no reason XD

it was some like beef he had with Drake about using a beat or something stupid like that LOL. 

Okay guys as I do with all my favourite series I add them to my personal wall of fame on my profile so I created a whole section for MEET YOU AT THE BLOSSOM so could you guys go look at my profile and tell me what you think; just scroll down near the movie section and you will see it.


Okay guys as I do with all my favourite series I add them to my personal wall of fame on my profile so I created a whole section for MEET YOU AT THE BLOSSOM so could you guys go look at my profile and tell me what you think; just scroll down near the movie section and you will see it.

I felt dizzy by the time I got there. I'm on my phone and that's quite a journeys down haha xD Great job *thumbs up"


I felt dizzy by the time I got there. I'm on my phone and that's quite a journeys down haha xD Great job *thumbs up"

LOL thank you!

I hope none of the NC content scarred you lol

PS. I advise against opening my profile in public - should have stated that in my post.


LOL thank you!

I hope none of the NC content scarred you lol

Haha I'm good. Think you need a prize for escaping censorship or something though lol I didn't know you were allowed to do that xD

How am I only just realizing that ghost ships exist?