
Can anyone please go read my comment on Jazz For Two and say what you guys think about the whole conversation going on in that comment... I'm just so pissed off by people rating this awesome series so low just because they cannot handle a little bit of reality in their dramas?

I agree that dramas must have some reality to them... actually, I prefer it that way... otherwise, the entire drama becomes unrelatable to me :)

 Sruthipriya mahesh:
Do you really have a notebook dedicated for what dramas are releasing and when?? Are there really that many BLs releasing?? If there are, please let me know, because I am starving for BLs over here :(

Oh, no, no, no, not that kind of list. That's beyond my little pea brain. I'm just trying to manage what I'm doing haha. I get absentminded or distracted. I can even lose sense of time for short periods. Facts - once I lost a whole day. Of course, not in reality but in my mind I swear it felt like it. Only once and hopefully never again, cuz it was a scary feeling for real. 

We do have a lot of BLs to look forward to this year. Have you searched YT for BL dramas or movies that might be new to you?  Seems like there are tons out there since vids are always showing up in my feeds.


Jazz For Two - EP 3 - I can feel the bully getting closer to his goal of doing something bad...please don't harm cute innocent Se Heon. I was hoping to hear back from someone soon...guess I'll keep watching for now. 

 American Fan:
We do have a lot of BLs to look forward to this year.

To look forward to this year... not this month right??  I am very impatient :(

And its totally fine for you to feel like that, dont worry; such days happen to everyone :)

 Sruthipriya mahesh:
Do you really have a notebook dedicated for what dramas are releasing and when?? Are there really that many BLs releasing?? If there are, please let me know, because I am starving for BLs over here :(

Most of my PTW list is BLs that are in production. There are only 3 or 4 not yet listed on MDL if you don't count those out of Myanmar, Vietnam, etc.

 Sruthipriya mahesh:
If there are, please let me know, because I am starving for BLs over here :(

Have you watched all the BLs from the master lists which go back to the early 2000s?

 Sruthipriya mahesh:
To look forward to this year... not this month right??  I am very impatient :(

According to WOBL  the series making a Premiere this month are 

Apr 01 - Love Is like a Cat

Apr 03 -  We Are

Apr 06 - Memory in the Letter

Apr 19 - 25 Ji, Akasaka de

Apr 26 - My Stand-In

 Chun Mo Rionnag:
Most of my PTW list is BLs that are in production.

Well, heck apparently, I missed a couple on my PTW (´∀`) LOL

@Simi_Tutu My first drama was a drama called "Roomates of Poongduck 304" - it was cute, fluffy and I am so glad it was my first BL; no regrets whatsover :)

@ChunMoRionnag @Simi_Tutu Thank you sooo much for the recs!!
I can totally see now why p43425 calls him the drama encylopedia, haha... what a list! Again, thank you very much :)


Well, heck apparently, I missed a couple on my PTW (´∀`) LOL

Hahaha > . <


I dislike the MDL drama comment sections, people are always so zealous about the weirdest things and they tend to hate everything. If you go against the consensus, you get attacked. It's dumb.

I haven't watched this show yet, but your opinion is valid. IDK why it got them all riled up. 

Thanks for agreeing cuz the users disagreed so much I thought I was the crazy one

 Sruthipriya mahesh:

@Simi_Tutu My first drama was a drama called "Roomates of Poongduck 304" - it was cute, fluffy and I am so glad it was my first BL; no regrets whatsover :)

I will add this to my watch list; it looks like an easy watch.  Only eight episodes

People are allowed to prefer fluffy escapism bls but dismissing the ones that mirror reality is an  unfortunate mindset.

That's the thing, the user completely misunderstood me... I just said I wish we had more dramas depicting real life struggles of queer people because seeing everything be perfect in dramas 90% of the time is pretty tiring and what I get as a response is someone telling me "not every series needs to be miserable".... Huh?


I read through the comments and honestly I accept both sides of the argument, but some people can be too brutal and close minded regarding others opinions. You have a very valid and strong point and persons can either disagree or agree but to attack you for it is just wrong. You definitely have pushed Jazz For Two higher on my priority watch list. Stand by your point and don't let the disrespect from others online get you down, as the famous quote says, "Don't raise your voice improve your argument", so let them raise their voices; it is beautiful to have an opinion it shows that your mind is engaged :) continue enjoying heaven (the BL world)

This comment just made my day<333


Well, heck apparently, I missed a couple on my PTW (´∀`) LOL

There are more; however at the time of going to press, MDL didn't have pages, so when I see news pop up about them again, I do another search to see if I can find them. Like the drama "Passing By Me The Blue of Youth", which is listed as "Blue Time" on MDL.

 Chun Mo Rionnag:
Most of my PTW list is BLs that are in production.

Holy Babboly!