Sruthipriya mahesh:
Okay, so I came across some BLs that is going to be released this year, or atleast rumored to be released this year, and I thought it might be fun to share them... so here they are :D

Thank you! These all look really interesting.

Playboyy the series 4/10

I must look crazy right now because after finishing just now I burst out laughing because at this point what was I really supposed to do? Anyways:

My following rant/comments will be very honest and unfiltered, so depending on your sentiments regarding the series my rant may seem mean and offensive. I will use the spoiler feature appropriately. 

First of all let me say a huge shout out to Nont and Prom and the actors who portrayed them. Their story is the one saving grace that kept me going and motivated enough to finish this train-wreck of a series. They truly were the flower that grew out of the manure that is this series. I really hope they get their own series one day because they have good chemistry and hopefully it will be with a different company.

Now, I understand what the intention of the writers was when writing this story. They wanted to express different viewpoints and aspects of the gay community, individual sexuality, mental health, socio-economic disparities and sexual psyche through the lens of young adults in an environment of the negative elements of society such as drugs and addiction, prostitution, gangs etc. However they tried and failed in putting too much in one basket. The writers, directors and producers became slaves to mediocrity. I would trust that when undertaking such bold projects that neophytes would not be employed in intrinsic roles to the production process. In my opinion, as a fan, the series could have worked and been more coherent if they followed series such as Y  Destiny and dedicated a specific number of episodes to each couple and their story-line and have a special episode where all the couples exists in the same space and we get to see the epilogue of each; that way each story gets just enough attention and is able to be portrayed uniquely and be impact full to the audience instead of being this mass of biological waste, figuratively speaking.

Some of the writing of these characters made no damn sense to me. Why the hell was Captain's character written like that. This man was cock slut every weh him go and see a man cocky him ready fi open him mouth like a baby on breast. This left his character shallow and sleezy without growth. Not to mention the whorehouse. These boys took up these common street prostitutes and expected them to magically become ideal boyfriends. Matter of fact those so called good boys were no better than their boyfriends if not more whorish. Lets talk about Zouey that piece of shit. After having us going all around on this nonsensical ride only for it to be him who was the major one who contributed to Nants murder. That snake and for what? Den to top it all bomboclaat off it was fucking Phop who killed Nant and for what reason. Then they have di rassclaat audacity fi seh "To Be Continued" continue what to bloodclaat!!!!! The amount of waste resources that this series was is shocking to be honest. I saw these characters in the underwear and less, more than I saw them string together any semblance of a plot. Not to even mention the cringe felt across the entire fandom each time a random as hell English sentence was uttered as if the series wasn't already fucked, but why the hell not, the bar was already in hell's basement, if not lower. 

It is a shame that these actors had to sacrifice their time and talent to participate in this vapid piece of work that even a  high school production team with a low budget could run circles around. A lot of BL fans myself included, love spice in anything we watch but don't insult our intelligence by throwing out any trash saturated  in sex thinking that will distract from the rubbish being presented on screen. At very least give smut with purpose. 

I will end the rant here. I have more to say but I think I have said enough. On the bright side my personal record of only ever dropping one series remains in tact, however after this watching experience from hell I am rethinking that personal rule of mine of not dropping a series. 

If you enjoyed Playboyy the series then at least one of us did.

Can anyone please go read my comment on Jazz For Two and say what you guys think about the whole conversation going on in that comment... I'm just so pissed off by people rating this awesome series so low just because they cannot handle a little bit of reality in their dramas?


Can anyone please go read my comment on Jazz For Two and say what you guys think about the whole conversation going on in that comment... I'm just so pissed off by people rating this awesome series so low just because they cannot handle a little bit of reality in their dramas?

True not all dramas are rainbows and butterflies lmao xD


Can anyone please go read my comment on Jazz For Two and say what you guys think about the whole conversation going on in that comment... I'm just so pissed off by people rating this awesome series so low just because they cannot handle a little bit of reality in their dramas?

I really try not to comment (don't always succeed) on the MDL Recent Discussions, because any comment, no matter how innocuous, will be misconstrued and challenged. You're all just giving your personal opinions but if it differs from theirs, they want to put yours down and tell you why their opinion is the correct one. It's maddening.  

I loved Jazz for Two, and I ended up binge watching all the episodes last night. My biggest complaint would be: I needed more episodes!!  


I really try not to comment (don't always succeed) on the MDL Recent Discussions, because any comment, no matter how innocuous, will be misconstrued and challenged. You're all just giving your personal opinions but if it differs from theirs, they want to put yours down and tell you why their opinion is the correct one. It's maddening.  

I loved Jazz for Two, and I ended up binge watching all the episodes last night. My biggest complaint would be: I needed more episodes!!  

Same!! I need a 2nd season for Doyoon and Juha right now?

I really try not to comment (don't always succeed) on the MDL Recent Discussions, because any comment, no matter how innocuous, will be misconstrued and challenged. You're all just giving your personal opinions but if it differs from theirs, they want to put yours down and tell you why their opinion is the correct one. It's maddening.  

Yes to this. I do comment on the drama pages sometimes but tbh, it can be brutal. People can't give some respect and the benefit of the doubt from the other person's side. Or just scroll by. So sad. 

If you enjoyed Playboyy the series then at least one of us did.

I read your "rant" and could feel the passion in your words.  I chose not to watch the series. Just my personal preference.  I see this series got a rating slightly lower than Middleman's Love. Hehe. Sounds like both were bombs, going by popular opinion. 


Can anyone please go read my comment on Jazz For Two and say what you guys think about the whole conversation going on in that comment... I'm just so pissed off by people rating this awesome series so low just because they cannot handle a little bit of reality in their dramas?

I dislike the MDL drama comment sections, people are always so zealous about the weirdest things and they tend to hate everything. If you go against the consensus, you get attacked. It's dumb.

I haven't watched this show yet, but your opinion is valid. IDK why it got them all riled up. 

I dislike the MDL drama comment sections, people are always so zealous about the weirdest things and they tend to hate everything. If you go against the consensus, you get attacked. It's dumb.

Yet another reason to avoid the comments under dramas. Instead, read the reviews on MDL; read the feeds of your friends on MDL; read this thread; and have discussions on Discord where folks are respectful and it's a lot friendlier.

I thought Jazz for two was just okay.I have only watched four episodes so far and maybe it gets more interesting . I'm not going to lie i  never expected  it to incite any kind of  deep conversation. I can only really comment  once i see the rest of the show but I get both sides of the argument tbh. People are allowed to prefer fluffy escapism bls but dismissing the ones that mirror reality is an  unfortunate mindset. There is room for all kinds of stories and it sounds like Jazz for Two ends up tackling real life issues which should be commended if done well.


Can anyone please go read my comment on Jazz For Two and say what you guys think about the whole conversation going on in that comment... I'm just so pissed off by people rating this awesome series so low just because they cannot handle a little bit of reality in their dramas?

 Chun Mo Rionnag:

Yet another reason to avoid the comments under dramas. Instead, read the reviews on MDL; read the feeds of your friends on MDL; read this thread; and have discussions on Discord where folks are respectful and it's a lot friendlier.

I also comment under dramas sparingly . The littlest thing sparks an mdl world war and people can be unnecessarily brutal online . I feel like differing opinions make discussions interesting but some people don't know how to engage with others respectfully.


Happy Friday and April Fools everyone!!! 

I thought for the month of April, we could answer the BL Drama Challenge questions each day. 

Disclaimer: We practically already answered Day 2 in this forum but for tomorrow… I am going to have everyone choose ONLY ONE for their favorite BL drama which is probably going to be really tough to choose but I want to see which BL drama you guys would put as your #1.

Would anyone be interested in bringing back this Challenge from 2 years ago? It looks like it could be fun

Can anyone please go read my comment on Jazz For Two and say what you guys think about the whole conversation going on in that comment... I'm just so pissed off by people rating this awesome series so low just because they cannot handle a little bit of reality in their dramas?

I read through the comments and honestly I accept both sides of the argument, but some people can be too brutal and close minded regarding others opinions. You have a very valid and strong point and persons can either disagree or agree but to attack you for it is just wrong. You definitely have pushed Jazz For Two higher on my priority watch list. Stand by your point and don't let the disrespect from others online get you down, as the famous quote says, "Don't raise your voice improve your argument", so let them raise their voices; it is beautiful to have an opinion it shows that your mind is engaged :) continue enjoying heaven (the BL world)

Well, this is weird. I just read a comment under the drama Kou Kou Kyoushi 2003 by you from 7 months ago and here you are, Simi_Tutu!! haha

I was researching OSTs and their drama names.