American Fan:
The scent of coffee

I don't think we can be friends.  LOL

Day 11 August Challenge: Are you an adventurer or a homebody? Describe what makes you one or the other. Or both?

I'm more of a mix of both. I like staying home most of the time, where I just enjoy the things I like, such as watching and taking a break. Sometimes, I also enjoy going out with my friends or family to experience new things. It's also because I like taking photos of places I haven't been to.

Day 12 August Challenge: List 5 things you love.

  1. Drama series. BL or non-BL
  2. Sweets
  3. K-POP (mainly svt, got7, shinee, and enha)
  4. Baking and cooking
  5. Animals
  6. Taking photos
  7. Sky and moon

Day 13 August Challenge: List 5 things you dislike. 

  1. Social gatherings
  2. Public speaking
  3. Changing plans or canceling plans at the last minute
  4. Bugs
  5. Toxic people
  6. Black coffee

@Onyxthehedgehog Im very squeamish and visualise everything so my gore tolerance is very low. Then there's the emotional impact of someone being horribly killed. I learned this at 8 when we were learning about Guy Fawkes and we're watching a documentary that showed us how he was tortured and executed and I promptly passed out on the floor LOL which is funny because I said yesterday I love domestic history, just not the torture and death part LOL 

Day 13: Things I Dislike

  1. When my husband forgets to tell me exactly when he'll return from a trip (Was expecting him last night and he's not back yet. I'm not panicking since I know where he is, but miscommunications suck.) "We're going for 5 nights." They've been gone for 6...
  2. The smell and taste of durian
  3. Cockroaches. I can handle most bugs but cockroaches traumatized me when I was a kid. We had large flying ones in the Philippines.
  4. Gory, Horror, Jump Scare shows. I can handle some, up to a point, but my tolerance is pretty low.
  5. Earthworms on sidewalks after the rain, I just don't want to step on them.

Edited to add: #1 Husband is backpacking out in the wilderness with two friends. He's usually meticulous about letting me know when he'll return, but he only had two days in between trips (our return from French Polynesia and when he left for backpacking), so it was hectic. He has a Garmin InReach (satellite-enabled) so I looked this morning at 3am where he was. Still in the Eastern Sierras, hiking every day and camping by Honeymoon Lake. I guess he'll be back when he gets back.

I can handle most bugs but cockroaches traumatized me when I was a kid.

for me its  lizards , it was also okay until i accidentally grabbed one. 

taste of durian

i love durian !!!

Rubik's cubes r really easy and fun to solve once u learn it- the 3x3 is really easy cuz it only uses one algorithm

I could never solve them but never learned the algorithms either. My younger kid learned the algorithm pretty early and also enjoyed solving all sorts of puzzles. The cube is a convenient puzzle to bring on trips. His current time for solving the 3x3 is 12.6 seconds.

for me its  lizards , it was also okay until i accidentally grabbed one. 

That reminds of the time my older brother grabbed the tail of a gecko, and it fell off. He felt so bad that he left rice where it happened to try and feed the gecko, and he would watch for it every night. Eventually, we saw the gecko grow another tail. Super cool for young kids to witness.


Seriously,  After watching both episodes back to back, I found myself immediately rewatching them. I'm completely hooked. The music is fantastic, and the chemistry between Neil and Sea is electrifying. Their subtle glances and hand gestures convey so much meaning. The unspoken dialogues in those intimate moments consume me. I wish I had saved the series to binge-watch, but I'll likely rewatch the episodes anyway. I'm looking forward to seeing how music is used for healing in this series !

I'm totally going to do a re-watch before the next episode, as well. It gives me that Taiwanese BL feel that I haven't had in a while (I don't know how to explain it but it's there).

I wasn't expecting much regarding the music but it's honestly so good. The two actors also look really good together, and already have great chemistry.  I'm so excited for this show. 

Yess, I watched both eps and I LOVE it so much XD

YESS! Sea is adorable! I love him already. He's cute, but also strong, and stands up for himself and others. <3 I can't wait to see them fall in love because Sea is already doing wonders on Neil.

August Challenge (DAY 13) -Things You Hate 

  1. Bugs. Any and All. This morning a cricket walked over my foot-- you should have seen the way I jumped-- The worst part is that I also hate killing them because I can't stand the crunch.
  2. Runny Egg Yolk. I've tried. I really have. It looks delicious when people eat it on TV. But I can't.
  3. Nosy People. I have a "Don't ask. If they want to tell you, they will", policy. I realize this may have cost me relationships because people sometimes take this as me not caring enough to ask, but I'm a private person by nature and I forget not everyone is like that. 
  4. Being woken up before my alarm goes off, or at an odd hour. It makes me irrationally angry.
  5. People that try to pressure you into things. It ticks me off. The more they insist the less I want to do it. It's the principle of the matter! 
  6. Fortune Telling. (To be clear, I mean this solely when applied to myself, not fortune telling in general.) I won't even open a fortune cookie. I will not take a fortune paper from a temple. The thing is I do believe there's more out there, and I really don't want to know. They say knowledge is power, but knowledge is also anxiety. 

I don't think we can be friends.  LOL

I knew someone would have sm to say!! haha. Oh well, can't love everything!!



And spiders. I could tell sci fi like (but real)  stories about these creatures, but this isn't the place and some of you might freak out just thinking about it. 

Yep, there were giant flying cockroaches in Israel too. My worst nightmare in living color right before my eyes.

m very squeamish and visualise everything so my gore tolerance is very low.

Me too. Just reading about what you said about this Guy fellow is enough to feel bad, without even seeing anything. Ugh!


Day 13: Things I Dislike

  1. When my husband forgets to tell me exactly when he'll return from a trip (Was expecting him last night and he's not back yet. I'm not panicking since I know where he is, but miscommunications suck.) "We're going for 5 nights." They've been gone for 6...
  2. The smell and taste of durian
  3. Cockroaches. I can handle most bugs but cockroaches traumatized me when I was a kid. We had large flying ones in the Philippines.
  4. Gory, Horror, Jump Scare shows. I can handle some, up to a point, but my tolerance is pretty low.
  5. Earthworms on sidewalks after the rain, I just don't want to step on them.

I hate cockroaches as well… they are just not something I tend to be strong about :( 

It gives me that Taiwanese BL feel that I haven't had in a while (I don't know how to explain it but it's there).

RE: First Note of Love I know what you mean. I'm loving this show.

 American Fan:

AUGUST CHALLENGE - DAY 12 - 5  7 Things I Love

Aside from Arts & Music, here's a few things that come to mind.

  1. Starting a new drama, both BL & Straight - The anticipation is like a low-key high.
  2. New places to visit - The further away from home the better.
  3. Living alone - Love, love, LOVE my own space!!!
  4. Baking bread from scratch in the winter while it snows outside.
  5. The ocean and everything about it - as long as I'm on land.
  6. The scent of fresh-cut grass on the breeze that's coming in my window. [No allergies here]
  7. Cats - I hope to have a real kitty companion one day. For now I have kitty squishmallow.

There's just about 1-3 things on everyone's list that I love too! There's lots to love in the world. :-)

Huge Yeas to # 1,2,5 !! For 5, I also like being on a boat now that I found a solution to my seasickness.

Sadly, #6,7 are Nays for me. I'm allergic to both. 

I have something more devastating to say than I don't like coffee.....I like spiders LOL

AHH what a nice way to open Pg 1013 LOL I'm hopefully getting my laptop back tomorrow so I can go back to some dramas. I have an android tv but for some reason I get a headache reading subtitles from it, I don't know why. Maybe it's all the reading from a screen, I don't know. I can rewatch on the TV when I'm not as focused but when I'm watching for the first time, it has to be eye level lol