
I have 3 more eps of Star in my Mind and then I was told to watch Lovely writer so I guess I LL start that lol

I've been reading your live reviews for Star In My Mind lol 


Not you checking out the merchandise lol screaming!


Don’t forget to dm me after ep 4 of 4 minutes lol

I can’t wait to watch it XD


I've been reading your live reviews for Star In My Mind lol 

ohh good because I was hoping I wasn't spamming the thread LOL I was waiting for some to scold me LOL

OK I have to talk about 4Minutes AGHHH! SPOILERS!

I'm only 15 minutes in but idc- Live Reaction Time/Rant

I never cared about Korn to be honest, especially in terms of his relationship with Tong Kla. It was obvious from the beginning he used Tong Kla for sex, and everything after that DID NOT HELP HIS CASE! Then the Cop comes into the picture are starts building things up, like he actually cares about him- AHH AND THEN THE SCENE IN ep 4 AHHH! KORN IS BACK AND TRIES TO MOVE IN ON KLA WHEN HE DIDNT EVEN CALL HIM BACK! AND HAD SEX BEHIND HIS BACK (Kla did that too but yk). This is so messy and I am living for it 100%. AND HE ASKS WHY KLA WANTS TO KICK HIM OUT?? He's greieving bro- anyways I'm not sure who the person the forensic scientits told the Cop was, since they used his full name, but for a bit I was suspecting it WAS Kla? Idk.

Can I also just say, face card for the Cop and Kla never declines. The way they styled the Cop is so insanely great for this actor, he looks SO HANDSOME.


OK I have to talk about 4Minutes AGHHH! SPOILERS!

I'm only 15 minutes in but idc- Live Reaction Time/Rant

I never cared about Korn to be honest, especially in terms of his relationship with Tong Kla. It was obvious from the beginning he used Tong Kla for sex, and everything after that DID NOT HELP HIS CASE! Then the Cop comes into the picture are starts building things up, like he actually cares about him- AHH AND THEN THE SCENE IN ep 4 AHHH! KORN IS BACK AND TRIES TO MOVE IN ON KLA WHEN HE DIDNT EVEN CALL HIM BACK! AND HAD SEX BEHIND HIS BACK (Kla did that too but yk). This is so messy and I am living for it 100%. AND HE ASKS WHY KLA WANTS TO KICK HIM OUT?? He's greieving bro- anyways I'm not sure who the person the forensic scientits told the Cop was, since they used his full name, but for a bit I was suspecting it WAS Kla? Idk.

Can I also just say, face card for the Cop and Kla never declines. The way they styled the Cop is so insanely great for this actor, he looks SO HANDSOME.

I'm glad Korn didn't try* anything bad after Kla kicked him out, my instincts told me I was about to have to click off... but we good.

OK I have to talk about 4Minutes AGHHH! SPOILERS!

I love that the back story of Korn and Kla didn't make me like him still. He made all these promises but it's not reality. Kla's relationship with sex and grieving is so muddy, enhanced by the fact that his relationship with Korn started after his cat died (and Korn kinda taking advantage of that?). Also, like I mentioned before, I'm thinking Kla killed his own brother, since he already showed those tendencies with his cat. I can't think of any motive tho, there was a phone call during his first ever scene in ep 1, my first thought is that it's linked ot that but I have to go back (was going to go back anyways- this show rocks).

I'm a bit confused as to the Great's abilities though. When he went back in time during this new episode, it was say beyond 4 minutes. there were on the roof and talked then it went back all the way to the hallway? I guess that could've been 4 minutes, but with how it looked it seemed like a hour before the event. I'm assuming that Great clings onto Tyme for the intimacy, as well as a solution to his newfound ability.

OK I have to talk about 4Minutes AGHHH! SPOILERS!

Also if the Cop is knowingly having sex with a killer I am going to explode. thats insane, I love it.

My roaming thoughts for Star in My Mind ep 6

Aaaaan we're back were we started LOL I know Joong is crying right now but he's got very pretty eyes

awwwww, cherub baby <3

oooh hahaha, Mr eyebrows - I just want you forever - Cherub baby - NOOO! FU! LOL

You know with cherub baby crying like this, I want Mr Eyebrows to suffer some more LOL

And that's the sound of some MF boundaries being dropped. Love it <3

Bye Felicia LOL Ok I'll stop LOL

Got to hand it to Cherub baby though, because usually, the narrative is to fall into make up sex with shows like this but bravo, the character actually got to validate his pain and tell the love interest to back off for a while.

Hi Fah. Are we going to say some comforting brother stuff?

ohhhhh Cherub baby got it bad....yeah, a head pat is probably the only solution at the minute lol

ooook, what the hell is this bracelet? what are you hitting me in the last 3 episodes?

Hello are you? ....Ok. I know he's just been pressured into a exposing the kiss but Cherub baby looking like a fluffy cheeked little cherub right now <3

hahaha I just noticed cherub baby's loading print t shirt LOL stylist, I see you <3

theeeeesse friends LOL I'm not sure if it's good to be cheering him on right now? I'm conflicted as a viewer.....

ok...i really like this soft green colour on him......omgad, his little cheekies >,,,,,< 

hmmm. I told the man I wanted some time and now I'm in his apartment with some food lol welll this awkward lol

That's a really uncomfortable looking eating place. I hate not having a table to my legs under because I'm stretching out trying to reach my food. I'm also a short ass which makes it esp what Mr eyebrows is doing right now lol He's got all that leg and no where for them to go lol

yeahhh, he's not worried about you in the slightest lol

dammn talk about mixed messages. 

wait science program? I thought he was a dentistry student? Or the subber is making fun of me. He's going to be a dance student next LOL

ah, ya see, I see cherub baby's reasoning here but it's like the poison chalice.  Mr eyebrows heard 'Say your right words' in a menacing voice haha

I guess confessing is his only option right now. Just get it all out.

or not.......i this flower important?

oooh ofc stumbling through this conversation and in comes

Enter Gia, Moment Killer

Yeah, she's with some ahole isnt she. I noticed that uncomfortable 'my friend is here' at the party.

fumble fumble have to go.....Cherub baby doesn't believe you.....yeaaaaah....He's way to emotionally taxed to deal with this right now....

i swear to god....the phones in this show are testing my anxiety LOL ofc it's Phoon. sure. let's do this.

ohhh just sitting crying over the same mf for the last two years it's fine. what do you want to eat?

If I was in Phoon's situation, even if it was just a friend, I would also be like get out of there. You've waited long enough.

oh look at Phoon showing me up. I guess I'm the bad guy here. Ok. ok screenwriter LOL But then they did have that whole answer what would you do thing at the contest so I guess it's supposed to be a, these characters are very wise, be amazed pleb LOL

ooh wait no, nevermind, we're just straight up extorting cherub baby now LOL NO. stop this cherub abuse. His little cheekies are red. 

Jeebus. His little face in the next scene. His little cheekies. =( 

oh thank god, his brother. Yes. That is where you need to be. Dont let me down Fah. 

ooo what they drinking......wait.. what? what did i miss? what boyfriend? 

I'm making the same face as Fah right now....what? LOL Yes, i second big bro. 

Yes Thank You Fah. Someone with a working a brain cell. 

ohhh sh!t are we throwing back to his 'I cant say no' mindset with the girl? Papang? who has now conveniently disappeared LOL

LOL I like Fah. Yeah honey, you need to retreat for some self care.

pffahahahahahahaha .......I'm didn't just give an evil laugh at Mr eyebrow's face. Yeahh, he gone like the wind LOL

Hmmmmm cherub baby doesnt know what to do. He disconnects the phone call but replies to the message? 

Cherub baby is in a tight spot right now and probably needs to run away. Retreat. Run. Now.

You see, I might be agreeing with mr eyebrows now. Phoon might be a bit of creep in waiting now but that could be my own distrustful nature kicking in lol 

damn these friends have got their wedding outfits already bought and they ll be damned if it gets wasted LOL

Not another club .......

LOL yeaaah.....long and healthy ends at midnight LOL

ooohhh Phoon. That's just sad 

Cherub baby doesnt suit alcohol LOL 

LMAO .........Well.......he did say he would show him 

ohhhh this a big emotional reveal with an audience? because I'm a really private person 

ok i can do that....that's fine.....

girl in the back with her phone.....i see you lol 

ooooooo ouch.....

aaaand we're back where we started LOL

well that was a fkn devastating way to end an episode. Glad I dont have to wait a week LOL Just the time it takes me to make a cup of tea lol


long before kp *knife emoji*,

Me tooooo!!

Day 14: Favourite foods

Some great eats you got!!


Does ‘Meet you at the blossom’ have a happy ending ? 

Yes! A really cute one.


ohh good because I was hoping I wasn't spamming the thread LOL I was waiting for some to scold me LOL

There's no scolding here, well, except for P43425's hogging more than his share of hot BL guys and  RXniw's occasional XXX-rated language. That's all.

 American Fan:
There's no scolding here, well, except for P43425's hogging more than his share of hot BL guys and  RXniw's occasional XXX-rated language.

Careful, American Fan, or I'll get out those blackmail photos of you with you-know-who. And I herewith reaffirm my exclusive rights to all 35 of my harem members ... which is not even triple digits yet, pffft.


For those of you that know my preference in dramas, or know that I can't do explicit sex stuff... do you think I would like 4 mins? I'm not reading the spoilers so I don't know for sure what everyone's talking about.


Careful, American Fan, or I'll get out those blackmail photos of you with you-know-who. And I herewith reaffirm my exclusive rights to all 35 of my harem members.

Oh wow, I was hoping you wouldn't see my post til you woke up tomorrow, lol. 

How could you have photos if I haven't been with anyone??!!?? Wait, I forgot, you can be delulu at times.

Harem scarem. You can have your fantasies, buddy boy. But the reality is waaaaay different, I'm sorry to have to burst that tiny bubble of yours.  (evil smiley face)

But hey, stay positive!! :-)  <3

 American Fan:


For those of you that know my preference in dramas, or know that I can't do explicit sex stuff... do you think I would like 4 mins? I'm not reading the spoilers so I don't know for sure what everyone's talking about.

U would if u watched the censored version (I watch uncensored with Hia lol but anyway-)

It’s so mysterious and super interesting, plus the MLs have insane chemistry so… 

U should totally watch it

 American Fan:

Me tooooo!!

Some great eats you got!!

Yes! A really cute one.

On my phone but thx!