Thank you for that @RXinw. It's the end of the workday but I feel refreshed. 

I could honestly look at Net, Tutor, Fort, Pond, Pavel Boss, and Shell all day.

Edit: omg did you guys see those brand event pictures/videos of Net and Boss ? Like I'd totally watch them in a show together.

Luke Ishikawa Plowden

He's one fine-looking dude! Seeing him reminds me that he's in a drama on my PTW list, actually two. The one I want to watch first but worried that it's a lakorn,  is The Three Gentle Bros, also starring TAY & GUN!! WOOT WOOT!!

It's not a BL, but does have a tag for "Lesbien supporting character".

I see Shun in your hot guy collection. Hubba hubba!

I just cant imagine it every getting topped or even matched by a Thai production house/studio unless it's done by a studio like Wabi Sabi. No matter which previous version you watched, this new series is an abomination compared.

I love Wabi Sabi productions. I just love their name too, lol.  I don't even see this Thai version on the same level as SWM, so I'm gonna watch it as though it's a totally unrelated series. :-)

I wasn't able to do that with the Thai version of Kieta Hatsukoi, (My Love-Mix-Up!) and ended up dropping it altogether.

 American Fan:
this Thai version on the same level as SWM

I watched SWM and I like sobbed hysterically and I saw that there was gonna be a Thai retelling and I was gonna watch it... but I don't really have the motivation anymore, yk? I am  the kind of person who never ever rewatches a whole show. It feels pointless to watch the same story because I already know how it ends and also everything that happens in the middle. Also I totally agree whoever is making addicted heroin isn't gonna make it nearly as well as SWM even without the censorship. But please do tell if it turns out actually good, I may watch :) 

Also, I haven't seen the original addicted either, just Stay With Me.

 American Fan:
I love Wabi Sabi productions

what do you think their best show is? I ended up dropping  We Are - trying to remember why but honestly I don't remember the show at all. Otherwise I haven't seen anything they made ( I think?)

also random question what's the story behind your name "American Fan"?? I would love to know lol 

what do you think their best show is? I ended up dropping  We Are - trying to remember why but honestly I don't remember the show at all. Otherwise I haven't seen anything they made ( I think?)

We Are was produced by GMMTV. Here's a list of the Wabi Sabi shows:

But please do tell if it turns out actually good, I may watch :) 

You'll know. I almost always at least post my final thoughts about a BL drama I've finished, good or bad.


also random question what's the story behind your name "American Fan"?? I would love to know lol 

Not much of a story. I live in America and I'm a fan of dramas (and K-pop music). lol. I'm not much of a nationalist American. More of a world view person. 

what do you think their best show is?

There's 3 series that I rated as 8's. Love By Chance, Between Us, and My Only 12% (except I'n not a fan of Earth).

Since you mentioned We Are, I enjoyed this series almost as much for the buddy friend groups as for the romance. A few eps in and I wasn't sure about continuing, but I'm really glad I did. 


We Are was produced by GMMTV. Here's a list of the Wabi Sabi shows:

Although, the Wabisabi team was in charge of ‘We Are’, despite it being a GMMTV production. 


Although, the Wabisabi team was in charge of ‘We Are’, despite it being a GMMTV production. 

Thanks for the clarification. I don't remember hearing about that part.

Monster Next Door EP 4 

I think things are heading toward an "unfortunate event" that will upset the rosy path G-d & Diew have just begun together. Oh, and Diew has a great smile. Lots of teeth.

G-d is so romantic & sexy. But ewwwww, that sounds so weird using that name in the same sentence when talking about things like that. Who thought that was a good idea for a name?  (*disgusted face*)

I'm beginning to see a pattern emerge of things in dramas that turn me off.  Names & hairstyles so far. I'm going to keep track of these in my little drama notebook.

Mr. Shy update: He went to the vet for a cold. I was hoping the vet would give Mr. Shy a diagnosis of abusive claustrophobia and write a prescription for a huge tank with a natural habitat and supervised laps around the living room 2 x per day.

 The ending leaves us hanging at a very crucial possibly intimate moment.


Thanks for the clarification. I don't remember hearing about that part.

Yeah. ‘We Are’ was part of Wabisabi’s 2022 lineup, but was postponed, and then released under GMMTV. IDK where I heard that the team working on it was Wabisabi’s, but I think it was New, because I also remember him saying that he was directing Perfect 10 Liners but the team for that would be GMMTV’s.

We Are was produced by GMMTV. Here's a list of the Wabi Sabi shows:

I think this might be a better list:

In addition to "We Are", a number of others are marked as "collaborations" between GMMTV and Wabi Sabi.

Wabi Sabi indeed has an amazing legacy, most of all for my fave BL of all time "Until We Meet Again". Now that they're out of the artist management business and obviously struggling, I sincerely hope that they survive. Fingers crossed that "Fourever You Project" is a success.

Meet You At The Blossom - Finale

6 seconds in - The theme song just started playing and I had to pause it when I realised that this was the end. Deep breaths. I need a moment.

Thank you for that @RXinw. It's the end of the workday but I feel refreshed. 

Glad to be of service.

 American Fan:
I see Shun in your hot guy collection. Hubba hubba!

Of Course! It would have been criminal not to include such a specimen. 

Meet You At The Blossom - Finale


It is not everyday you come across a series as good as this. I fell in love with this series from the very beginning and have since looked forward to every episode with enthusiasm and sheer excitement. I gave this series a 10 star rating from about episode 3 to be honest but held off on declaring it. I feel so happy to see how far the BL industry has come for this series to have been made and released to the finale; the first Danmei BL. It is no secret how I feel about Chinese BLs and justice was done to this piece of Chinese writing. It is a shame how censorship has prevented such excellent and in depth writing from reaching the screens of BL fans, but with the success of this series a way has been paved for more Chinese BL novels to be adapted into full blown BL series and not Bromance. I have my fingers crossed that one day I will see the same thing happen for SCI Mysteries; my first and only Bromance that had set me on a path to delve into Chinese BL novels.

The production could have been a bit better but in comparison to everything this series brought to audiences that seems trivial. 

The chemistry between the leads is strong and palpable. They were able to create such intimate scenes without even making any overly sexual actions. The actor who played Xiaobao managed to portray the character in such an authentic way that the adorableness did not seem forced and awkward. The actor who played Huai En was also excellent in how he delivered his lines making one feel the emotions pouring out; feeling the pain the character endures physically and emotionally. The actor who played Xiaobao also delivered well in portraying pain and abandonment. 

The story was a little confusing to follow in the beginning if you did not have access to the book to follow along. I appreciated how well they adopted the novel to suit audiences by taming different elements of the story which is quite dark in some areas. 

The kisses all felt special and intimate. Many series like to avoid kisses and save them till the end to create a heart stopping moment but they sometimes fail and frustrate fans (me). However this series delivered so well in doing this. The kisses were so perfectly placed and hidden that your heart skipped a beat watching; all for them to unmask the kiss in the finale making it truly a happy ending. I found it symbolic in how the kisses during the heat of the series were masked/obscured as conflict raged on but in the end everyone was so free and the conflicts put to rest that even the kisses came out from under their veil. 

In regards to Su Yin, am I upset he did not at least fall off a horse? Yes I am. However I feel that in the end, when he observed the interactions between Huai En and Xiaobao he had no choice but to surrender to their undying love for each other. I also think that the end of Huai En and Xiabao's story is the beginning of Su Yin and the crown prince's story. The story ended in such a way that an opportune situation is created for their romantic development as they leave together with the crown prince going to learn under Su Yin. I plan to go and look if the author of the novel has another one with their story.

The side couple made up of the miracle doctor and JinBao was fun to watch and I love how even though they did not get a lot of screen time their story was still appreciated and easy to follow. I would love to see more of the actors as a main couple in future.

There is so much more I can say about this series but I am afraid I would be here all day and I have Monster Next Door episodes 2-4 to watch lol. 

It was truly an amazing journey with this series; one I will not soon forget. Our first Danmei BL is a major success in my book on any day of the week.

These are some of y favourite lines from the series:

XiaoBao - "It's okay if you don't know what love is, I can teach you."

HuaiEn - "Whether you forgive me or not. I won't let you go. It's not that I don't want to. It's that I can't"

HuaiEn - "I know. You are here for me."

HuaiEn - "The more I want you, the faster I lose you"

When I think about their love story I am reminded of a TikTok edit of them I saw and the person who made it used the most appropriate song for their love story and it seems fitting to end my post with the lyrics of that song;

"Don't blame me, love made me crazy
If it doesn't, you ain't doin' it right
Lord, save me, my drug is my baby
I'll be usin' for the rest of my life...."

"My name is whatever you decide
And I'm just gonna call you mine
I'm insane, but I'm your baby
Echoes  of your name inside my mind
Halo, hiding my obsession
I once was poison ivy, but now I'm your daisy"

Meet You At The Blossom - Finale


I haven't watched "Blossom" yet (don't worry, I will), but I do love it when people share their enthusiasm!


I remember someone asked for the OST info from First Note of Love, but I'm too lazy to go back and try and find who it was ;;

Anyway-- the song is:

碎日 by 涂善存 (Charles Tu)

If you have access to Spotify, there's a playlist with the four currently released OSTs.

Thx so much! (I asked)