
Hopefully this will work for you!

Worked, thank you ^^


The first episode of Never Let Me Go was really good.

I agree, I'm really liking it. Can't wait for the second episode.

I also started watching the Warp Effect. I didn't think I would like it but I do.


You should join this little discord too. ??? 

Thanks for the invite. I joined before and it was the wild Wild West - then lost track but will try to figure it out again. I often lurk here as I’m tracking all my currently watched shows on MDL because believe it or not sometimes forget to check for new episodes on few. 

welcome to all the new members <3

I would love to  join

Omg guys. I've been gone for a week and you wouldn't believe all the notifications I got for this club. I love how active we are.

OMG just saw the latest episode of My Tooth Your Love and OMFG. EP. 11
i have mixed feelings about this episode and this is why [ THIS IS A LOT OF SPOILERS] so finish the episode first. I appreciate the fluff in the first few minutes. the whole good/bad cop while bai was giving him the bracelet was funny and cute. 

things I was kinda sad and frustrated with is how Jin wants to do everything by himself. Bai has definitely expressed how he felt about Jin's family and Jin decided to hide and handle everything on his own. To be fair, I thought he was hiding something else until the last few minutes of the episode. I fucking hated THE INFERENCE of how his dad beat Jin up to the point he left him fucking bruises for telling his father that he is dating Bai. I didn't really appreciate the mother's comment of when she said, "is Bai so demanding of wanting you to tell your family". LIKE BITCH YOU ARE OKAY WITH HIM DATING BAI AS LONG AS  HE DOESN'T TALK ABOUT HIM OR HIS SEXUALITY?!! THAT IS NOT ACCEPTANCE. 

after seeing the preview I got genuinely so fucking mad!! wtf. Jin's father literally physically hurt him to the point that he has bruises and lashes(?) on his body. LIKE WTF. I AM LIVID RN. I mean, I am aware that this is how some families react irl but idk I guess this just triggered some things. But I am soo sad for Jin. he just wants to carry the entire burden but he is only hurting himself emotionally trying to do this all alone. Bai is with you !!! he needs to try and rely a little on his partner cause at this point, Bai is also sensing something and is worried. 

 also, RJ! BRING RJ BACK. THERE IS ONLY ONE EPISODE LEFT. I hope they don't rush everyone else's story. Like Big A and the hockey player and RJ and Alex. like please they have soo much potential. I hope the last episode is not rushed overall because they still need to cover so much, imo. 

@Jennjadee I feel you - My Tooth had such an awesome run so far that I’m also a bit disappointed at this last min attempt at drama which feels both rushed and underdeveloped. Let’s see if they manage to pull together on the last episode. 

On the other hand, My School President is literally getting better each episode! The parody of all the cliche famous BL “mood setting” moment had me laughing out loud!  :D

This show has been such an unexpected find this year. 

the last episode of My Tooth  shined A light on how even adult children can be abused by overbearing parents and how no matter what A awful parent does the children will forgive them  

however  My School President  is outstanding I love the music

Okay guys since we are reaching the end of the year, I had one thing I wanted to ask everyone:

Who is that  underrated actor that you want to see more of?

(could be underrated as in he doesn't have lead roles or because the series he starred in wasn't successful or because he doesn't get as much attention, etc etc)

For me, this actor was Isbanky who played the role of Yai in Big Dragon. Now while the series left a lot of desired (and a lot that was not desired) I do still want to see more of Isbanky. Not only was he a good actor who played his role naturally, the title track that he sang is one of my favorite musical pieces I've heard this year. I truly want to see him in more series with other actors because he does seem to have a lot of potential.

I kinda want to say Mike Chinnarat becuase he never gets to be the main. He was supposed to be the main with Krist in Be My Favorite and now it's Fluke Gawin (though one might say Fluke is also a bit underrated?). So I feel a bit bad for him, becuase he never gets to be in the front. 

Also, I wish to see Nodt Nutthasid (Big from KP) in another series, I felt his character in KP was forgotten so quickly and didn't really had much of a storyline, and I liked him. 

My School President deserves more love. The views on YT are kind of low :( , or are they because it has more than the hetero series, less than NLMG, but it does trend WW on twitter and that's good. It's as an amazing series. I usually don't enjoy light series as much as the more serious, deeper, emotional ones but this one is so sweet, cute and I love that it doesn't take itself seriously: I laughed out loud so much during ep 3 and the music? so awesome!  I'm glad I gave it a chance because it's the perfect series for this time of the year.

 Mitzi Miao:

I kinda want to say Mike Chinnarat becuase he never gets to be the main. He was supposed to be the main with Krist in Be My Favorite and now it's Fluke Gawin (though one might say Fluke is also a bit underrated?). So I feel a bit bad for him, becuase he never gets to be in the front. 

Also, I wish to see Nodt Nutthasid (Big from KP) in another series, I felt his character in KP was forgotten so quickly and didn't really had much of a storyline, and I liked him. 

I think I've heard of Mike but yeah I definitely want to see more of Big. He was actually one of my favorite bodyguards along with Ken (Perth) and Arm (Bas), and yeah I do want to see more of Nodt, he was one of the side characters who really stood out to me.


My School President deserves more love. The views on YT are kind of low :( , or are they because it has more than the hetero series, less than NLMG, but it does trend WW on twitter and that's good. It's as an amazing series. I usually don't enjoy light series as much as the more serious, deeper, emotional ones but this one is so sweet, cute and I love that it doesn't take itself seriously: I laughed out loud so much during ep 3 and the music? so awesome!  I'm glad I gave it a chance because it's the perfect series for this time of the year.

My School President was such a pleasant surprise too! Like we had a year full of so many different genres of BL and then we had this light hearted and kinda cliche storyline that seemed to be like every high school BL before but somehow this turned out to be as good as other BLs if not better??? It is weird because I'm actually more invested emotionally in this BL then I was in some other BLs that had a more complex storyline. It's just so good and yeah it does seem like the perfect ending to this year.


Who is that  underrated actor that you want to see more of?

i feel like both of these actors came from kind of niche shows but. 

choi jaehyun who was in peach of time is someone i think of often.  i first saw him in run on about a year before i watched peach of time and i Loved his character and his acting. i (personally) found peach of time bluntly bad but his pretty face and acting made it not a complete train wreck. i havent seen him in anything/active on socials in months and months so i hope to see him again soon, bl or not.

i adored adored adoredddd endo kenshin's acting in sing in love. i know his co-star inuba yu is pretty popular, especially in japan, and i think he also deserves a lot of attention. the way he played kai was So mesmerising. like i could not take my eyes off him everytime he was on scene, he put his own charm and charisma into the character.