First Note Of Love ep 3

I really regret watching this while airing- I CAN’T WAIT FOR THE NEXT EP 

Sea and Neil have such good chemistry, that scene when Neil was panicking and Sea was trying to help him calm down had me screaming XD 

This is one of the best airing dramas I’m currently watching and I wish I had waited to binge TT 

I found a tiktok that made 4Minutes make some sense, not confirmed but makes sense to me lol (some blood in there, but nothing explicit)


Signed, dated and sealed. *shakes your hand* and NOW the case is closed. 


Treaty of Joong

This treaty hereby proclaims that all rights to Joong are exclusive to @RXinw and @OnyxTheHedgehog; in perpetuity. Thus neutralising any other party to lay claim.

Joong Archen Aydin will be shared by both @RXinw and @OnyxTheHedgehog.

How he will be shared will be determined by both parties through contract at the negotiation table.

End of Treaty.

Day 20 of August Challenge: What is something people would be surprised or maybe even shocked to know about you?

Well, most people would be surprised to know that I’m a black belt in karate- I got my black belt when I was 9 years old, although it’s been years since I practised 

People would also be surprised to know that like until 2 years ago, I was the most homophobic prick ever lol Like, I used to hate gay stuff at one point, but then my friend tried to convince me to watch Heartstopper (my first ever BL) and that changed my whole perspective (don’t hate me haha) 

That’s all I can think of rn


Signed, dated and sealed. *shakes your hand* and NOW the case is closed. 

What if I object?


I found a tiktok that made 4Minutes make some sense, not confirmed but makes sense to me lol (some blood in there, but nothing explicit)


interesting it does help shed some light.

 American Fan:
enjoyed it

I gave it a 9.5 i loved it ! 

August Challenge Day 20: What is something people may be surprised or shocked to even know about you? 

My husband sings this They Might be Giants lyrics to me  frequently "She's actual size, but she seems much bigger to me." I'm barely 5'0" and I've just never outgrown my tomboy ways. I'm the only parent who climbed trees to get frisbees down. At Renaissance Faires, I love the knife-throwing, axe-throwing and archery contests. When we've gone for long day climbs, I sometimes nap on ledges 200 ft. above ground (tethered to a tree).

Joong Archen Aydin will be shared by both @RXinw and @OnyxTheHedgehog.

"Divide and conquer."  I'm very happy to let you all fight over Joong while I get Dunk all to myself.

 American Fan:
Random thoughts:

Thanks, especially for the last one ("Live in Love") which I hadn't heard of. RXinw has new competition in the updates market.

So here we go....Battle of the Writers Ep 1

Is this Untamed? LOL  

for a thai show they've got the chinese ancient wig down.....

i ll pretend i understood that......hahahahaha, they've got the opening credits matched as well...ok ok i see you

aaaaand we're back in a host club? oh no, cheerful hardworker .....

oh lord....all the characters coming at me once and with the same hair and are trying to make this difficult for me lol

sounds creepy....I would definitely check  it out....but this is an awful way to open a show lol

yeah, i was waiting for the boss to scare them 

yeah, i'm still not going to remember everybody now 

its now a music video? 

oh no....not the fall out of tree into his arms trope lol

Is that the same guy from blossom?  or do they have the same surgeon? because the nose and lips don't fit their offense intended

this poor boy is walking into some plot bullcrap isnt he?

boy....really? surely this would be considering a serial killer thing and they'd have been reported or soemthing right?

*sigh* well, if this were a horror movie, this boy would be first to die

LOL he had a good look at the jewels before pinning him to the bath haha

ok...this is kind of dumb guys LOL

not the squeky toy peen....

I'm going to pretend I understand whats going on 

so much for coming back're fired lol

oh shit, he really is getting fired LMAO

not the dramatic poster removal.....

I have no idea who this friend is

OK i am only half way through episode 1 and if I were watching this on my own, I'd be clicking off this show. It's dumb and boring LOL Maybe I should start watching shows with you guys, maybe I can share some spidey senses with you LMAO

Ok part 3. Hit me

you are showing me all these people like I know who they are lol this is now the 3rd time you've done this show and that's not good.

Seriously who wrote/edited this? This is a story telling nightmare for me lol

Am i Near the end yet?,,,

Need to skip increasing

You know what.....ep 1 part 3 4.27 mins....I didn't hear a word of this conversation because I'm blanking. That's my cue to tell me I've had enough. 


I won't like this show. I dont need to see any more, my intuition never fails me and yeah, this is bombing already. The plot is a mess, the editing is a mess, there's way too many nameless characters and info dumping happening. For a series about writers, both the writing and the editing is atrocious but I'm sure it'll suit someone out there. 

But just to see what the heck happened that caught my interest in the first place.

Ep 4, 29 mins I was told ...that's roughly part 3?

so we're having breakfast.....and having writers talk .....are they children's books authors? I was so bored in ep 1 I didnt catch it lol

LMAO!!! Is this the power of a 3 year old's imagination or some kind of PTSD induced psychosis? 

this is a really nice apartment 

they're high on something arent they?  Or was this meant to be some sort of method acting that the lip guy was doing in the bathroom naked with the knife?

I dont care enough to find out LOL

Yeah....this is pretty dumb and guaranteed I'll hate it LOL 

So another bites the dust LOL

I'm barely 5'0

i'm exactly 5 ft at 153 cm. i'm so glad you're there , i thought i'd be alone. (since westerners are very tall, no offence )


i'm exactly 5 ft at 153 cm. i'm so glad you're there , i thought i'd be alone. (since westerners are very tall, no offence )

im 5.3/160cm....we'll be short together lol


What if I object?

Well, I have my very own lawyer (@RXinw) who is ready to fight. u cannot lay any sort of claim on mine and Hia’s Joong. 


"Divide and conquer."  I'm very happy to let you all fight over Joong while I get Dunk all to myself.

Thanks, especially for the last one ("Live in Love") which I hadn't heard of. RXinw has new competition in the updates market.

U can have Dunk but NO ONE can come near Joong :)


i'm exactly 5 ft at 153 cm. i'm so glad you're there , i thought i'd be alone. (since westerners are very tall, no offence )

Short people unite!


im 5.3/160cm....we'll be short together lol

I’m 154cm so I’ll join u guys lol