We Are EP11

Three things:

  • The scene where Peem starts painting over the canvas that started it all, it's him basically saying "this piece of art represents my relationship with Phum"--  he's painting his freaking heart out and I'm going to get emotional when he shows it to Peem or displays it in a gallery

Five more episodes to go, and if they don't drop the ball (/knocks on wood) this show is making it into my faves ;;

So many posts to catch up on in such a short time, yikes!

The main reason I came here: WE ARE EP 11!!!!

Where to start or do I need to?!? We all saw it! 

The pool kiss!!

The spaghetti kiss (OMG, I didn't believe Fang & Tan had it in them AND then to see their bed scene), 

The CUTE "puppy Phum" by Peem (melted my heart)

The way Peem rested his head on Phum's hand....and so much more.

The ENDING! The torture of waiting!! This, THIS is the reason why I like to binge-watch after a show airs! 

I feel totally single right along with you, Rique!  :-(


Earth - All the reasons already mentioned are the same for me, but I'll decline to give any further details of my personal opinion in public.

Minato series - I like S1 but S2 was more of the same, with Minato not making a lot of progress. It was frustrating and I was over it. But I did watch the whole thing. lol

Usually ur a bit more...composed, I guess? Or maybe it's just me lmao

I am? Here I was thinking that sometimes I do too much lol

What was the original plot?


Remember the spoiler I sent you About one of them being straight in the book.

has loadsss of kisses, and flaunts the greenest green flag to ever green as a male lead. Fueang is just a lovely human being and better than the rest of us lol

I am SOLD. I may have to cut my break from binging short. I had heard about a particular scene but I had not checked out the series it still waiting on my currently watching list. Thanks for the shove. Also is there an uncut version?

Going through and editing the low rated titles in my PTW, again!

I found The Promise, which I've never heard much talk about, but seems to be well done. It's based on a true story.

BUT I discovered a major trigger point for me -  Ghosting! One of the leads leaves without a word and is gone for 10 years. Watching the other person go through the pain of that was too much.

I had to put this series on hold. Partly to find out if the ending was sad. I still don't know for sure. It might be an open end, which can be okay, depending on how it's done.

Has anyone seen this series? What did you think of it? How was the ending? Should I continue?

I am SOLD. I may have to cut my break from binging short. I had heard about a particular scene but I had not checked out the series it still waiting on my currently watching list. Thanks for the shove. Also is there an uncut version?

Yes! Do watch it and come tell us how it goes!

I think there is only one version but that version is uncut, and is streaming on IQIYI.

new hit Thai movie "How to Make Millions Before Grandma Dies".

Added to my PTW. Hope it will stream internationally  soon.

By the way, I also love "Minato" (both series)!

@OnyxTheHedgehog   Me three. Rated each 9.5 stars.

I am 544 pages into Advance Bravely the novel.

Can you DM me the link to the novel, or do you have a physical copy?

Wandee Goodday - next episode (ep. 7)

Wink, wink, wink 

"If walls could talk 

"Ooh they would say I want you more"

That is all I am going to say.

Day 13: Favorite BL movie-

Restart After Come Back Home <3



XD I cannot wait <3

YT  Trailer  for  The Rebound

I'm gonna watch it after it's done airing. 

 American Fan:

YT  Trailer  for  The Rebound

I'm gonna watch it after it's done airing. 

Same! I might change my mind before it airs, but right now I’m not like excited about it.

 American Fan:
The Promise,

I haven't yet watched this series, but BL World specifically writes: "Please note that the two special episodes should be watched before episode 1."