"I don't want to act like we are friends...can we call each other baby"

"I love you so much"

"I love you"

I have never had to fight to rate a series as hard as I fought to rate this one. I had to scrap my entire rating scheme it simply would not apply here. I mentioned some time ago that whenever I see a 10 scene I will rate the entire series 10 no matter where in the series it appears; something drastic would have to happen for me to change my mind about that 10. Well that 10 scene came knocking in episode 7. It's been a while since I've seen a finale to grip me the way that this one has. It was like a full circle moment; one with emotions of love so palpable it was hard not to smile with the characters on screen as their smiles were just that contagious. Objectively this series dragged like no other. But I would be damned if I let objectivity stop me from giving this 10. Hence I am breaking the f****** rules of objectivity. On June 7th 2024 I rated To Be Continued an emphatic, subjective and crazy 10.

With that being said let us get into this review.

This story was dragged from beginning to ending. The intention of the writers was, I am presuming, to take the audience on a journey of discovery; however what resulted was that the audience was dragged through this long annoying and exacerbating experience. However this also caused the audience to remain hooked because the story was presented in such a way that it left the audience with too much questions and so much mystery it was hard not to continue just to find out what was the cause of the argument between two main leads which resulted in them not speaking for a decade. It was hard not to find one of the leads at fault. However I chose to hold off from blaming either of them and in the end it is hard to assign blame when you fully understand the conundrum of the leads which resulted from teenage inexperience, immaturity and mistakes. 

The situation was that Achi and Ji were friends in high school, overtime feelings developed between both of them and both  found it hard to express what they are feeling to each other in fear of rejection and because of lack of understanding of what they were truly experiencing. It is an easy and frequent mistake for BL fans to confine their minds to the universe in which these stories take place and forget the real life context. It's important to remember that in real life should a young man find himself in the position where he develops feelings for his male friend it is not the same as developing feelings for his female friend because there's so much more added on pressure socially as well as his own masculinity that society has created an expectation of; so it is unfair to say, "why don't they just admit their feelings" and it is done right criminal to assign blame and judge any of the characters for the mistakes they made when they were teenagers; we cannot expect persons within a context outside of it especially when such characters are not mature enough to possess the requisite emotional intelligence and it is even more unfair to expect this of them as even some adults don't possess the emotional intelligence and strength to tackle the issues of sexuality. We see Ji try to circumvent his feelings for Achi by stating that he has feelings for a girl named Pear who so happens to be Achi's friend. We see Achi suffer a lot of hurt because of this; eventually Pear is taken out of the picture (can't spoil everything now can I) and the two become close friends once again. Now their feelings eventually culminate into an exploratory NC scene. It takes place in Archi's bedroom one night, the two are watching a pornographic movie which leaves them to explore each other sexually. 

This was one of the most well-executed NC scenes I've ever seen. The emotions were palpable; it truly represented two teenagers not knowing what they were doing; being led completely by feelings. It was pure, innocent, precious, hesitant, but most of all, it held meaning and represented their feelings in the rawest way possible. After they had slept together Achi became distant and Ji misconstrued this reaction as him regretting what they had done but really Achi was feeling sorry for sleeping with his friend and thought that he had hurt him. Ji now thought that he was losing his friend and so when Achi said he wanted to take responsibility for him Ji refused and said that they should pretend that it never happened. Something else happened but I'm not going to spoil that part of it; what is essential here is to know that Achi left Thailand and moved to America where his mother lived without telling Ji based on this misunderstanding. This misunderstanding would lead to them not speaking for 10 years. This story of teenage misunderstanding and mistakes is a beautiful one that is real and holds so much. However because of the poor organizational skills and writing the story was almost robbed of its magic. 

The writers dragged it out for far too long putting in unnecessary scenes as well as placing flashbacks at random points in the story that left them being fragmented. There's also the issue of the side couple that has little on screen time and seemed to not have any value in the story. The series ended with them not becoming a couple at least that is the impression the audience has because we never get to see them progress as a couple. 

Flashback can be a powerful tool and writing style but not everyone knows how to use it effectively. I think a great example of it being used effectively is in Dead Friend Forever. Its placement has to be just right and it cannot be disconnected from the story it has to develop out of something done in  a scene; it cannot be random. As a person who writes for academic purposes as well as for my own pleasure I do employ the use of flashback in a lot of my pieces. I have even run the risk of not doing something simple and using flashback in regional exams, so I understand the appeal in using it in writing but I also understand from a textbook point of view on how to use it and I don't think the writers were effective in doing so. 

 It is because of this dragging out of the story that some fans were quick to place blame on either of the characters as well as lose interest that would enable them to come to a place mature understanding. I too almost felt this way. I began to see Ji as the enemy; after learning the full story I understood why he acted the way he did in the beginning and throughout the series. He felt abandoned by his friend and by extension the love of his life; he also felt unwanted and those are dangerous feelings as well as depressive ones that can cause anger. 

At several points in the series I wanted to take up the advice of some members here and drop the series like a hot potato. I was frustrated and annoyed. I hate nothing more than when a series is dragged till the very end and that is when we get the leads as a couple. However it is apparent that this did not deter me from giving it a 10 star rating. This is the most subjective I have ever rated a series.

The quotes that I made at the beginning of this post were taken from the finale. They resonated with me because after all of the heartache, the misunderstanding and the dragging that this series went through to see them so in love at the end made me happy for them. I was smiling, laughing may have even been giggling ( if you ever bring this up I will deny it till the day I die lol).

As it relates to Achi coming out with their relationship to the press, the reaction was unrealistic but after all that went down I am fine with this little unrealistic aspect.

Regarding Ji's father, it is sad to see him live in depression because of Ji's mother's death. We watch these characters fall in love all the time but we really don't consider what will happen when one of them dies as the possibility of them both dying *physically* at the same time is slim. If we can't expect a lock to open without the key then it is unfair to expect one half to live without the other. I had hoped they would show him moving on but they did not.

All in all the ending did it for me. I went into episode 7 fully intent on rapping this up and rating it an 8 but ended crashing into my 10 scene and being fulfilled in episode 8 (finale). Life is to be lived in the unexpected to fuck objectivity despite the drag all I see is 10.

As for the cinematography it was fine for me and the rest of the production was fine also.  The only complaint I really have is the dragging. The acting was also fine for me.

This is very long so let me end here. I am not sure what my next watch will be but lets see which way the wind blows my interest.


"On June 7th 2024 I rated To Be Continued an emphatic, subjective and crazy 10."

I am thrilled by your review. I really enjoyed To Be Continued and rated it 9/10. 

I have never had to fight to rate a series as hard as I fought to rate this one.

Thanks for that. When I watch "To Be Continued", I'll be sure to stick it out until the last episode.


June Challenge Day 8 - Your favourite washcloth scene?
I'll go with the first one that comes to mind: "Oxygen". I don't need NC scenes to feel the intimacy and deep bond in this series between Solo and Gui.

Well that 10 scene came knocking in episode 7. It's been a while since I've seen a finale to grip me the way that this one has.

RE: To Be Continued - 

Ep 7 was everything you said it was. The intimate expression of their first encounter as youth, the misunderstandings that followed, and later, ten years later, the realization through a conversation, of the time lost due to the "trivial" mixup.  How sad I felt as I watched that scene unfold. 

I can't help but wonder......Whenever I see a reunion after such a loooong period of time, and the MLs fall into each other's arms as though no time has passed, how have they been able to carry their love for each other for THAT long? Like, wouldn't most people have moved on?  Met someone else? Created a new life?

I always wonder about this in both BL & het drama stories. How is a 10 year love without that person in one's life sustainable? Or does the viewer need to suspend reality?

Am I missing something or not getting "it"?   Is this is a fairly typical situation in the Asian culture? Or not based on reality at all? I've been really curious about this since I started watching dramas. 

Can I just ask, r there any specific trigger warnings or anything I should know before watching this? I'm kinda scared to start it ngl 

I don't remember any specific triggers but I will just list some things

  • Age gap between the second couple
  • Death of parents
  • Slight bullying (I think)
  • working teen
  • depressed main after the death of the other lead
  • tragic death of lead
  • graphic NC scene (this sounds like an invitation to me but that is my mind lol)

I can't remember anything else right now. Maybe someone else remembers.

 American Fan:

I'm in the desert this fine day/week+ and I have to say it's hot, hot, HOT!! 

As in 111 F hot. (43 C)     :-(

Stay hydrated friend. I believe cool water is best and not cold water.

Thoughts on Two Worlds? I’m thinking of starting it.

I think I have an idea for my next watch hehe

 American Fan:
Or does the viewer need to suspend reality?

For me, it's very imaginable. Growing up in a socially conservative environment, where homosexuality was absolutely taboo, I felt repressed and alone and at war with myself. I didn't even dare to date till I was 21, in my last year of uni. When I was in school, there was another boy I was very close to, with strong feelings very obviously not only on my part. We never saw each other again after graduation - but I have wondered what might have happened if we had met again years later.

 American Fan:
Am I missing something or not getting "it"?   Is this is a fairly typical situation in the Asian culture? Or not based on reality at all? I've been really curious about this since I started watching dramas. 

I attribute it to the difference in value system between the West and Asia. I feel that because Asians place so much emphasis on loyalty, honesty, commitment and the other morals and values that they are so deep in the relationships they have with others and it is because of this that they hold on to their loves no matter how much time has elapsed. I remember learning somewhere that one of the greatest crimes in Asian culture is stealing because it is betrayal to the community because there is that interconnection between members especially in rural areas. 

Now this is the romantic in me speaking (I having too much damn sappy moments, I am disgusted); I also think that true love finds a way come hell or high water. People subject to true love's power either make it or crash and burn together but either way they will be together. I really believe that a person only has one great love in life and if you are lucky enough to meet them you will hold on to them no matter what. Until We Meet Again flashbacks right now are feeling real.

@RiqueXinw (not quoting because not on pc)

I watched the first ep pf TBC this morning, but your review (the non spolier part) has me itching to finish it asap— when I do I’ll come back and read the rest of the review lol

I do love when a show has that one moment or episode that completely changes the game ;;

Also, the fact that Addicted didn't get a proper ending with the whole censorship thing was just cruel

The one that got away. This still upsets me.



Me, for sure.

Right!!! Thank you, I feel validated lmao 


For me, it's very imaginable. Growing up in a socially conservative environment, I felt repressed and alone and at war with myself. I didn't even dare to date till I was 21, in my last year of uni. When I was in school, there was another boy I was very close to, with strong feelings very obviously not only on my part. We never saw each other again after graduation - but I have wondered what might have happened if we had met again years later.

Thank you for sharing. I see what you are saying. Aww, I would have wondered too if it was me. 

My first dating experience, if anyone cares (LOL)...My mother and her co-worker arranged my first date with the co-worker's teenager. I was ONLY 14. I absolutely did NOT want to go, but was forced. True story. 

The reason? I was too shy, quiet and wouldn't engage with others, according to my very outgoing "life-of-the-party" parent. The entire "date" was pure torture. 

I attribute it to the difference in value system between the West and Asia. I feel that because Asians place so much emphasis on loyalty, honesty, commitment and the other morals and values that they are so deep in the relationships they have with others and it is because of this that they hold on to their loves no matter how much time has elapsed.

Now I'm distracted with googling highest infidelity rates per country, if we're going to talk about values like commitment, honesty and loyalty in a relationship, lol.  But that too is seen very differently culture-wise, and not always as bad or wrong.  

Guess the winning country! Starts with a "T".

I really believe that a person only has one great love in life and if you are lucky enough to meet them you will hold on to them no matter what.

And that's key - IF one is lucky to meet them and to know it. :-)

 American Fan:
Now I'm distracted with googling highest infidelity rates per country, if we're going to talk about values like commitment, honesty and loyalty in a relationship, lol.  But that too is seen very differently culture-wise, and not always as bad or wrong.  

Guess the winning country! Starts with a "T".

Now you have peeked my interest *insert eye emojis*

 American Fan:
My first dating experience, if anyone cares (LOL)...My mother and her co-worker arranged my first date with the co-worker's teenager. I was ONLY 14. I absolutely did NOT want to go, but was forced. True story.

I hate anything romantic, affectionate or couply in a personal sense. Like love watching others fall in love but heck no stay away from me with those disgusting feelings. My friends think I am joking when I say I want to die a virgin bachelor. Funny enough, I am a huge flirt and give dating advice to my dating friends but then again the coach doesn't play lol. 

Now you have peeked my interest *insert eye emojis*

Drum roll........   Thailand!

the coach doesn't play lol. 

Is that what is called all talk and no action? hehe.  Hey, we all have our quirks and preferences. The world would be a boring place if it wasn't for our differences and diversity. 

 American Fan:

I actually don't have GemFourth on my BL cp radar, but I do like the storyline a lot. Plus it's an early BL watch for me, so it's sentimental. I do like the ML cp in this series so far.

Oh ok, I just love Fourth's character a lot in this drama and I'm now excited to see more of these 2 XD

 American Fan:

I'm in the desert this fine day/week+ and I have to say it's hot, hot, HOT!! 

As in 111 F hot. (43 C)     :-(

Oh damn that is boiling

Don't forget sunscreen and water!

Funny enough, I am a huge flirt and give dating advice to my dating friends but then again the coach doesn't play lol. 

Great analogy, haha!

 American Fan:
My mother and her co-worker arranged my first date with the co-worker's teenager. I was ONLY 14.

Hmm, as much as I would have liked to have dated during my lost teen years, I don't think I would have wanted my mom to set me up with another boy. *cringe*