I didn't really vibe with the main two couples

Yeah, Zee and Nunew (the real people) seem to have really nice personalities and a great chemistry together when doing fan service (recent example) - but I wasn't so excited about them in Cutie Pie.

I don't have the same history in watching BLs (just started watching 18 months ago and I have watched about 180 of them). But I have found that I have become very picky in what I watch because there are so many of them available (completed and on-air) that I'm interested in. I'm probably missing out on some hidden gems so I keep adding shows to my ever growing to-watch list.
I also watch non-BL shows which make me appreciate BLs even more.

Just keep adding and watching and enjoy the ride, that is one of the good things of their being so many bls these days. I get what you say about being picky. I try to be picky but the addict in me always wins over and I end up watching everything that is released even if its painful, I only have one series in on my dropped list. I think that watching non-BL dramas is where I am lacking but I gave up because I started out watching k-dramas but after watching bl they became boring to me. I still try though but I started Judge vs Judge months ago and I am just episode 10.

It also makes me sad that this seems to be happening, that there's a cost to the greater acceptance and diversity within the genre. If only it could be protected from the sorts of competition/market pressures which have IMO damaged mainstream drama. I really value and appreciate BL as a refuge from all of that and don't want to lose it.

While the industry is expanding we do still see some authentic elements still shining through, but yeah to ushering change for the better we must say goodbye to the past; however lets not forget that somethings in the past are worth saying goodbye to because thank heavens for expensive productions and budgets to match now because these bl storylines finally get the justice they deserve. 

 Mitzi Miao:
tbh I don't remember when exactly I started to watch BLs, few years back I guess.  But I'm not one of those who watched for example Love Sick. Anyways, I'm actually glad to see the change in BL dramas, a lot of the series in the past were very slow burn and in a way I was frustrated to watch a whole series where the couple becomes a couple only by the very end (for example 2 Moons).

I don't even remember what was my first bl was, but I remember watching Love Sick. At the time I was hooked but looking back now if I was to watch it now my feelings and rating would have been very different, so I get what you are saying  about the series in the past being slow burns and frustrating. I remember watching 2gether the series and at the time loving it but going backing and watching some scenes of it I realised that it was the straightest damn thing. I must agree that one of the good things about the change in the industry is more diversity and OPTIONS. 

I wasn't keen on Wedding Plan.

Not keen, doesn't even begin to describe how I felt about this series. I remember posting a whole rant in a comment section. The story line was stagnant, unprogressive and infuriating.  I saw no growth the series started and ended with the same underline issues being unresolved and the characters mindset being the same; no growth. I held out until the very end hoping for a semblance of growth; I don't think a series has ever had me that frustrated. However persons do have different views on it and did enjoy aspects of it. 

I remember watching 2gether the series

Thank goodness for "Still 2gether" for giving us the intimacy between Bright and Win that they never quite reached in the original series, which otherwise would have left me so unsatisfied.


I don't even remember what was my first bl was, but I remember watching Love Sick. At the time I was hooked but looking back now if I was to watch it now my feelings and rating would have been very different, so I get what you are saying  about the series in the past being slow burns and frustrating. I remember watching 2gether the series and at the time loving it but going backing and watching some scenes of it I realised that it was the straightest damn thing. I must agree that one of the good things about the change in the industry is more diversity and OPTIONS. 

oh I remember I also loved 2gether back in the day, but you're right. tbh it didn't look much like the actors were very comfortable or idk, maybe it just me. in Still 2gether it was a bit better, but not much.    It mostly reminds me of my problem with Joong and Dunk, they are like ok, until it comes to kissing, then you really get the feeling they don't want to do it and it ruins a lot and in the past I think it's a feeling you  got from a lot of actors in BLs, like they do something they don't want to, and nowadays it improved a lot. In most series the actors look comfortable, so there's also that. 

YES! And actually, they were the best thing in Cutie Pie 1 as well, especially the accidental kiss scene in the club (Episode 11 at approx. 22 minutes). Best first kiss ever!!! 

Yessssssss, they held down that series,love them and their chemistry on screen.


Thank goodness for "Still 2gether" for giving us the intimacy between Bright and Win that they never quite reached in the original series, which otherwise would have left me so unsatisfied.

I know right that closing scene was sent from the BL gods to us who heard our cries. I remember thinking, "Finally kiss you until you drop finally holding some truth".


Thank goodness for "Still 2gether" for giving us the intimacy between Bright and Win that they never quite reached in the original series, which otherwise would have left me so unsatisfied.


 Mitzi Miao:
in the past I think it's a feeling you  got from a lot of actors in BLs, like they do something they don't want to, and nowadays it improved a lot. In most series the actors look comfortable, so there's also that. 

Definitely, it was so cringe to watch. I think that is one of the reasons series like Why R U, stood out so much because the intimacy was there in bold. Now we have these  actors doing some unspeakable things because lets not forget the two scenes in Kinnporche; one where Porche was playing footsy under the table with Kinn's, need I continue, the scene in the hot tub, it was rather explosive one might say. Not to mention Rain's "Daddy" moment in Love In The Air; ok I am done, sorry.  We best love also delivered in that regard, love that series both seasons, ahhh good times, (might just re-watch)


Definitely, it was so cringe to watch. I think that is one of the reasons series like Why R U, stood out so much because the intimacy was there in bold. Now we have these  actors doing some unspeakable things because lets not forget the two scenes in Kinnporche; one where Porche was playing footsy under the table with Kinn's, need I continue, the scene in the hot tub, it was rather explosive one might say. Not to mention Rain's "Daddy" moment in Love In The Air; ok I am done, sorry.  We best love also delivered in that regard, love that series both seasons, ahhh good times, (might just re-watch)

So agree with you! well, Apo and Mile were great in KP! I love them and the scenes in LITA! and We Best Love was also great, so many good series! 

Back in the day it was really Max and Tul who gave us the hot scenes. 

Not keen, doesn't even begin to describe how I felt

It was Scottish understatement :) I agree with everything you said above. This was what I wrote while it was still fresh in my mind: "My thoughts on this can largely be summed up by calling it the straightest BL i've seen and a plot which runs entirely on problems created by lazy characterisation."

 Mitzi Miao:

So agree with you! well, Apo and Mile were great in KP! I love them and the scenes in LITA! and We Best Love was also great, so many good series! 

Back in the day it was really Max and Tul who gave us the hot scenes. 

I mean that opening scene in  together with me, that is what you call devouring each other

Eep, sorry for unleashing such a firestorm about "Wedding Plan". At least I can console myself that, judging by the MDL reviews, some others liked it, too - and BL Watcher gave it an "A-", which for BL Watcher is really high. Needless to say, we're all entitled to our different tastes and opinions.