Re: 4 Minutes episode 4

uhmmm *thinking emoji* I will come back after I have watched TLDHLB and just review both. 

I am a little thrown off by some small details here; not too happy with certain scenes. On the bright side I now have a new working theory for what is happening plot wise. Next post in a few. 

*thinking emoji*

for today's challenge question I was honestly expecting someone to say their perfect day would include their bias or harem

Does "someone" refer to anyone in particular? *innocent smile*

 American Fan:
I'm lost already.

The way the show presents information is really interesting. Instead of bombarding viewers with all the details at once, the creators unfold the story like solving a puzzle. Each piece of information fits into the narrative at different points, but eventually, everything comes together to create a cohesive whole.

It appears that dreams and time jumps are pivotal in the story, and the creators might be intentionally keeping information about them hidden to make a greater impact later on. Despite the deliberate pace of revealing information, each episode manages to captivate the audience, making them eagerly await the next installment for more revelations.

I believe we are all collectively working on unraveling this mystery, and it's best to keep an open mind and look for any hidden meanings or small details that others might have overlooked. I enjoy exchanging ideas with the community since so many questions remain unanswered for now.

PS. you might want to watch the centered version if you can't do the heavy sex scenes cuz man this one is loaded with it LOL 


RE: Doctor's Mine

I am easy-- they always get me with the engineers lmao

So Tongkla's brother and the guy in the trunk are different! Idk who the guy in the trunk was, but he was the guy that Great saved from his friend (like the first half of ep 2 stuff). I don't believe we've seen Tongkla's brothers face yet, just the side profile on his corpse when he was identified by Tongkla (first time he met the cop).

OK so update HAHAHHA

JK cause I didn't finish the last like 2 minutes of ep 4 so I'm a big ole dummy. It took me scrolling tiktok to realize, now im fr so confused

PS. you might want to watch the centered version if you can't do the heavy sex scenes cuz man this one is loaded with it LOL 

Ok, I can do puzzles. Yeah, I'm watching the censored version. Really handsome cast of guys!


Yet another way in which we are so similar!

Yet another way in which we are so not!

Haha, you are so right!

So-- apparently Wandee Goodday is going to Viki like soon soon. Like 6 days, soon.

Isn't this the fastest a GMMTV show has gone from YT to Viki? 

Does anyone know where to watch Blue Sky Complex with subs? Im in the US so I cannot use Bilix2

4 Minutes - EP 1

Oh what to say....if I just watched the censored version I can't even imagine what ya'll are watching.  

Other than that and skipping past bloody parts, so far I like the story. Both MLs are handsome, but I'm also interested in Korn. I love his facial expressions and maybe just him in general.  

Sounds like the doctor doing the research is collecting NDE stories from patients who almost died. Interesting....

apparently Wandee Goodday is going to Viki like soon soon. Like 6 days, soon.

Yes - and now I'm so glad I waited. Much more pleasant to watch on Viki.

Listen all my thoughts almost escaped me. There is a dance next door and the sound from the speakers is making the walls vibrate. I was annoyed at first then they started dropping the Dancehall songs and I had to get up and start body rolling and slow wine. They are dropping bangers:

"Welcome di girl dem suga di girl dem need dis..."


This Love Doesn't Have Long Beans - episode 7

I will save my in depth thoughts for the finale and final review next week.

What I will say though is that I have hated Glasses from the very start. He is a pussyhole. As far as I am concerned he can go play in incoming traffic, preferably during rush hour on a 7 lane highway. This boy out here being a side character acting like he is a main character, go sit your ass down somewhere!


4 Minutes - Episode 4

There are some things I did not like but let me speak on the plot and the positives first.

I now have this theory that there are different timelines parallel to each other and that Great is going back in time to fix the problems hence the different outcomes than what he sees happening in the future. Remember the first episode started off with him in surgery with his heart stopping so I believe he has already experienced all we are seeing and is going back in time to change the outcomes so him seeing the "future" is really just him subconsciously recalling events and trying to fix them in the present reality and he is unaware of it because his mind is probably in suspended space or in limbo. I thought of this when the two realities were shown with Tonkla's brother Dome coming home from hospital and where in the present reality he is dead. Remember we never knew what happened to him after he woke up in the hospital and we know that Great did see him get killed by his friend (Great's friend) before interrupting the chain of events that should have led to Dome's death.

As for Tonkla he finally got his wish and got taken raw lol a WIN for him literally lol.

As for the NC scene with Tyme and Great I have to admit I felt like I was edged and then denied final climax. It was underwhelming to me. Hear me out, I realised that they were going to use strong contrast to portray their NC scene in that it was sweet and tender while being sexy in contrast the previous NC scenes in the series that are lewd and dirty as well as the contrast to the series' dark atmosphere. However the build up to them arriving in the motel room was off and during the NC scene the kept these playful smiles and playfulness that felt out of place. Given the events that led up to this scene I expected this scene to be more about passion, need, lust and grounding; Great just discovered a huge secret about his family, was held at gun point and almost witnessed a murder. When he was speeding along the highway I was thinking that the adrenaline was kicking in so when he stopped on the bridge and was shouting I expected the adrenaline to drain and for him to crash back into reality realising that his brother and father are involved in illegal activities and tortured a woman. Therefore that NC scene should have been Tyme grounding him into something that is real; using sexual gratification to make him feel something outside of the experience he just endured. That is just my opinion. Truthfully when I saw Great's legs spread I was like, okay now we are getting into it and then the thrusting started but then the facial expressions just threw it off for me.

Regarding the backstory to Tonkla and Korn's relationship I thought it was well done and I loved every second of it.

An issue I had with production though is the dead cat. It looked like a stuffed animal; for me it was unrealistic. I would have preferred if they just did not show it. Also the blood that splattered on the glass when Great saw Nan get murdered was not very convincing. I had to rewind to look at it again. Something about the consistency of the liquid seemed off as if it was a bit too runny. Blood is thicker than that and more bright as it did look paler than blood red. This is me nitpicking yes but when I am presented with a plot such as this my mind goes into deep mode.

Regarding the name of the owner of the finger prints I look forward to finding out why Win (the cop) was shocked.


Disclaimer if you are innocent minded this is where you stop. I will not be responsible for any corruption of the mind even though I will be filtered and brief.

You know I have to talk about Korn and Tonkla's first time. Oh my great heavens. My erection was here to stay. When I saw Korn go in between those spread legs my own legs involuntarily spread like a protractor in math class. Oh Lord have mercy. When Korn said, "try putting your tongue in my mouth.", I was like boy behave! I am getting hot again. Him wanting Tonkla to take off his underwear for him and play with and feel his stiffening cock.

Rewind to the present with Tonkla and the cop going at it raw. Tonkla does not play when it cums to stuffing his hole. Oh I saw the cock flashing from the cop. Better yet at 15:08 was given a better view. Trust and believe I paused and zoooooooomed in on cop junior. When Tonkla began stripping and straddling the cop in that chair like a jockey saddling a horse - I hope the cop is a grower to drive this analogy deeper. Then Tonkla gets fucked against the wall - to the windows to the walls- However personally that looked painful and uncomfortable; I am not down for that position but I am down for the floor, bed, counter top, washing machine top, stairs, car hood, bike back, let me stop!

There is one position I am waiting for though and that is di backaz! Anyways:

These are my thoughts.

Oh and regarding the discussion about thick thighs, we differ again @American Fan because as far as I am concerned thick thighs save lives and I would not mind a pair of thick thighs (Bible's) wrapped around my waist or hanging over my shoulder

Let me behave *inside voice* - but it is a Friday Night! - Yes but I do not want MDL to ban me for indecent behaviour. I feel like I am already on chalk line lol.


My inner freak calling me out for pretending I'm not into this, as well 

"Is somebody going to match my freak"


Yes - and now I'm so glad I waited. Much more pleasant to watch on Viki.

Agreed. My prefered streaming site is viki.  Specially when trying to watch on the TV.

My Love Mix Up Ep11

  • This show is so good ;;
  • I love seeing Papang as a mentor in this show. I demand more Papang!!!
  • Thap and Atom are so cute on their little festival date!
  • The Chinzilla cameo ended me! I love them so much!
  • My kids are all growing up ;; Mudmee and Half TALKING??? 
  • Anyway, look at our pretty princess and prince!
  • That was such a sweet mother / son-in-law talk, Atom’s mom is lovely ;; 
  • The hug and kiss on the rooftop *squeels*  

Does "someone" refer to anyone in particular? *innocent smile*

to honest, you and RX may have crossed my mind lol but I was expecting anyone in general