American Fan:
So what does "AV" actor mean? I've never heard of this acronym.

uhmmm, how do I explain this without making it very awkward, well the professional route should be suitable. *clears throat, fixes blazer, leans forward, folds arms on desk* In the Japanese culture an AV actor is an actor who stars in pornographic movies oftentimes these movies have context to them with a short story-line and does not just delve right into sex.  These movies are called JAV movies with the acronym JAV meaning "Japanese Adult Video". This is what I have read, to each their own as I do not judge matter of fact I will sit down and ask for the details if you watch and finds it intriguing enough to share.

Iol I don't even want to know the impression some of the members have of me, because I have spoken about so much in here from sperm to now porn. I promise I possess a filter.

In the Japanese culture an AV actor is an actor who stars in pornographic movies

OOOOhhhhh, okay. All I could think of was ATV as in off-road riding on trails and stuff. Which of course doesn't make sense in this context. I've never seen a porn drama or movie. I'm not sure I could handle it, let alone discuss the details with someone else, lol. 

Iol I don't even want to know the impression some of the members have of me, because I have spoken about so much in here from sperm to now porn. I promise I possess a filter.

So, I have no judgement here. You're fine as you are, and I'm sure your filter is somewhere...hehe

Wandee Goodday EP 5

Hmmm, has anyone else watched this week's ep? I'm afraid to go first cuz I'm not feeling all the love this week. So I'll wait for other comments. :-)

Wandee Goodday Ep 5

Grandma was the main the character lol I love her energy.

 American Fan:

Wandee Goodday EP 5

Hmmm, has anyone else watched this week's ep? I'm afraid to go first cuz I'm not feeling all the love this week. So I'll wait for other comments. :-)

Eeeep I liked it lol - here are some thoughts :

  • I enjoyed the scene where Oye listened and tried to put Cher's insecurities to rest. I'm so freaking sold on Thor & Fluke, like GMMTV pls give us more-- I've been waiting 50 years to see Thor get a lead, and I'm still waiting. 
  • I get freaking floored when Yak brings Taemrack up when he and Wandee are having an intimate moment. Like, I know, that he doesn't know that Wandee is down bad, and that the two of them aren't on the same page emotionally,  BUT I KNOW AND IT HURTS lol
  • The grandma is iconic. I cant believe Dee had her wear Yak's bunny ears *sobs* the bunny ears he wears when they have--
  • A new week and I still love Plakao.
  • Yak calling himself Dee's boyfriend in front of his parent's graves *I cry*
  • Khwan is a little annoying and a doormat but I feel bad for her because she's basically Ter's victim, like Wandee, Wandee's stand in...
  • I HATE seeing Yak dress like Ohm to impress Taemrak, it hurts my soul. Can he just confess and get rejected already??? My head is going to hurt if she actually gives him a chance. 

Next week looks like a mess and Ter is once again at the center of it, but at least we'll get a cute date from Yak & Dee, before shit hits the fan!

Since it is Pride Month does anyone have any BL challenge for June? Like the one we did before.


Since it is Pride Month does anyone have any BL challenge for June? Like the one we did before.

If nobody has one, maybe we can make one if everyone suggest prompts?


Since it is Pride Month does anyone have any BL challenge for June? Like the one we did before.

I am so in if anyone has any ideas. <3 It sounds like fun. XD

I don't even want to know the impression some of the members have of me, because I have spoken about so much in here from sperm to now porn. I promise I possess a filter.

I'm not easily shocked. And I take my Rique unfiltered, please.

Since it is Pride Month does anyone have any BL challenge for June? Like the one we did before.

Brilliant idea! So this means you volunteer to organise it?

Iol I don't even want to know the impression some of the members have of me, because I have spoken about so much in here from sperm to now porn. I promise I possess a filter.

Hey no judgement, I'm all in for our unfiltered Hia ;)

 American Fan:

Wandee Goodday EP 5

Hmmm, has anyone else watched this week's ep? I'm afraid to go first cuz I'm not feeling all the love this week. So I'll wait for other comments. :-)

Haha yeah I watched it but didn't have much to say except it was a great ep! The grandma is my new favourite character lol

Next week looks like a mess and Ter is once again at the center of it, but at least we'll get a cute date from Yak & Dee, before shit hits the fan!

Yep, unfortunately TT But I really hope Ter leaves Dee alone soon :(


If nobody has one, maybe we can make one if everyone suggest prompts?

Yess, we should do that! Will we be doing the questions for each day like we did for the April challenge or maybe something different?  

Hmm, maybe we can have a sort of watching challenge- Like, for each day it can be something different, like rewatch ur fav scene in a BL, or watch a short BL film or smth 

Wdu guys think?


Guys don't laugh......HAHAHAHA

If nobody has one, maybe we can make one if everyone suggest prompts?

This sounds good.

Hmm, maybe we can have a sort of watching challenge- Like, for each day it can be something different, like rewatch ur fav scene in a BL, or watch a short BL film or smth 

This also sounds good.

Only Boo ep 9 
I’m not ready for an ep 11 curse, I feel like this drama is gonna break my heart before healing it TT

But srsly, Moo and Kang r so adorable together, I love how lovey-dovey and clingy they r

I genuinely feel like what Moo is doing rn, announcing his relationship like this, is really gonna hit him back later on :(

Also, Tae better realise his feelings fast and make a move on Yos before Jang does

Isn’t it ironic that Jang told Kang to keep a distance from Moo but then he gets suspiciously closer to Yos? I mean, I know he hasn’t done anything but the preview for the next ep looks interesting :/


This sounds good.

This also sounds good.

Glad u agree :)


I have been meaning to ask but keep forgetting; what does "TT" mean?