, it's another to have guts spattering everywhere

oh my god, that sounds so bad, definitely not something i look forward to or could tolerate. 

Day 13. List 5 things you hate/dislike. Or more if you want (You can include pet peeves here)

1. Liver
2. Melon
3.  Idiots
4. Bigots
5. Delululand citizens (of any type)

All I'm saying is, it's good to live in reality, however painful that might be. I hate some foods and some people and that's just the way I am. Nothing more, nothing less.

Oh please do lol I am interested to see if I have already lived through any of them lol

 bad ones that can help you achieve your goal ? lol lets go :

The Middleman's Love , Physical Therapy, Lady Boy Friends ,Check Out ,Coffee Melody, Crazy Handsome Rich ,Fahlanruk 

Day 13. List 5 things you hate/dislike:

1- blood ,gory scenes it might make me feel dizzy sometimes
2-chaos,too much noise and crowd it give me headache fr
3-social events exhaust me if its too long
4-i dont like people who get heated easily and cant resolve the issue calmly without being aggressive
5 -toxic shippers that dont let celebrities date in peace

Day 13. List 5 things you hate/dislike:

  1. Idiot Drivers- lmao I really wanna know how some people managed to get their licenses? "Deathface emoji"
  2. Bullies and toxic people
  3. Blood- I have hemophobia(fear of blood)
  4. Lazy coworkers 
  5. Mushrooms

Day 13. List 5 things you hate/dislike: 

  1. Raisins
  2. Avocados
  3. Overly aggressive or mean behaviour. Anger and violence as a first response to anything.
  4. Weird Age gaps or student teacher romance tropes
  5. Spiders, Lizards etc- Pretty much any creepy crawlies
And I have always wanted to know this, what’s an ETA? 

Edited to add

Quick post before I go to sleep! You all need to go watch First Note of Love! 

I saw EP 1 and not sure yet...Wait...sorry, I saw the first ep of I Saw You in My Dream. Not sure about that one yet. 

I'll come back later, lol.

Day 13: List 5 things you hate/dislike


While there's plenty that I dislike (I don't like the word "hate"), I prefer to maintain the facade of a positive-minded person who tries to see the best in things as well as people (at least in theory, if not necessarily in practice due to my anti-social grouchiness).


I could never solve the rubik cubes xD I would give them to my brother in a huff lol tea and scones is always a good answer. I love raspberry and white chocolate <3 what's your favourite?

Rubik's cubes r really easy and fun to solve once u learn it- the 3x3 is really easy cuz it only uses one algorithm (I use the beginner's method- can't seem to wrap my head around the advanced method) but the 4x4 has a few more algorithms so it takes more time lol I actually gave up on the 4x4 for like a year before coming back to it and deciding to give it another try. Once I learnt the 4x4, I was easily able to do the 5x5 and 6x6 and started exploring different types of cubes like the gear cube or the megaminx (lol sorry for blabbering, I love talking about them)

I love sultana scones with cream cheese...mmm, my mouth is watering just thinking about it XD

 American Fan:
Oh, man, darn it! But you're right, No horror for me.

Yeah, I'm wondering whether to start Addicted Heroin as well....who plans to watch it while currently airing? 

Lol I'll lyk how it goes when it airs

I think I'll just wait to binge addicted heroin



The following is in response to statements made by certain members of the BL Drama Lovers Club regarding claims to Joong Archen Aydin:

This is to inform all members of the said club to cease and desist from laying claims in any form on Joong Archen Aydin immediately. Failure to comply with this order will incur legal action. The management team of RXinw and Joong Archen Aydin understands the enthusiasm of fans but encourages restraint and respect for their relationship. Any future provocations made by members of the club will be responded to with decisive and comprehensive legal action. 

Thank you for supporting the GMMTV actor Joong Archen Aydin and please do continue to support him in his present and future endeavours. Have a lovely day.


I am completely willing to face the consequences if that's what it takes to show you people that Joong Archen Aydin is MINE and ONLY MINE. 

I kind wanna claim this Joong just for fun LOL 

Don't you dare lol

(I don't like the word "hate")

Hi Mr. Grouch! I agree, so I do prefer the word dislike.  In the context of this "game", I take it to mean more of a descriptive word, not too serious or deep.

With that I chose the following things.

AUGUST CHALLENGE - DAY 13 - Things I Dislike

Litter bugs

Real bugs

Making phone calls

Loud voices

The scent of coffee

Tags on clothes

On the serious side, my answer would be racism/inequality/injustice

Guyssssss !!! Quick post before I go to sleep! You all need to go watch First Note of Love! 

Yess, I watched both eps and I LOVE it so much XD

Sea is sooo cute omg

I really can't wait for the next ep- I wish I waited to binge it lol

Also, the song that Neil sang while Sea was playing the piano was so good- does anyone know the name?

Dog earring a book page. Gaah, use a book mark you heathen!

Lol I love you XD

Day 13 of August Challenge: List 5 things you hate/dislike. Or more if you want (You can include pet peeves here)

1.  Politics

2. Avocadoes

3. Spiders

4. Pretty much all insects and bugs

5. Snakes

6. Small spaces

(Yep, I have arachnophobia, claustrophobia, Ophidiophobia and entomophobia- it sucks)

7. Homophobia

8. Dog-earing book pages 

(Lol I did more than asked)

Wow, so many people dislike gore and blood- am I the only one who likes it? :0  oof I'm the odd one out

 American Fan:
The scent of coffee
