Hey folks. I'm a huge fan of soundtracks and I thought it'd be cool to create some space on here to rant and rave about our favorite OSTs.
Want to join? Introduce yourself! What's your top three soundtracks, and what do you love about each?
Hello, shall I join this club? It's been a while since I've last talked on this topic currently
As you can see, I'm a huge crush on Korean-related entertainment; so of course... Kdramas & Kmovies. Instead of that, anime? Yes. Other genres that relate to OST? Alt, indie, neo-soul, R&B, soul, rock ballad, any mixture in between... yeah. Although I'm not an expert on other countries, I've come to appreciate their outcomes, if they fall for some genres/tropes that I usually love
So, for the OST... that's a tough question. If you saw and read my profile; I have a reminisce/nostalgia playlist to recount what I love the most. It's getting complex whenever those OSTs come up. For now, I'm just looking at what I missed (not into watching current dramas, while waiting for Adamas; haha the pun)
So, that would be all from me for now :D