GelfyFaeth222 send Rik and Wen’s story to GMM and make it a series, I beg (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`) 

It definitely runs like a Thai BL, maybe they'd accept it LOL

So Jack and Joker is airing today. I'm probably going to watch it with you guys LOL That'll be 3 airing shows. I think that's a record. And they're all BL's LOL 

What have you guys done to me? LOL

Wonderful news on On1y One. On1y One update

What have you guys done to me?

You've fallen down the rabbit hole...just like the rest of us.


Wonderful news on On1y One. On1y One update

Thanks for the update.


You've fallen down the rabbit hole...just like the rest of us.

Hear me scream lol

I haven’t watched today's episode of Battle of the Writers, but I wonder what type of episode we’re getting today.

It’s like Russian roulette…


Is that a good thing or a bad thing? I've never read anything on wattpad lol

I've watched over 20 BLs in the last two weeks, which is a lot for me so my inner queer must have got excited and wanted to join in LOL

Lol it’s good, I don’t read a lot of stories on Wattpad after a certain incident which we shall not talk about lol but I’d love to see ur story XD


I haven’t watched today's episode of Battle of the Writers, but I wonder what type of episode we’re getting today.

It’s like Russian roulette…

I’m waiting for a response from someone else first lmao

:) Omg!! First episode of Jack and Joker was amazing. It is gonna suck waiting every week for a new episode. :( YinWar are so freaking hot!! ♡♡♡


:) Omg!! First episode of Jack and Joker was amazing. It is gonna suck waiting every week for a new episode. :( YinWar are so freaking hot!! ♡♡♡

I'll have to wait until tonight I have another doc. appt. today.


I'll have to wait until tonight I have another doc. appt. today.

I hope your doctors appt. goes well. :) ♡

Lol it’s good, I don’t read a lot of stories on Wattpad after a certain incident which we shall not talk about lol but I’d love to see ur story XD

LOL You know, I have been overcome with embarrassment about it today and wondered what on earth I was doing as it was just a random dream and I was taking it a little too seriously LOL

I have part 2 ready to go up now, I'm just finding pictures to break up the text. 

This is completely for fun and shared in the name of it. I have written it out in the similar manner as I would if it were a series I had watched (which I kind of did LOL) and I'm typing up an A to B spoiler of the plot. I'm not trying to write a novel. Just sharing my crazy with the rest of the asylum LOL 

All pics are ai generated or Google images

Brought to you by Elfy's Dream Theatre ~ Eros Arrows

Song Inspiration 

~ For Wen ~ Hurts Like HellFleurie

~ For Rik ~ Wake Me Up ~ Cover by Tommee Profitt

Part Two ~ Distance

In the time before Rik is moved to University, he is unable to escape his mother's watchful eye. He spends most of his time keeping himself busy by studying, exercising and sculpting.
Wen is busy running back and forth from the hospital for his mother and works full time at his job. They continue to wear and draw emotional support from the rings Rik gifted, although they are unable to see or speak to the other.

In a desperate attempt to see Wen, Rik orders from his place of work while his mother is out. Knowing Rik's address, Wen excitedly collects the order from a co worker and hurries to deliver. When he arrives at the gate, Rik is already waiting for him and they embrace each other tightly.
Telling Wen he doesn't have long, he hurriedly hands him a mobile phone, with the number of his new phone already logged, telling him he will top it up himself so Wen has a way to contact him and doesnt have to worry about the money for it.

Wen asks Rik when he will be leaving for University.

"Next week",

His parents have kept watch over everything he's done and made all the arrangements for him so he hasn't had a chance to even leave the house on his own. His mother also has the maids reporting back to her should he even try to sneak out. He has no choice but to do as he's told.
He quickly enquires about Wen's mother and Wen responds that 'she's doing better,' They hug each other tightly again and promise to stay in touch.

They part again, anxiously and unwillingly.

Early on the morning of Rik's departure, he glances around the street to look for Wen but the street is empty. As he climbs into the car, his phones vibrates with a message.

 'Behind you'

 He glances back to see Wen at the end of the road, waving at him and giving him a thumbs up with a smile.

'Good Luck! Send me pictures of your dorm'

Rik's mother notices and glares at Wen through the side mirror.

The following year strolls by as both boys try to adjust to their separate lives. Rik as a uni student and Wen working to get by, whilst caring for his mother.
The elderly neighbor that often cooked meals for Wen moves away to live with her son, and makes Wen promise to be a good boy for his mother. 

Alone, he relies solely on Rik's phone calls and messages for comfort.

Rik lives comfortably as a uni student and continues to do well in class but finds himself fully embracing a social life without the watchful eye of his parents.

As Wen's life becomes more and more of a struggle, Rik is upbeat and cheerful, enjoying his freedom. Rik joins social media, often posting pictures of his scenery, things he's doing and who he's with. 

Not wanting to 'hold him back', Wen resists telling him of his struggles and simply pretends that he's doing 'just fine'. When Rik asks him why he doesn't join social media as well, Wen just replies that between his jobs and hospital visits, he has nothing exiting to say but he enviously watches Rik live out his life on his social media posts, and yearns to join him.

One night, due to traffic, Wen is late to deliver a food order. The customer furiously argues with Wen and refuses to accept the order. When Wen advances to argue, the customer pushes him backwards and Wen falls to the ground, smashing his phone. The customer claims that he will be contacting management and furiously slams the door.

Wen has no choice but to pick up his broken phone and go back to his work, leaving the food spilled on the pavement. When he arrives back, his manager scolds him for being late. He is given a warning and pay is deducted for the losses.
Back at home, an exhausted Wen is busy caring for his mother when she collapses on the floor.

At the hospital, Wen tries to use the hospital phone to call Rik for support but Rik does not answer, as he has been convinced by his friends to go to a party.
Wen is alone and vulnerable when the doctor appears to tell Wen that his mother had suffered a stroke due to her illness, and she will have to stay in the hospital for observation.

Wen tries to use the hospital phone to contact Rik but Rik assumes it's a random number and ignores the call. Desperate and emotional, Wen tries calling Rik's parents hoping for anything.
Rik's amused mother pretends that she doesn't remember who he is and that Rik is far too busy to be concerned about a high school friend, and promptly hangs up.

Feeling abandoned, Wen struggles on, dividing his time between work and staying in the hospital with his mother. He becomes depleted and depressed as his communication with Rik is cut off. 

During a food delivery route, Wen realizes that he is passing by Rik's parent's house and decides to call on his way back.
Rik's mother answers the gate intercom system. She snaps that she didn't order anything and that Wen needs to leave her property. Wen begs her to let him speak to Rik. Rik's mother threatens a harassment lawsuit if Wen refuses to leave the family alone.

Heartbroken, Wen cries on his back to work. When he arrives, he is publicly fired by his boss as Rik's mother filed a complaint against him.

Wen reaches a low point in his life. He struggles financially as his mother becomes a permanent resident in the hospital. The doctor warns him that there is little they can do but make her comfortable. He continues to work a variety of part time jobs, continually asking around what hours are available, to suit his desire to be with his mother as often as he can.

Meanwhile Rik, amidst his busy schedule, grows increasingly concerned that Wen's phone number is no longer available.

One evening, as Wen is delivering an order, Wen finds himself face to face with his old club member, Sandy.

"You look like hell"

Both of the boys are happily reunited and Sandy immediately invites him inside. Wen can't as he's still working, so they agree to meet up at a later date.

In a cafe, Wen and Sandy get reacquainted. Sandy tells Wen that he is training to be a hair stylist, and had moved in with an older boyfriend, only to discover that his boyfriend had been two timing him with a woman. Believing himself to have been an experiment, Sandy laughs as he tells Wen how he kicked him out in his underwear.

Wen smiles for the first time in a while.

"Sooo, how are things with you and Rik?"

Wen's smile fades again. He responds that Rik is at University in another city and he broke his mobile phone so has no way of contacting him. They haven't spoken to each other in a few weeks and all of his pay goes towards bills.

Sandy reaches for his phone and gives it to Wen, telling him to call him. As it's only noon, Wen refuses in the likelihood that Rik is in class and unable to answer. He doesn't want to get him trouble with his parents if his teacher complains.

Wen absent mindedly plays with the ring on his finger. Noticing this, Sandy pauses for a moment with a thought. He confesses to Wen that he saw Rik give him the ring and that he felt a little jealous at the time. That he felt that Rik and Wen lived in their own little world and no one dared to get between them. Often he didn't know how to talk to Wen as he always seemed distracted.

Wen apologizes for being distant. 

Sandy pouts jokingly and tells him he's forgiven. He offers to take Wen out to a club to take his mind off of things, but Wen refuses to leave his mother alone for too long, so instead, Sandy writes his phone number, address and place of work on a napkin, and gives it to Wen telling him to come find him if he needs someone to talk to. Wen graciously accepts and thanks him.

Rik becomes moody and argumentative in his frustration that he can't get in touch with Wen. He finally gives in and contacts his mother to ask if she has seen or heard from Wen. His mother pretends to not know who he's talking about. When Rik reminds her of the friend she invited to dinner, she cuts him off abruptly, saying that she sees so many people throughout the day and can't keep track of everyone.
Rik is silent, sensing that she is hiding something. He tells her he is coming home during the winter break. His mother is delighted and says that she was hoping to see him soon as she knows someone she wants to introduce him to.


As Rik is travelling home, he tells the driver to stop by Wen's house. Knocking on the door, there is silence. Rik tries again but there is no reply. The third time, he calls out to Wen and knocks the door again.

A neighbor walking past sees him, and shouts that no one is home. Rik asks if she knows where they are. The woman replies that 'the lady' stays in hospital now and that she rarely sees the boy. When she does he looks like a ghost, getting home late at night and leaving early in the morning.

Rik is upset to hear this. He returns to his family home and prepares to find Wen immediately but is stopped by his mother. She complains that he's only gotten home and is already leaving her behind. Rik tries to tell her that he won't be long but she grabs his hands and begs him to stay. His father is home as well and she has already booked a table at a restaurant for a family meal. Rik is forced upstairs to change for dinner.

When they arrive at the restaurant, an older couple and a young woman is waiting to meet them at their table. Rik's parents meet the couple with familiarity and Rik learns that the older women and his mother are good friends. There is vain chit chat between them before Rik is pulled into the conversation.

Simultaneously, the younger women, similar in age to Rik, is introduced as Mimi, the daughter of the couple. Mimi is flirtatious, telling Rik's mother she is finally glad to meet her handsome son. She's heard so much about him from her own mother. Rik smiles awkwardly as he's never heard of her before now. He looks at his mother with a knowing look. This was another one of her plans for him.

They are seated together by their parents and Rik is forced to make small talk. Their fathers speak between themselves as Rik answers a bombardment of questions from Mimi's mother.
Rik's father suddenly becomes angry, wondering where the waiter is. He clicks his fingers aggressively at staff.

A waiter hurries over to their table, apologizing. Rik looks up and his eyes meet Wen's.
There is a small moment of recognition as they stare at each other in shock. Rik's mother is also in shock and glances at Rik.
The table look around at each other in confusion. It is Rik's father who breaks the atmosphere, angrily snapping at Wen to pay attention, they have come to dine and that his pay is wasted on him.
Wen apologizes and quickly asks to take their order.

Rik is unable to take his eyes off of Wen. He does look tired. He awkwardly places his order and hands the menu to Wen, their fingers touching slightly.

A small spark ignites between them that does not go unnoticed by Rik's mother.

As Wen turns to walk away, Rik still can't stop staring at him. Mimi looks at her mother uncomfortably. Rik's father asks him if he knows the young man but his mother quickly interrupts, patting his hand and telling him that he was just one of Rik's little friends at school. She continues by telling Mimi and her parents that Rik was always a sociable boy and is friendly to every one he meets. She laughs as she 'recalls' that Rik had to say hello to every one he walked past as a small child. 

Rik is hurt and longing to talk to Wen, wondering how he has been and what has been happening. Every time Wen returned to the table, Rik's eyes would be unable to leave him. His eyes lingered over his face and he noticed how slimmer he was. His fingers tingled where they touched Wen's and his throat became dry with tension.

Wen tries to avoid looking directly at Rik and can only hurry about his job. He can't help glancing over at Rik's table as he walks past and feels jealousy rise when he sees Mimi touching Rik's wrist during a conversation. She giggles and flicks her hair as she continues to pull a conversation out of Rik. Wen instantly decides that she's ugly and embarrassing. 

Rik does not care for anything else but where Wen is. He answers Mimi with as few words as possible and hides his hands under the table to stop her from touching him. He continually searches the room for glimpses of Wen. Eventually, unable to sit any longer listening to idle vanity, he excuses himself for the bathroom, determined to talk to Wen.

Seeing him returning from a table with an order, Rik quickly grabs Wen's wrist and pulls him into  a corner.

Wen angrily accuses Rik of trying to get him fired. Rik snaps back, asking him what happened to the phone he gave him and that he's been trying to contact him for weeks. Wen admits that he broke it but still has the sim card. He just doesn't have a new phone to put it in. He also accuses Rik of ignoring him as he had been ringing him from other phones but he never answered. Rik confesses to thinking they were just spam and didn't realize it was him.

There's a moment of silence before Rik softly apologizes, admitting that he had been worried about him. Wen nods with sadness in his eyes.

He tells Rik he should return to his table before his mother sends a search party. The job pays well and he doesn't want to lose it. Rik promises to visit him and his mother at the hospital so that they can talk more.

Wen is left with a deep yearning as he watches Rik return to his table. The difference between them was growing bigger and there was nothing he could do to stop it. He realizes that his happy days with Rik were now over. He was an outsider in Rik's world and could only be thankful that they were friends. He plays with the ring on his finger and sighs painfully. His hopes and dreams of a future with Rik were now out of his reach.

Later at the hospital, Rik enters Wen's mother's room with a bouquet of flowers. Wen asks his mother if she remembers Rik, who used to pick him up on his bicycle for school. Wen's mother is frail but her eyes light up in recognition. They talk a little about their school days, and the fun times they had riding on the bicycle together, before Wen says that he has a shift at the restaurant soon. He goes off to tidy himself up and leaves Rik alone with his mother.

Wen's mother points at a photograph of her and Wen on her bedside table. Thinking she wanted it, Rik gives it to her but Wen's mother takes his hand and places it over the photo, pressing his palm onto the glass, squeezing the ring on his finger. She gives him a pleading look with her eyes and tries to communicate.

Rik realizes what she's trying to say. He looks at the photograph and promises her that Wen will be safe and that he will protect him.

Rik takes the taxi with Wen to his place of work. Wen tells him he's sorry he couldn't get in touch with him. He tried to tell his mother but she said she didn't remember who he was. 

Rik admits with a sigh that he had felt that that's what had happened and isn't angry with him. He was just worried. He offers to buy Wen a new phone but Wen refuses. 

He tells him they have their own lives now and they can't go back to the way it was at school but he promises to contact Rik whenever he can afford his own phone.
Rik tells him he will wait for it but if he wants to call him before that, he won't refuse an unknown number anymore.

The taxi stops at the restaurant. They smile at each other longingly, and once again are parted.  

Once again apologies for grammar or spelling mistakes. This is just for fun for the few that were interested in the full version. Thanks for entertaining my whims LOL

I’m waiting for a response from someone else first lmao

RE: Battle of the Writers....I forgot! 

Looked at my drama schedule and Monday's are a busy day with BOTW, First Note of Love and now Jack & Joker.

I haven't started any yet.

I completely forgot about that it's my son's day son, I'm coming now!